Covering the sky: At the beginning, the emperor invited me to become a fairy

Chapter 912 Monstrous characters, rare in ancient times

Chapter 912 Monstrous characters, rare in ancient times


The thunder shook the sky, like the rumbling of war drums, and it aimed directly at the boy who had just been reborn and looked like he was only in his teens.


At first, Ye Fan still had a little bit of luck, thinking that maybe he just happened to be walking on the road and was struck by lightning.

But when he saw one thunder after another falling down, he realized that the matter was not simple, and his heart was shocked.

It's really a catastrophe!
Although, in the final analysis, Ye Fan can only be regarded as a half-way monk, but he has learned a lot of common sense in the practice world from Duan De, Jin Chanzi and others before.

He is not ignorant of Heavenly Tribulation, and even imagined that when he breaks through to the advanced realm in the future, he will be able to attract Heavenly Tribulation.

But he never expected that his wish would come true ahead of schedule.

Thinking of this, Ye Fan couldn't help but raised his head and looked at "God", the expression in his eyes was extremely complicated and quite angry.

However, facing Ye Fan's doubts and dissatisfaction, what responded to him was a more violent thunder.


Thunder is the blade of heaven, the soldier of robbery and punishment.

Throughout the ages, only those outstanding and talented people with amazing talents, when they broke through the shackles and rushed to a higher level, could it be possible to attract shock from the heavens and bring down the catastrophe.

And often, if you want to induce Heavenly Tribulation, no matter how amazing and talented the person is, you have to practice to a relatively advanced level.

Perhaps, through the ancient history of practice in the human world, it is possible to find so few people who can bring about catastrophe in the secret realm of the Taoist palace, but those who cross the catastrophe in Lunhai are truly unique.

However, today, Ye Fan undoubtedly created this miracle!

Although it is not necessarily unprecedented, it is definitely unprecedented.

It's a pity that Ye Fan, who is the person involved, can't appreciate such an honor at all at this moment.

Of course, although the catastrophe is terrifying, it is not without limitations.

Under normal circumstances, the power that Heavenly Tribulation can use will not exceed a certain range above the realm of the tribulation passer.

Therefore, it can be said that what Ye Fan is going through now is the most "weakest" catastrophe in the ancient history of cultivation.

But no matter what, Heavenly Tribulation is still Heavenly Tribulation.

The light of the avenue is brilliant, the power of thunder and heaven is shattered, and if there is a little carelessness, the one who crosses the tribulation will end up dead.


On the blue sky and white sun, another thunderbolt fell, lingering wisps of purple energy, permeating the mysterious Taoist rhyme, but at the same time, it was also murderous.

If Ye Fan hadn't been reborn with the help of the Suzaku magical medicine, and practiced the supreme magic method taught by the evil ghost, his physical body had become stronger than imagined, otherwise, as early as when the first divine thunder fell, he might have already died Died.

But even so, Ye Fan's crystal clear body was still torn apart under the "whiplash" of the thunder.

Even Ye Fan could faintly smell the burnt aroma similar to barbecue.

And this is probably not an illusion.


Ye Fan's newly transformed body was immediately ruined, and his whole body was scorched black, like charcoal, accompanied by bright red blood splattering in all directions, and there was even a trace of light golden light in it, which was dazzling.

In fact, not only the physical body was robbed, but also wisps of robbing light were strange, piercing directly into the sea of ​​consciousness between his brows.

The primordial spirit is undoubtedly the most important existence of a monk.

After reaching a high level of cultivation, the physical body can be discarded at any time, and the subsequent rebuilding will only consume a certain amount of origin.

But if the primordial spirit dies, it is truly dead, and there is no possibility of resurrection.

However, at this moment, the situation in Ye Fan's sea of ​​knowledge is rather strange.


The endless thunder light, resplendent and blazing, converged into a vast ocean, drowning a cloud of sinister and cold black mist.

In the black mist where the evil ghost was, it was Ye Fan's breath that permeated.

Presumably, the evil spirit used some kind of secret technique to deceive the world and accept the baptism of thunder instead of Ye Fan.

As the party involved, Ye Fan's primordial spirit was squeezed into a corner, and his eyes were widening at the moment.

