Chapter 918 The Holy Land on the Great Tomb
Donghuang, as its name suggests.

On the endless land, there are countless wilderness, ravines, mountains, rivers and lakes, and there are few people.

Just now, under the protection of the old king Yaoguang, Ye Fan and Weiwei traveled across most of the southern region through the clouds and fog.

And if they stick their heads out from the clouds, what they can see, except for the mysterious and dangerous ancient forbidden land, is mostly such a desolate scene.

But now, it is completely different.

With the calm voice of the old king, Ye Fan immediately raised his head and looked curiously at the Holy Land of Shaking Light in front of him.

I saw that the originally flat and gentle extension of the land suddenly bulged here, forming a relatively high-lying area.

Looking from a distance, on this plateau, there are majestic and majestic mountains intertwined, like dragons and immortals.

Countless ancient trees are towering to the sky, exotic flowers and plants are in full bloom, rare birds and animals live there, and there are misty heavenly palaces and fairy-like buildings dotted among them, and the silhouettes of many monks shuttle back and forth.

Of course, there are still countless fairy lights flowing here, myriads of magical glows are transpiring, and the auspicious colors are gushing.

There is no doubt that this is a magnificent and extraordinary fairyland.

Although Ye Fan's current state is not high, but he has studied the "Book of Origin", so he can see at a glance that the topography of this place is extraordinary. It really took away all the good fortune of the world. No wonder a great holy place chooses to take root here .

However, although the fairy land in front of him was good, Ye Fan couldn't help but feel a strange feeling in his heart, and felt that this place was a bit weird.

At the same time, the evil spirit in Ye Fan's mind was also alarmed.

Just now, he was immersed in thinking about the mysterious line of sight protruding from the ancient holy land, but now he can see the scene of the shaking light holy land, but he can't help but exclaim:
"A large tomb!"

Hearing this, Ye Fan almost staggered, causing Weiwei on the side to show a look of astonishment, and immediately smiled teasingly.

Seeing this, Ye Fan scratched his head in embarrassment, and then continued to communicate with the evil spirit in his mind:

"You mean, this magnificent piece of fairyland is a big tomb?"

As for this, Ye Fan naturally did not want to believe it.

After all, Yaoguang is a great holy place, if it is built on a grave, it would be a little scary to say it.


As for what Ye Fan was thinking, the evil ghost naturally knew everything, so he said with disdain:
"What do you know, brat? You think fluctlights don't know anything about it?"

"It must have known that such a large tomb exists here, so it established a religion here."

After the evil ghost's explanation, Ye Fan also gradually accepted this setting.

Not to mention, the plateau in front of me looks more and more like a tomb.

Thinking that he would practice here for a long time to come, Ye Fan's heart trembled, and he couldn't help shivering.

Sensing the strangeness in Ye Fan's heart, the evil ghost was quite contemptuous:
"Cut! Rare is more strange."

"If I'm not wrong, the person buried under this big tomb is at least a supreme figure of the extreme level."

"Even if this place was originally just a wasteland, it is destined to evolve into a supreme holy land of cultivation in the future. This is a good fortune that no one can ask for."

Hearing this, Ye Fan only complained silently in his heart:
You are a ghost in the first place, not a living person, so naturally you don't have any taboos about graves...

However, after being reminded by the evil ghost, and thinking about the previous conversations, Ye Fan had a flash of light in his mind, and blurted out:
"Could it be that the reason why Yaoguang was able to forge the emperor's weapon is because of the emperor's corpse buried in the big tomb!?"

If that's the case, it all makes sense.

Unfortunately, the evil spirit in Ye Fan's mind shook his head:
"Although this seat is limited by the current state, I dare not easily test out the divine sense, but if Yaoguang wants to refine into an emperor soldier, it is absolutely impossible to rely on only one emperor corpse."

