Covering the sky: At the beginning, the emperor invited me to become a fairy

Chapter 915 Competing to "offer treasures", a difficult choice

In the Eastern Wilderness and the Southern Territory, somewhere between the mountains and fields, there is nothing but peace and silence.

Not to mention ordinary birds and beasts, even a long-standing old demon with a high level of cultivation would not dare to show a single one, and he absolutely did not want to be contaminated with karma, so as not to bring himself a catastrophe.

And this, without a doubt, is precisely because of the extraordinary figures of the four paths manifested here.

The four of them not only came from the various supernatural forces in the Eastern Wasteland, but they were also genuine Dao Slashing Kings. In today's Big Dipper, except for the forbidden zone of life, they can all go.

At this moment, the eyes of the four Dao Slashing Kings were burning, and they looked straight at the junior in front of him who was not in the realm of Lunhai.

At the same time, in the dark void, several majestic and majestic divine thoughts descended, as if piercing through the person's physical body and seeing through all falsehoods.

Although Ye Fan still tried his best to support himself under the terrifying coercion, with his head held high, but he couldn't help but look pale and tremble all over.

Naturally, it is absolutely impossible for Ye Fan's realm and cultivation base to compete against the saints, and it is just a deliberate test by the saints at the moment.

Several kings present, as well as their disciples and descendants, had a panoramic view of Ye Fan's performance, and all showed admiration.

The appearance shown by Ye Fan is very suitable for the image of a young man with amazing talents who has a great opportunity and accidentally embarks on the road of cultivation.


As the ancient sage's spiritual thoughts receded, the fairy from Yaochi took the initiative to step forward, showed a kind smile to Ye Fan, and said with relief:

"Don't worry, you just need to tell the whole story about the Nine Dragons coffin."

"As an ancient holy body, you are a rare cultivation genius. No matter which holy land you choose to join in the future, you will get the best resources to cultivate you."

Hearing this, Ye Fan raised his head and showed him a thankful expression.

"On that day, I will climb Mount Tai..."

In Ye Fan's eyes, there was a look of reminiscence, starting from Mount Tai, he narrated their experiences along the way.

Of course, with the help of the evil spirits, Ye Fan successfully concealed part of the truth, only ensuring that what he said was the same as Zhou Yi, Lin Jia and the others.

"...In the end, I was expelled by the existence in the forbidden zone of life and scattered. After taking that part of the Suzaku magic medicine, I transformed, and I met you later."

After Ye Fan's voice fell, the place was silent for a long time.

Not only the faces of the kings and juniors present were slightly dazed, but even the ancient sages in the dark were fluctuating in their spiritual thoughts, and no one spoke for a while, as if they were still digesting this huge information.

The mysterious Kowloon coffin, two life-source stars, five-color altar, a dojo suspected to be the quasi-divine emperor of Buddhism, a sealed monster, and the person in the coffin...

"No wonder, when the Kowloon coffin descends on Beidou, all the supreme beings will take action. There is indeed a big secret behind it."

The ancient sage behind the crowd didn't say anything, and the kings couldn't say much, they just sighed sincerely.

"The person in that coffin is absolutely extraordinary!"

This is the unanimous judgment of several kings and the ancient sages behind them.

"The ancient sage who crossed the divine way must have already calculated this point, so he abandoned the ancient holy body and went to pursue another person..."

In this regard, several kings naturally sighed with regret and loss in their tone.

For a moment, Ye Fan seemed to have the illusion of "falling out of favor", and felt quite weird.

And perhaps it was because she noticed Ye Fan's subtle expression that the Yao Chi fairy said with a smile:
"However, since this little guy can pick the Vermillion Bird magic medicine, maybe he is the one who is truly favored by luck?"


Hearing this, several kings couldn't help but nodded their heads in agreement.


Of course, it is impossible for them to listen to Ye Fan's one-sided words.Afterwards, the spiritual thoughts of several ancient sages fell into Ye Fan's sea of ​​consciousness.

After all, the evil spirits used to exist for the Supreme Being, and they were already prepared long before the arrival of the saints, so naturally they did not reveal any flaws.

The spiritual thoughts of the saints did not harm Ye Fan's body and soul, they only sensed them with secret methods, observed carefully, and left after confirming that they were correct.

After the several kings communicated and confirmed with their own saints, they proceeded to the next stage, which was also the highlight of the day.

"Little friend Ye Fan is so cooperative, and the ancient sages are also very pleased."

Fairy Yaochi smiled and continued:
"As I said before, you can choose one of our forces to join, and I think you will be very welcome to come."

Hearing what she said, Ye Fan immediately raised his head, and the faces of several kings showed extremely kind smiles.

Seeing this, the fairy-eyed girl behind the old king Yaoguang, and the young man and girl behind the holy master of the Ji family all stared wide-eyed.

On weekdays, how dignified the kings are, even the closest disciples and descendants may not be treated like this.

But today, in order to compete for the kid in front of them, they all resorted to "all their stops".

"Haha, since the old man is the first to meet my little friend this time, it is enough to show that you are destined to be with my fluttering light. It is really a pity if you can't join my fluttering light."

The old king who came from Fluctlight spoke sharp words, implying that everyone else was a latecomer.

The holy master of the Ji family glanced at the old king Yaoguang, and said indifferently:
"Speaking of which, among the major forces present, it seems that only Yaoguang has never been a Supreme Being."

