Chapter 919: Fluctlight Surging Undercurrent

Originally, under the dealings of the Holy Son of Light, the tense atmosphere that permeated the crowd has been slightly eased——


Elder Yaoguang named Wang Zheng snorted coldly, followed his cold eyes to look at him, and said indifferently:

"The Ancient Saint Physique is indeed extraordinary. Once completed, it will be enough to be the Supreme Enemy."

"It's a pity that since the beginning of the Great Emperor, the world has changed drastically, coupled with the collision and fusion of the two worlds, and now there are even more supreme avenues of the lords juxtaposed, overwhelming the world."

Having said that, Wang Zheng couldn't help but paused, his eyes flickered, and he looked straight at Ye Fan opposite, before continuing:
"During the long period of nearly 10 years, not to mention the Dacheng Holy Physique, even the two carefully cultivated by the Beidou Holy Physique lineage, in the end they can only reach the realm of saints. In my opinion, the Holy Physique If the brilliance of the pulse is to continue, I am afraid it will be difficult to reach the sky."

As the person's voice fell, the place was instantly silent, and there was no sound.

If Wang Zheng's words of talent just now could be explained by his pride as the elder of the sect and the king of the Dao Slayer, then these remarks now are really too much.

Regarding this, Ye Fan didn't feel any disturbance in his heart, but he couldn't help but feel puzzled:
I'm new here, I'm not familiar with the place, and I didn't even have a dime relationship with the people from the Shaking Light Holy Land before, so why did the other party target them so much?
Thinking of this, Ye Fan casually glanced at Shengzi Yaoguang beside Wang Zheng.

Although the latter still had a bright and decent smile on his face, like a bright sun, Ye Fan had an intuition that it must be related to him.

At the same time, the face of the elder Zong who returned with Ye Fan couldn't hold back anymore, and said in a deep voice:

"Ye Xiaoyou has already been recognized by the ancestors, and he has been accepted as my Yaoguang sect. He is already regarded as my Yaoguang's core disciple. Brother Wang's words are too much. Do you really want to make the sect discord?"

As soon as this remark came out, the atmosphere between the two parties reached a freezing point again.Even, Ye Fan suspected that if the two disagreed next, they might really fight.

Fortunately, after a while, the Son of Light Yaoguang spoke again, still in that gentle manner, and said without any haste:

"What Elder Zong said is true. This life is the golden world jointly deduced by all the emperors and emperors throughout the ages, and it is destined to surpass the past."

"At that time, the world will change drastically, Taoism will become popular, and the younger brother will naturally have a lot to do as the ancient holy body."

The son of Yaoguang is still so majestic and upright, but Ye Fan feels more and more uncomfortable with him.

However, he was also keenly aware that although the cultivation of Shengzi Yaoguang was far inferior to the two kings, his status was definitely not low. After he spoke, the expressions of both of them softened a little.

"Hmph!" Wang Zheng no longer confronted Elder Zong, but looked at Shengzi Yaoguang beside him, with a rather kind expression on his face:
"Your master has already reported to the ancestors that he wants to change your name to 'Luoguang'. Your position as the Son of God is stable, and kittens and dogs from anywhere can never replace you."

Although he was facing the Holy Son of Waking Light, it was self-evident who he was speaking to.

Seeing the thoughtful look on Ye Fan's face, Weiwei at the side took the initiative to explain to him:
"If you can be given the name 'Shake Light', it really means a lot. This kind of honor, even through the ancient history of our religion, has only been used by a few ancestors with amazing talents. And they all finally achieved the Quasi-Emperor Dao Fruit .”

After Weiwei's explanation, Ye Fan understood the key point and suddenly realized.

Could it be that Wang Zheng was so hostile to him because he was worried that he would threaten the status of the son of Yaoguang?
Although such an explanation seems reasonable, Ye Fan felt that it must not be that simple behind his intuition.

On the other side, as Wang Zheng's words fell, Shengzi Yaoguang just shook his head helplessly, and didn't say anything, but he didn't refute either.

"Elder Zong, Junior Sister Weiwei, Junior Brother, farewell."

In the end, he cupped his hands and drifted away with Wang Zheng.

After leaving a certain distance, Wang Zheng's expression returned to calm, his eyes were deep, and he was no longer as irritable, arrogant, and supercilious as before. He only asked in a deep voice:

The son of Yaoguang beside him is still extraordinary and refined, and his tone can't hear the slightest emotion, and said lightly:
"It is indeed a flawless and immortal golden body."

"it is good!"

Hearing this, Wang Zheng couldn't help showing excitement on his face:

"Since he has entered fluctlight, it is really God helping you."

In this regard, Shengzi Yaoguang's eyes flickered, and he shook his head:
"With elders and the others taking care of them, it's definitely not that simple."

Immediately, Shengzi Yaoguang said calmly:

"Besides, the origin of the Eucharist is far from mature, so we shouldn't act too hastily."

For the judgment of Son of Light, Wang Zheng naturally expressed his approval and nodded.

Although his cultivation level is far higher than that of the Son of Waking Light, he seems to be vaguely headed by the Son of God.

The interior of the Fluctuating Light Holy Land is not as simple as it appears on the surface.

