Covering the sky: At the beginning, the emperor invited me to become a fairy

Chapter 917 The Dust Settled, The Ancient Forbidden Land

Chapter 917 The Dust Settled, The Ancient Forbidden Land


Seeing Ye Fan's actions, the old king from the Holy Land of Shaking Light had a genuinely happy expression on his face, and he couldn't help but stroke his snow-white beard excitedly.

And behind him, the girl with fairy eyes also showed a kind smile, which made Ye Fan feel like a spring breeze.

"Ye Xiaoyou, don't worry, I'm eager to seek talents, and you will never regret today's decision in the future!"

The old king said in this way, one is to relax his bosom, and the other is to stabilize Ye Fan's heart.

After all, Ye Fan hasn't left with him yet. If Yaochi, Ji's family, or the Holy Body are not willing to do so, and immediately "upsize", if the person repents, there is nothing Yaoguang can do.

And as Ye Fan's words fell, the expressions of the Holy Master of the Ji Family and Fairy Yaochi did not fluctuate much.

After all, the most powerful physique has already appeared in the direct line of the Ji family. Although it is not as good as the ancient holy body, it is just icing on the cake after all.

As for Yaochi, since the establishment of the religion, it has never recruited male disciples.

That only one exception was also because the situation was too special.

Right now, although Ye Fan's performance is already extraordinary, if compared with that person, it is still not as good.

Therefore, there is no need for Yao Chi to take him under his family.

However, although Yao Chi has always kept aloof from the world, it has also made friends with many inheritances and powerful people, and it is necessary to establish a good relationship with Ye Fan in the future.

And among the crowd, the one with the most broken mind is naturally the Holy King.


At this moment, the man couldn't help but widen his eyes, seeing the smiling old king talking happily with Ye Fan, he was really about to vomit blood from anger.

Fortunately, Ye Fan has not yet left with Yaoguang and his party, and there is still room for change.

Thinking of this, the Holy King immediately restrained his excitement, looked straight at Ye Fan, and said in a very solemn tone:

"You boy, don't be fooled by the words of Fluolight. Do you really think that it is so easy to become an emperor?"

"Even if this world is destined to be brilliant, I'm afraid there will only be so few people by then."

"Besides, my lineage of Saint Physique bears the curse of enlightenment. Even if I go through the past and present, there is only one person who breaks the shackles!"


Following the words of the Holy King, the evil ghost let out a disdainful cold snort in Ye Fan's mind, which made him also feel baffled.

Seeing Ye Fan bowed his head, with a thoughtful expression on his face, the old king next to him was anxious, but the holy king felt that there seemed to be a play, so he continued quickly:

"As the first generation of Holy Body, your blood is pure. If you really reach the stage of enlightenment, you will undoubtedly face the most desperate calamity of enlightenment."

The words of the Holy King are not alarmist.

"However, if you can practice the unique secret method of my Saint Physique, then you will be able to make great progress. And Dacheng Saint Physique is definitely a supreme figure of the Supreme level."

"Even if your ultimate goal is still to overcome the calamity and become an emperor, if you can achieve great physical fitness, you will naturally be more confident."

It has to be said that the description of the Holy King is indeed quite attractive, and it is also in line with the current situation of Eucharist practice.

It's a pity that Ye Fan has the "plug-in" of evil ghosts, otherwise he must have been persuaded by the Holy King.

Although Ye Fan had already made plans in his heart, there was still a hesitant look on his face, as if he was struggling and finally made up his mind.

Ye Fan bowed his hands respectfully towards the Holy King, and said apologetically:
"The words of the holy king, Ye Fanming felt deeply."

"However, since this junior has already chosen Fluctlight, he won't go back on his word. He can only live up to the good intentions of the Holy King."

The young man who looked no more than eleven or twelve years old, even in the face of the Dao Slayer King, spoke neither humble nor overbearing, and already possessed that kind of outstanding demeanor.

Not only the old king of Yaoguang was sincerely pleased, but even the Fairy of Yaochi and the Holy Master of the Ji family nodded in appreciation.

Whether or not one's talent is amazing is an extremely important criterion for recruiting disciples in the Holy Land, but one's character cannot be ignored either.

In their view, although the Great Secret of Shaking Light is attractive, the most suitable for Ye Fan is undoubtedly the lineage of Saint Physique.

And Ye Fan, even under the repeated guidance of the holy king, can still stick to his original heart, which is enough to show that his human heart is firm and resolute, and he must be a good seed for cultivation.

"Haha, Xiaoyou Ye, you can rest assured. Regarding the unique practice of the holy body, I have some broken methods in Yaoguang, and I will definitely do my best to search for you and make up for it in the future."

The old king of Yaoguang spoke at the right time, and it was no surprise that Ye Fan seemed relieved:

"Thank you senior."

At the same time, majestic and majestic divine thoughts hung down in the dark void, and the expressions on the faces of the several kings changed, and they nodded respectfully.

Now that the overall situation is settled, no matter how unwilling the Holy King is, he can't say anything more, but his face is livid:

And the Holy Master of the Ji family, who was at the side, naturally had no grievances at all, and even took the initiative to congratulate:
"Yaoguang was delighted to receive the Eucharist. I think it is going to create another glories in this golden world. I am really happy and congratulated."

