In the Eastern Desolation and Southern Territory, somewhere in the wild mountains.

As the voice of the old king Yaoguang fell, the holy master of the Ji family, the fairy of Yaochi, the holy king and others were all silent, with a thoughtful look on their faces.

And in the deep void, Wang Yang's spiritual thoughts fluctuated even more, majestic and vast.

Obviously, even the ancient sages of various religions did not expect that Fluctlight was so determined to compete for the Eucharist that they were willing to use such great secrets as "bait".

For a while, no one spoke again.

"There has never been a great emperor, but can it be forged into an emperor soldier?"

At the same time, in Ye Fan's mind, even the evil ghost, who has always had eyes above the top, couldn't help but feel a strong interest at this moment, muttering to himself like this.

"Is this kind of situation rare?"

Unlike the reactions of everyone present, Ye Fan, who was involved, didn't seem so shocked.

After the science popularization by Duan De, Jin Chanzi, Evil Ghost and others not long ago, Ye Fan naturally knew that the Supreme Realm of the Extreme Dao was almost the pinnacle of the human realm.

However, not to mention the accumulation of the long history of practice in the human world, just now, according to what the evil ghosts and others have just said, there are dozens of genuine extreme supreme beings in the world.

Thinking about it this way, the number of extreme weapons accumulated in the human world should not be too small.

Could it be that there has never been a similar precedent before?
Ye Fan was puzzled. Although it was inconvenient to ask questions to the kings present, there were still evil spirits in his mind, so he naturally asked them bluntly.

"I really don't have much impression of the so-called Fluctlight. It seems to be a force that has only risen in the past [-] years. But—"

Speaking of this, the evil ghost paused, and then continued:

"If it is said that there has never been a great emperor, but has the power of the emperor's armament, it is true. However, the emperor's armament is by no means simple..."

Speaking of another mysterious imperial weapon, even today's evil spirits can't help being in awe.

Compared with Ye Fan and the evil ghost, the holy master of the Ji family, the fairy of Yaochi and others who also came from the transcendent forces of the Eastern Wasteland, are naturally very familiar with the origin of the fluttering light.

The predecessor of Fluctlight was just an ordinary sect, which migrated to the place where it is now more than [-] years ago.

And since then, Yaoguang has risen rapidly like a dragon and a flying fairy, and has become the top holy place second only to the extreme forces.

At that time, the world was in the legendary barren age.

Although, in the middle of ancient times, the most terrifying dark turmoil broke out in history, but in the end it was pacified by the Immortal Emperor, and the latter achieved the unrivaled power of the world.

In the world, not only did it not decline at all, but it became more and more prosperous.

During the long time of more than [-] years, an unknown number of supreme beings were born in the human world. It is true that emperor stars rose one after another, illuminating the nine heavens and ten places, and the king came to the universe.

Not to mention the brilliance of the two emperors juxtaposed, even the ultimate brilliance of the three, four, and five emperors is not uncommon.

Of course, things were different back then than they are now.

Today, dozens of extreme avenues stand side by side, overwhelming the world, making it extremely difficult for monks of later generations to explore the deep realm.

At that time, the great avenue of the human world was prosperous, and countless arrogance and heroes were born, and together they illuminated a brilliant world.

As for Yaoguang, although no emperor has ever been born, there have been more than one celestial wizard who walked through the ancient path of the strongest trial, entered the Heavenly Palace on the other side, and was able to comprehend the supreme scriptures.

Therefore, the Taoism created by the quasi-emperors of Yaoguang is also extraordinary and should not be underestimated.

Moreover, Yaoguang did have great luck, and even found most of the black gold with dragon patterns, and cast it into the supreme quasi-emperor weapon.

And before the quasi-emperors of Yaoguang transformed into Dao, they all chose to infuse the Dao and principles they had intertwined into the cauldron, making the latter even more miraculous and mysterious.

Not only that, but all the disciples of Yaoguang up and down worshiped him devoutly, regarded him as the supreme god, and worshiped him, which has never stopped for tens of thousands of years.

The purpose is to make it turn into a real emperor soldier one day.

Legend has it that on a stormy night, thunder and lightning, and the avenue of heaven and earth sympathized, finally fulfilled the fluctuating light and cast a black gold emperor tripod with dragon pattern.

However, apart from being widely circulated by the world, many ancient sects naturally sneered at this statement.

After all, there is a precedent for the human mother teaching Kunlun.

