Chapter 914 Hot, competing for the Eucharist

In the distant sky, a heroic figure shrouded in golden blood energy manifested, really looking down on the world like nine days above his head, as if he was stepping on a ghost.


With a long roar, the man roared to the millions of miles of rivers and mountains in the Eastern Desolation and Southern Regions, making all the creatures living in the sacred lands of the various desolate regions tremble, and did not dare to poke their heads out.


At the same time, a giant golden palm reached out, like a cloud hanging from the sky, pointing directly at the three Dao Slayer Kings, and pressed down.

Accompanied by the immeasurable celestial splendor, Wang Yang's blood is surging, and there is a mysterious aura circulating in the dark. It is obvious that someone has performed some kind of supreme magic, even if the Lord Ji family who is proficient in the void is here, It is also difficult to open the domain door and leave for a while.


Seeing that the visitor was so aggressive that he acted arrogantly with one against three, the three of them couldn't help but feel turmoil in their hearts.

You must know that the three of them are also standing in the realm of Xiansan Zhan Dao, and they are all well-known figures from the various extreme forces in the Eastern Wasteland.

At a time when saints are really difficult to achieve, the king is already regarded as the highest combat power on the face of the major ancient religions, holy places, and aristocratic families.

On weekdays, when they travel, wherever they go, they will always receive sincere respect from the world.

However, today, the three Dao Slashing Kings didn't seem to be taken seriously by each other, and they couldn't help being angry.

Although they knew that the other party was indeed powerful, the three of them did not hesitate at all, and immediately attacked together.


The fairy from Yaochi swiped her hand, and there was a boom in the empty avenue, and the fairy light of the five elements covered the sky and the earth;

The old man who was born in the Holy Land of Shaking Light was not weak at all, he could only see that the holy light was surging all over his body, and he shot out endless divine power, as if he could shatter all Taoism;

The Holy Master of the Ji family looks the calmest, but his moves are the most terrifying. The void and cracks are intertwined, turning into a space cage, as if to imprison the future forever.

The combined forces of the three Dao-slashing kings from extraordinary backgrounds were really devastating, making the world seem to be unable to bear that kind of coercion, and it was about to collapse.

However, in the face of such an attack, not only did the visitor's eyes not have the slightest fear, but his pupils were blazing with fighting spirit:
"it is good!"

I saw that the big golden palm, like an ancient sacred mountain, directly suppressed the Five Elements Immortal Light and the sea of ​​holy light.

At the same time, the golden blood energy was boiling, swallowing holy brilliance, and easily tore open the void cage.


Fortunately, the visitor didn't really lose his mind. He didn't chase after him fiercely.

The giant golden palm was retracted, and the real body of the person had already come close to him.

Opposite him, the holy master of the Ji family, the fairy of Yaochi, and the old king of Yaoguang couldn't help but glance at each other, and they all saw the surprise and solemn expression in each other's eyes.

The ancient holy body is really extraordinary, even the descendants of the holy blood whose blood is not pure, still have such power.

In fact, the lower the realm, the more obvious the physical advantage of the Holy Body. Coupled with the unique cultivation method of the Holy Body lineage, it really has the advantage in today's world where all the great masters are suppressed. It is no wonder that this person Dare to attack the three Dao Slashing Kings at the same time.

And as early as when the mysterious person manifested in the sky, Ye Fan had already felt the induction, and felt that the blood all over his body seemed to be burning.

Now, with the person in front of him, the feeling in Ye Fan's heart became clearer, not because he asked in his mind:

"That person and I have the same physique, what is it called the Ancient Eucharist?"

"He is just a descendant of the golden body, although the blood concentration of the golden body is still amazing."

Ye Fan's question was answered by the evil ghost, and he immediately showed a thoughtful expression.

When he said this, there were many strange expressions flickering in the dark and deep eyes of the evil ghost, but Ye Fan naturally couldn't detect it.

Just when everyone's thoughts were full of ups and downs, the Holy Blood King looked around, and his eyes stayed on Ye Fan for a long time, then smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, and said slightly teasingly:
"Fellow daoists, I haven't masked my face for many years. It's rare to see you today, but I don't know why you left in such a hurry?"


The old man who was born in the Holy Land of Shaking Light had the most violent temper, blowing his beard and staring:

"Holy King, stop talking nonsense. Since we have already taken the lead, there is absolutely no reason to hand over to others. I advise you not to force it!"

Hearing this, the Holy King was not angry, he just said calmly:
"Fellow Daoist's remark is quite biased."

"My Saint Physique lineage, it's rare to have another Tianjiao Yingjie. This king will naturally come to welcome him back to his throne."

Although his tone was calm, his will was firm, and he obviously wouldn't give up easily.

For a moment, the place fell into silence.

In the end, it was the Holy Master of the Ji family who broke the silence, and a majestic voice came:

"This son is the first generation of Saint Body, born with blood, and not a descendant of the Beidou Saint Body family, so how can he belong?"

"According to the words of the holy king, is it possible that if the holy body appears among the descendants of the great holy places and families, will it also belong to you?"

Obviously, as the head of a great ancient family, the Holy Master of the Ji family knew a lot about the bloodline of the Eucharist, so he argued with reason.

At the same time, beside the Holy Master of the Ji family, the Fairy from Yaochi also took the initiative to speak, ethereal and melodious:

"In the middle of the ancient times, the lineage of the immortal golden body fought bloody battles to quell the darkness and turmoil. In the end, many Dacheng golden bodies fell because of this. We naturally admire it from the bottom of our hearts."