Seeing this, the old king of Yaoguang immediately put all the unhappiness behind him, glanced behind the Holy Master of the Ji family, and said with a smile:
"Lin'er from the Ji family is really famous in the Eastern Wilderness. The Holy Master has praised him absurdly."

On the other side, Fairy Yaochi walked straight up to Ye Fan and said with a gentle smile:

"My little friend is going to shake the light here, and he is destined to ascend to the sky. Congratulations in advance."

"If you have free time in the future, you are also welcome to visit the Northern Territory. Especially——"

Having said that, Fairy Yaochi glanced at the Holy King, and said invisibly:
"If you want to complete the secret method of the sacrament, you can come to Yaochi."

"Thank you senior."

Naturally, Ye Fan solemnly expressed his thanks for his kindness.

However, having said that, although Yao Chi has always been kind to others, his attitude towards him seems to be too good.

Ye Fan had an intuition in his heart that Yaochi might ask him for something in the future.

But no matter what the reason was, Ye Fan naturally remembered this kindness in his heart.


Accompanied by the spread of some kind of strange fluctuations, in the dark, it seemed that a supreme existence had left, and everyone present couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Although the ancient sages of several holy places and inheritances never showed up from the beginning to the end, the pressure brought to them was unparalleled.

After a while, the Holy Master of the Ji family slowly withdrew his gaze looking into the distance, and said in a deep voice:
"It's over here, the ancient sages are far away, presumably they are looking for the whereabouts of the rest of the people who fell from the sky."

Hearing this, Ye Fan couldn't help showing a worried look on his face.

Except for Jin Chanzi and Gu Tuo, the other students, even Pang Bo, are not much different from ordinary people.

If it can be found by the people of the major holy places, that is not bad.

If they fell from a high altitude, or fell into the hands of desolate beasts and monsters, they would not have the protection of evil spirits like themselves, and they might really be close to death.

Perhaps sensing Ye Fan's spiritual fluctuations, the fairy from Yaochi spoke in relief:
"Since you can take the Nine Dragons to pull the coffin, cross the vast galaxy, and come to the Big Dipper, you are undoubtedly the generation with great luck, so you don't need to worry about them."

"In the future, when you have learned something, you may be able to reunite with them in the major holy places."

Hearing this, Ye Fan nodded.

Seeing this, the old king at the side only felt that Yao Chi seemed to be trying to rob people with gentle means, so he was quite wary.

"Fellow daoists, it's over here, and I'm leaving now."

"Fellow Daoist is precious."

Now, under the witness of the saint, since Ye Fan has chosen to shake the light, even if he is unwilling to be like a saint king in his heart, he will definitely not stop it.

Accompanied by the immeasurable holy light, the old king disappeared into the sky with his two juniors.


I saw that the divine rainbow was shining brightly, cutting through the high altitude of the southern region, and heading straight towards a certain direction.

On the Shenhong Avenue, the aura of the Dao Slayer King was not concealed at all, and it was so powerful that the monsters in the wilderness below were not willing to offend in the slightest.

Ye Fan introduced each other to the girl named "Weiwei" who has fairy eyes, and the latter explained to him many things about the Holy Land of Shaking Light.

But when Ye Fan listened with gusto, he suddenly felt his hairs stand on his head, as if he was being targeted by the evil spirits in the Nine Nethers.

At the same time, Weiwei and the old man on the side did not respond.

Therefore, he naturally suspected that the evil spirits in his mind were at work.

For Ye Fan's self-contained pouring of dirty water on himself, the evil ghost rarely paid attention to it, and instead said solemnly:

"Someone just took a look at us."

There is no doubt that the existence that can be treated so seriously by the evil spirits is not an ordinary person.

Thinking of this, Ye Fan immediately raised his head and looked in that direction somewhere in the dark.

I saw, surrounded by nine majestic holy mountains, forming a strange place.

And Ye Fan just glanced at it, and felt that all the energy in his body was about to be lost.

Sensing Ye Fan's actions, the old king in front of him reminded at the right time:
"It's a barren and forbidden land, just like the heaven you've been to before, it's also a forbidden area for life, it's extremely dangerous, don't approach it easily."

Saying this, the old king seemed to be deliberately avoiding something, and moved a little away from the location of the ancient forbidden land.

It took an unknown amount of time before the feeling dissipated, and Ye Fan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Perhaps, the supreme being in the restricted area noticed the existence of the evil spirit, so he took another look at him?
This explanation is also reasonable.

Fortunately, Ye Fan's mentality has always been optimistic, and he quickly put this matter behind him.

The Holy Land of Shaking Light is also in the southern region, not too far away from the place where Ye Fan had crossed the catastrophe before. Coupled with the full efforts of the Dao Slayer King, he naturally reached his destination within a snap of his fingers.


 The two changes are over.

  Tomorrow there will still be a change at around 20:23 and 50:[-].

  Finally, thank you again for your subscriptions, rewards and votes!

(End of this chapter)

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