Having said that, the evil ghost paused, thought for a while, and then continued to say in a deep voice:

"However, Yaoguang itself does not have an emperor, but it is built on an emperor's tomb, and it can be cast into an emperor's army. It must be inextricably linked..."

Although, these are just speculations made by the evil ghost based on his current understanding, but because he has shown his extraordinaryness before.

Not only was he able to hide from the detection of the saint's divine sense, but he even mastered the unique secret method of the holy body lineage. He was definitely a remarkable figure during his lifetime.

Therefore, Ye Fan's judgment on the evil spirit is not to say that he has no doubts, but it is almost the same.

And just when Ye Fan's mind was full of ups and downs, and his appearance seemed to be in deep thought——

The old king beside him stroked his beard and nodded in satisfaction.

In his opinion, no matter how amazing Ye Fan's talent is, he is just a little guy from ordinary background who is still in the realm of Lunhai and has never seen anything in the world.

As long as you show him the background of the Waking Light Holy Land a little bit, and supplemented by some means of win over, it will naturally and easily make him give up.

Thinking of this, the old king spoke again, looking at the majestic holy land in front of him, and said in a very proud tone:
"Although I have never been born an emperor, relying on the accumulation of the ancestors of the past generations, I have finally ranked among the top forces in the Eastern Wasteland. Since Ye Xiaoyou has decided to join my Yaoguang, naturally there is no need to worry."

"Today, I will take you to meet the ancient ancestors I taught."

To be so respected by a Dao Slashing King and called the Ancient Ancestor is undoubtedly a strong man in the realm of saints.

This time, it is definitely a great event for Yaoguang to bring a first-generation holy body with pure blood into his family. It is reasonable for the high-level officials of the Holy Land to want to see Ye Fan.

Originally, the old king was planning to take Ye Fan directly to the sacred peak at the core of the Holy Land of Yaoguang, but unexpectedly, he encountered a "blocker" on the way and had to stop.

After seeing the figure of the person coming, the old king's expression froze, and he cupped his hands and said:
"Senior Brother Wang."

Although the person who came was called Senior Brother, he looked much younger than him and had a deeper aura. He was undoubtedly the best among the Dao Slayer Kings.

"Brother Zong."

The Dao Slayer King named Wang Zheng nodded lightly, his tone was not that eager.

And his eyes immediately fell on Ye Fan who was beside him, his eyes were blazing, and he said in an inexplicable tone:
"I heard that the master brother brought back an ancient sacred body this time, so I came here to have a look. Now it seems that the name is a bit misleading."

Hearing this, Ye Fan couldn't help but frowned slightly. There seemed to be a faint smell of gunpowder between the two parties...

"Meet Elder Zong, Junior Sister Weiwei."

Just as the two sides were confronting each other, another person beside Wang Zheng spoke up, attracting the attention of everyone present.

It was a handsome and extraordinary young man.At this moment, a bright smile appeared on his face, and the ethereal aura lingering around him was outstanding.

"I have seen the Holy Son."

Weiwei, a girl with fairy eyes, responded immediately, and at the same time was introducing the identity of the visitor to Ye Fan.

Shake Light Son!

I have to say that the son of Yaoguang has a very good appearance, looks gentle and elegant on the outside, very friendly, and gives people a feeling of spring breeze.

But for some reason, the first time Ye Fan saw him, he felt that he was not as simple as he appeared on the surface, and his heart was full of alarm bells.

I saw that the eyes of Shengzi Yaoguang fell directly on Ye Fan, and it seemed that his eyes lit up, and he immediately praised him sincerely:
"Although junior brother is still in the infancy of practice, his talent is really amazing, and he will definitely have a lot to do in the future."

His remarks really made people unable to find any faults, Ye Fan naturally responded politely:
"The Holy Son is absurd."

 Sorry, the author has a lot of things to do today, so the update is a little late, I am really sorry.

  The second update will still be updated around 23:50.

  Thanks again for all your support!
(End of this chapter)

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