The Holy Master of the Ji family looked at the young man in front of him, and said with a gentle expression:
"Little friend, you have to think about it. Cultivation methods are the foundation of practice. If you can practice the complete scriptures of the extreme way, it is naturally the best."


The old king of Yaoguang was very angry. Although the scriptures of Yaoguang were also extraordinary, he couldn't say anything to refute.

This is also an important reason why Yaoguang Holy Land is so eager to get Ye Fan into its family.

Because, the Great Accomplishment of the Eucharist is the most powerful person of the Supreme Series.

At that time, part of the background that Fluctlight lacks will naturally be made up for.

"Cut! Isn't it the "Void Sutra" and "Shendi Sutra", I may know more than him, it's not attractive."

In Ye Fan's mind, the evil ghost shook his head, as if he disdained it.

"real or fake!?"

"Is it necessary for me to lie to you kid?"

Ye Fan's heart was shocked, since the evil ghost even knows the extreme scriptures of the Ji family, it is really unbelievable.

The old king of Yaoguang was run over by the Holy Master of the Ji family. He was extremely angry, and immediately sneered and said:

"Ye Xiaoyou, although the Ji family has extreme scriptures, it is still an aristocratic family. It may be difficult for outsiders to really integrate into it. Besides—"

The old king of Yaoguang glanced behind the Holy Master of the Ji family, and said lightly:
"The Ji family's generation has already produced a god-king body, so it's even less likely that you, my friend, will be taken seriously."

Hearing this, the holy master of the Ji family frowned slightly, and Ye Fan also had a thoughtful expression on his face.

What the person said really needs to be taken into consideration.

"The words of fellow Taoist are exaggerated." The Holy Master of the Ji family accused.

"What? Is it possible that the Ji family is planning to marry a daughter? Then Ye Xiaoyou, you can really think about it."

The old king of Yaoguang glanced at the girl behind the Holy Master of the Ji family again, igniting the flames like this.

Beside the girl in purple, the god-like young man, after hearing this, hurriedly stepped forward to protect her behind him, and stared at Ye Fan warily.


The Holy Master of the Ji Family had a helpless expression on his face.

Ye Fan has never been a loser, so naturally he stared back.


In the end, it was the Holy Blood King who spoke and ended the farce.

I saw that the man looked confident and said proudly:

"Boy, do you know that my lineage of Saint Physique has a unique secret method of cultivation?"

"Only by practicing this method can the holy body be truly perfected, and it will be comparable to the supreme being when it is completed. You have to think about it carefully."

This is the trump card of the Saint Body lineage, and it is also their greatest reliance.

Therefore, he was able to leisurely let the Ji family and Yaoguang "fight" first, and finally threw it out calmly.As long as Ye Fan wants to achieve the Eucharist, it is absolutely impossible to refuse this temptation.

At the same time, there was a clear and pleasant laughter from the side:

"However, if you talk about the unique practice method of the holy body, my Yaochi also has it."

I never thought that the fairies of Yaochi would choose to speak at this time, which is unexpected.


The Holy King just wanted to question, but maybe he thought of something, so he stopped talking.

Of course, at this moment, although Ye Fan seemed to be in deep thought, he was actually discussing with the evil spirit in his mind.

"The secret method of the Eucharist? It's the same as who doesn't have one."

"Hmph! Don't say it's a skill. If there is a chance in the future, I can try to get out their emperor soldiers." The evil ghost is naturally referring to the lineage of the holy body.

If it was before, Ye Fan might have suspected that he was bragging, but after he practiced the secret method taught by the evil ghost, he would no longer have any doubts.

However, Ye Fan always felt that this evil spirit seemed to have an innate resistance to the Holy Physique, and he didn't know why.

"In your opinion, which holy place should I go to?"

Ye Fan simply threw the problem to the evil spirit.

"Damn it! The one I most wanted you to go to didn't come. The former name is Secret Cultivation Primordial Spirit, it couldn't be better, but it's a pity..."

As for the outside world, the old king of Yaoguang who was at the side couldn't sit still seeing everyone vying to "offer treasures".

My family knows their own affairs. Compared with the other major holy places, the situation inside Yaoguang is really imminent, and the need for Dacheng Holy Body is the most urgent.

After discussing with the ancient sage behind him, he immediately made up his mind and said solemnly:

"Young friend Ye, do you know that although I, Yaoguang, do not have an emperor, I do have emperor soldiers?"

Sure enough, his words not only caught Ye Fan's attention, but also attracted the attention of several other people.

Seeing this, the old king had a rather mysterious tone:

"Since my Yaoguang can refine the Emperor Armament, there is naturally a great secret behind it, which definitely involves the ultimate supreme, and even the series above the supreme."

"My friend, if you are willing to join my Fluctlight, I will let you get in touch in advance!"

The person's voice fell, and the place was completely silent.

Whether it's Yaochi, Ji's family, or Shengti's lineage, they never expected that Yaoguang would really go all out in order to fight for Ye Fan.

Regarding the secret of Yaoguang, not to mention Ye Fan, even the major forces of Beidou are sincerely curious.

Now, the person actually throws out the foundation of the establishment of religion to "seduce" Ye Fan, it really cost a lot of money.

The two changes are over.

Tomorrow there will still be a change at around 20:23 and 50:[-].

Finally, thank you again for your support!

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