"But wait, if you want to occupy all the holy bodies in the world, it would be too overbearing, right?"

Although Yaochi has always been aloof from the world, its status is undoubtedly aloof.

Therefore, no matter how arrogant the sage king is, he has to seriously consider his words.


Generally speaking, both the Holy Master of the Ji Family and the Fairy of Yaochi still pay attention to etiquette, but the old man who was born in Luguang didn't care so much, and directly exposed each other's old truth:
"In the past, the Yaozu and a certain holy place both unearthed the first-generation holy body that had not been practiced and cultivated it carefully, but several big holy body families took action and forcibly 'led' them away. This matter is not honorable. ah……"

"Is it possible that the Holy King really wants to follow the example of the past today?"

Hearing this, the Holy Blood King couldn't help frowning slightly.

In fact, one of the people mentioned by the old king who was born in the Shaking Light Holy Land was his ancestor, and he has always felt guilty about this.

Now, the old king of Yaoguang took the initiative to bring up this matter, apparently determined to compete with him for this kid.

Thinking of this, the Holy Blood King glanced at the three people facing him without any trace, his thoughts fluctuated.

The Ji family is the descendant of the Void Emperor and the God Emperor, and behind Yaochi, there is a figure of the Supreme Heavenly Emperor.

Even Yaoguang possesses the Emperor Armament, and behind it is full of mystery, making many transcendental forces afraid.

Although the Holy Land would not easily use imperial soldiers, and the existence of the Supreme Series would never interfere in such trivial matters, it was undoubtedly a symbol of its foundation.

These three are not easy to deal with.The Ji family and Yaoguang are deeply entrenched in the southern region, relatively speaking, Yaochi still has to suffer.

But no matter what, if the Saint Physique lineage is used strongly, there may not be any good results.

In this regard, the hearts of everyone present are like a bright mirror.

However, afterwards, it was the Holy Master of the Ji family who spoke again, frowning slightly, and said in a puzzled tone:

"It's strange, why hasn't the fellow Taoist who crossed the Shinto come for so long?"

They are also members of the Southern Region sect, and Yaoguang and the Ji family are no strangers to it.

And it is also the inheritance of the extreme way, and the background of crossing the gods is even greater. Naturally, if you think about it, you will not miss this great opportunity to pull the coffin in Nine Dragons.

After being reminded by the Holy Master of the Ji family, the faces of the other three kings couldn't help showing doubts.

After a while, the fairy in Yaochi was thoughtful, her eyes flickered and said:
"Du Shen Dao is inherited from Dao Fa Tianzun, who masters the secrets of the first word, and is good at divine divination...Could it be that they went to find some other people?"

Everyone's hearts couldn't help but move.

Fairy Yaochi's speculation is indeed not unreasonable.

"What are you panicking about!" The old king who was born in the Shaking Light Holy Land didn't take it seriously:
"No matter how extraordinary other people are, how can they possibly compare to this kid. Could it be that there really is a chaotic body or a fairy fetus?"

Hearing this, everyone nodded in agreement.

In Ye Fan's mind, the evil ghost complained in his heart: Sorry, there really is.

At the same time, Ye Fan couldn't help but worry about everyone.

Fortunately, the main purpose of Beidou's forces looking for them should be to pull the coffin in Nine Dragons, and it should not hurt their lives.

But in any case, since Du Shendao did not come, it is undoubtedly good news for those present.

It's just that the forces of the four parties are facing each other, and no one is willing to give in. For a while, the stalemate has come to this.

In the end, it was the fairy from Yaochi who stepped forward:

"Fellow daoists, please listen to me."

His ethereal and melodious voice instantly attracted the attention of everyone present.

I saw that Fairy Yaochi smiled slightly:
"Since I can't wait, it's better to let this little friend choose by himself. At that time, no matter which holy land he joins, he won't have any grudges in his heart."

His proposal made the eyes of several kings shine.

It has to be said that Fairy Yaochi's proposal can be regarded as the best solution so far.

"The fairy's proposal is indeed fair."

The Holy Blood King was the first to speak of praise, obviously relying on the lineage of the Eucharist, and even a bit determined to win it.

Of course, Yaoguang and the Ji family didn't speak at the first moment, and fell into silence.

"Just do what Yaochi said."

The void avenue roared, and in the dark, there was a majestic and grand sound, which resounded through the world, and the several kings present couldn't help being shocked.

Apparently, the major inheritances have long been secretly visited by saints, and it is by no means as simple as the few kings on the surface.


Now that the ancient ancestors of his own family have spoken, the old king Yaoguang and the holy master of the Ji family naturally no longer hesitate.

"However, before that, let this son tell the truth about the pulling of the coffin in Nine Dragons."

In the void, another saint's voice came, like the roar of divine thunder.

Obviously, even if Ye Fan didn't choose to join his own Holy Land in the end, he couldn't return empty-handed from this trip.

And this, presumably, is also a consensus reached after discussion among the saints.

After the words fell, the eyes of everyone present naturally looked at Ye Fan in unison.

 Sorry, the author is busy today, and the word count in this chapter is relatively sufficient, so the update is a little late, I am really sorry.

  The second update will still be updated around 23:50.

  Finally, thank you again for your subscriptions, rewards and votes!

(End of this chapter)

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