Whether it is based on common sense or the law of the great way, evil ghosts who are Yin spirits should be extremely afraid of the thunder and light of the sky.

But in front of him, the evil spirits were bathed in a sea of ​​thunder. Although there were occasional hisses, they were generally fine.


Even the evil ghost let out a long and comfortable sigh.

"Boy, don't be in a daze, let's 'take a bath' together."

The evil ghost's contented voice came. If Ye Fan's body hadn't been chopped to pieces, he might really have believed his nonsense.

However, Ye Fan really tried to lead a trace of thunder to his soul in the follow-up.


Accompanied by the piercing pain, Ye Fan could also keenly perceive the changes in the soul, which seemed to be more solid and solid.

Of course, Ye Fan's current Yuanshen is still very weak, and he can't bear Lei Hai's baptism absolutely.

Fortunately, the evil spirit took away most of the thunder light, allowing Ye Fan to try a little bit to temper his soul.


I don't know how long it has passed, but the catastrophe finally dissipated.

In the wilderness and forest, there is a mess.

As for the birds and beasts, they have already escaped, avoiding the fate of being made into an "open-air barbecue".

And in the middle of the wasteland, there was a piece of pitch-black charcoal lying horizontally.


The surface of the charcoal is cracked, dense cracks emerge, and finally shattered.

Ye Fan's body is crystal clear, flowing with a faint celestial light, which seems to contain endless divine energy.

Although, this time of crossing the catastrophe, it is definitely not as effective as the previous refinement of the Vermillion Bird magic medicine, which was reborn, but it definitely benefits a lot.

However, Ye Fan didn't carefully observe his own changes, so his mind sank, and he had already entered the sea of ​​consciousness:

"Be honest, what's going on?"

Ye Fan's eyes were burning, staring straight at the evil spirit opposite.

He didn't believe that this old ghost would be so kind and take the initiative to bear the risk of catastrophe for him.

Furthermore, this day's catastrophe came in a strange way, which is quite weird.

Although Ye Fan has always been self-confident and high-spirited, he never thinks that he will be weaker than others, but his physical transformation this time is not shocking after all.

And as Ye Fan's spiritual thoughts spread, he was even more keenly aware that the evil spirit in the evil spirit's body seemed to have decreased by a tiny bit.

Of course, that was only an extremely small and insignificant change, and even Ye Fan, who was so familiar with it, only seemed to feel it.

"Could it be, you old ghost, are you borrowing me to cross the catastrophe, trying to dissipate your own dead energy?"

Although Ye Fan is not well-informed, he has also carefully studied "The Book of Yuantian", and at this moment a flash of light flashed in his mind.

"There is absolutely no such possibility!"

The evil ghost denied it with a firm tone.

And just when Ye Fan still had doubts in his heart and was about to speak again——

"Boy, someone is here."

Immediately, the evil ghost's teasing voice came.

Change the subject!

This was Ye Fan's immediate reaction.

However, the evil spirit is not just talking nonsense.


Before Ye Fan had time to make any preparations, with the vibration of the law of the void, two figures immediately manifested here.

"It's unbelievable that there really is such a genius."

Ye Fan's heart couldn't help but move when the old man sighed.

After the transformation and the baptism of the catastrophe, Ye Fan's power of the primordial spirit increased sharply, and he was naturally able to sense the opponent's fluctuations.

Even if the language is slightly different, the meaning can be clearly understood.

Finally met the man of the Big Dipper!
Thoughts in his mind fluctuated, Ye Fan immediately raised his eyes and boldly looked at the person across from him.

The person who said this was a gray-haired but hale and hearty old man.

His feeling to him is unfathomable, far above Duan De, Jin Chanzi, and Gu Tuo.

Although it is impossible to compare with Evil Ghost and Crocodile Ancestor, he can definitely be regarded as a strong man.

Realizing this, Ye Fan couldn't help but become alert, while the face of the old man opposite was flushed.

The eyes he looked at Ye Fan were extremely hot.

 The third update will take a while, and it will be updated around 20:[-].

  Thank you so much for all your support!
(End of this chapter)

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