On the other side, seeing the figures of Wang Zheng and Shengzi Yaoguang gradually disappearing into the distance, Ye Fan and the others looked away.

And Weiwei is even more light and elegant, as nimble as a fairy, she leaned close to Ye Fan, and teased:
"Hee hee, Junior Brother Ye, you really are a man of the hour."

"Before, it was enough to attract the kings of the major holy places to scramble for it. Now, as soon as you enter Fluctlight, you will face the Son of God, and the days to come will not be peaceful."

In this regard, Ye Fan smiled, did not answer directly, but looked at Wei Wei, and said in a joking tone:
"How do I feel, Senior Sister Weiwei, in your heart, you very much hope that I will match up with the Son?"

Hearing this, the expression on Weiwei's face remained unchanged, the corners of her mouth curled up, she smiled charmingly, and her tone was quite playful:
"No way!"

I saw that there seemed to be immortal brilliance flowing in his eyes, sacred and flawless, filled with some kind of indescribable dao rhyme:

"Senior Sister, I just have a hunch, Junior Brother Ye, you are destined to have a fight with him."

There seemed to be something in Weiwei's words.

At the same time, the elder Zong, who is the king of Dao Slashing, also looked at Ye Fan, and solemnly exhorted:

"Although, Ye boy, your talent is amazing and you have great luck, but after all, your current cultivation level is still lacking. It is best to avoid his edge for the time being."

"Junior understands."

Ye Fan is not a simple-minded young man, he naturally understands the reason for this.

However, what surprised him the most was the evil spirit in his mind.

Although the two are grasshoppers on the same rope, their mouths have always been merciless towards him.

But this time, the evil spirit not only did not run on him for the first time, but even warned:

"The inheritance on that guy just now is great, you must be careful in the future."

In the Holy Land of Waving Light, is there any inheritance that even the evil spirits attach so much importance to?

For a while, Ye Fan's thoughts diverged, and he couldn't help but think of a lot.And he is looking forward to the inheritance of Fluctlight even more.

Without the "blocking" of Wang Zheng and Shengzi Yaoguang, the three of them naturally went straight to the core of the Holy Land of Yaoguang without hindrance.

Along the way, Ye Fan saw ancient temples, medicine fields, and divine springs that belonged to the Holy Land of Shaking Light, and he really deserved to be the top power in the Eastern Wasteland.

In the end, the three of them came to the center of this "plateau", where the divine peak towering straight into the darkness was located.

"I have met Grand Master Uncle, Junior Brother, and Junior Sister. I have been waiting here for a long time under the order of the Holy Master."

I saw a suffocatingly beautiful fairy standing here, who happened to be looking at Ye Fan and his party with a sweet smile.

He is like a fairy flower blooming, crowning the crowd with beauty, and like a moon in the sky, cold and noble.

"Haha, it really is Yao Xi, you girl who came to pick us up."

Seeing the woman named Yao Xi, both Elder Zong and Wei Wei showed sincere smiles.The relationship between the two parties is obviously more harmonious than that of the previous Son of Waking Light.

"Hehe, I knew that even if she was a saint, Senior Sister Yao Xi would definitely be curious."

Weiwei even took the initiative to step forward, took Yao Xi's arm affectionately, and said jokingly.

Yao Xi and Weiwei's celestial appearances are equal, each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Standing together at this moment, it really looks like a fairy flower with two pedicles, which is too beautiful to behold.

"Weiwei, you—"

A rather helpless expression appeared on Yao Xi's face, and she immediately moved her beautiful eyes to look at Ye Fan without hesitation.

His eyes were deep, as if trying to pierce him through.

In this regard, Ye Fan naturally did not retreat at all, and smiled brightly:
"I have seen the saint."

Hearing this, Yao Xi closed his gaze and smiled at the corner of his mouth:
"The ancient sacrament is really extraordinary, no wonder all the kings and ancestors value it so much."

After exchanging pleasantries, Yao Xi led Elder Zong and Ye Fan into the secret place.

As for Weiwei, although her talent is extraordinary, her status in Fluctlight is obviously not enough to participate in such a big event.

However, she didn't seem to have any grievances at all, she just blinked at Ye Fan and left happily.

Under Yao Xi's guidance, they went straight into the interior of Shenfeng.

In Ye Fan's perception, this seems to be a journey going down and deep into the center of the earth.

As the three of them gradually deepened, the concentration of the surrounding world's source qi became more and more alarming.In the end, it even turned into a crystal clear source liquid, which flowed slowly, making Ye Fan, who had just arrived, click his tongue.

At the same time, since stepping here, the evil spirit in Ye Fan's mind has fallen into silence.

Obviously, in order to avoid being discovered by the powerful Fluctlight, he was also quite cautious.

In the end, the three of them arrived at a palace located in the middle of the mountain, and there were already more than one majestic and vast figures sitting cross-legged around them.

When the three of them stepped into this place, everyone suddenly opened their eyes, looked at Ye Fan in unison, and landed directly on Ye Fan.

Ye Fan couldn't help but pause for a moment with that majestic and heavy gaze.

 The two changes are over.

  Tomorrow there will still be one update at 20:23 and one after 50:[-].

  Finally, thank you all for your subscriptions, rewards and votes!The author will do his best to write the follow-up plot well!
(End of this chapter)

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