You know, Kunlun really gathered the power of belief of the Beidou people, and it took more than a million years for the sect's Zhenjiao soldiers to evolve into imperial weapons and become a legend of a generation.

You are a mere fluct light, and you have no great achievements in the human race or the ten thousand races. After only tens of thousands of years of prayer and kowtow, you have become an emperor soldier. Who would believe it?

In this regard, the powerhouses of all the ancient inheritances have guessed that behind the fluctuating light, there should be a figure of a supreme being, and it is very likely that a certain restricted area exists.

Although that supreme being was not from the sect, since he was willing to make a Fluctlight and cast him into an imperial soldier, there must be some kind of cause and effect.

Because of this, many forces are quite afraid of Yaoguang, and the latter has become more and more brilliant after possessing the emperor soldier, which is not much weaker than other extreme inheritances.

Today, Yaoguang's party actually proposed that if Ye Fan was willing to join, he would be able to get in touch with this unworldly secret in advance, which naturally surprised everyone present.

There was a long silence, and finally the fairy from Yaochi stepped forward, broke the silence here, and said with emotion:

"Brother Yaoguang is really generous. Not to mention Ye Xiaoyou, even I, Yao Chi, are also moved."

Accompanied by the ethereal voice, Fairy Yaochi smiled brightly, and continued:

"If Yaoguang is interested, my Yaochi is also willing to exchange the fairy treasure and share this secret with Yaoguang."

As soon as his voice fell, expressions of astonishment appeared on the faces of the Holy Master of the Ji Family and the Holy Blood King.

Apparently, none of them expected that Yao Chi would be so "flexible" that just now they were thinking of competing for the Eucharist, but now they have the idea of ​​shaking light and secrets.

However, if the two of them think about it carefully, if they can really share the secret of fluctuating light, it will indeed be exciting.

The eyes of the old king who shook the Holy Land flickered, and then he shook his head helplessly, cupped his hands and said politely:

"The fairy is joking."

If others dared to speak such nonsense, Yaoguang would definitely not have a good face.

However, the status of Yao Chi is there.There is no doubt that it is second only to the level of the original lake.

In addition, Yaochi has always been aloof from the world, so it is naturally more respected by the world.

Seeing this, Fairy Yaochi smiled, but didn't force it.

Immediately, he looked at Ye Fan who seemed to be in deep thought, and took the initiative to explain:
"Ye Xiaoyou, on the other hand, really needs serious consideration."

"The value of the Great Secret of the Fluctlight is probably far beyond your imagination, and the Holy Lands will also be tempted. Even inside the Fluctlight, there are very few people who can get in touch with it."

It has to be said that Fairy Yaochi's move really made people feel good about it, and Ye Fan also thanked her.

Seeing this situation, the old king who shook the light also spoke again:

"To be honest, my friend, even the old man only understands it after reaching the realm of the Immortal Three Slashing Dao. It is really beneficial to one's own practice."

Hearing this, the Holy Master of the Ji family and the Holy Blood King secretly complained, and Yaoguang really boasted.

"Hmph! How precious is the Great Secret of Fluctuating Light?"

"Don't forget, kid, you are the holy body after all. As long as you want to achieve great success, you can't do without the help of secret methods. You have to think carefully!"

Although the Holy King's heart fluctuated slightly, relatively speaking, his confidence was still sufficient.

As for the holy master of the Ji family, he seemed a little "paddling" and kept silent.

After all, as the old King Yaoguang said before, there are two brothers and sisters, Haoyue and Ziyue, in the direct descendants of the Ji family. No matter how amazing outsiders are, it is impossible to compare with them.

Is it possible that you really want to marry a daughter?

At least, from the current point of view, Ye Fan has not shown that kind of value.

Therefore, the Holy Master of the Ji family has made a decision in his heart and will no longer actively participate in the competition between several people.

Several kings have clarified their interests and shown the sincerity of the forces behind them. Now they naturally look at Ye Fan, waiting for his answer.

And the person, after discussing and deliberating with the evil spirit in his mind, also made up his mind.

Ye Fan raised his eyes, looked around, and took a panoramic view of the expressions on the faces of all the people present. He immediately showed a bright smile, and finally bowed his hands to the old man who met him first:
"Yuguang is indeed what the juniors want."

This chapter is still a bit late, sorry.

The second update will still be updated around 23:50.

Thank you so much for all your support!

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