Chapter 920 Ye Fan loots, wholeheartedly

In the Eastern Desolation and Southern Territory, in the center of the fairyland where the Holy Land of Wave Light is located, inside the majestic and towering divine peak.

I saw that an ancient palace was located, which seemed to be naturally carved out of the mountain body of the gods, and it was really uncanny.

At this moment, in the great hall, there is a bright pearl, as bright as day, and it is accompanied by the transpiration and mist of the fairy light underground, spreading out.

After Ye Fan stepped into this place, what caught his eyes was such a shocking picture.

At the same time, one after another, or the immortal figure, or the majestic and heroic, or the ethereal figure of the fairy, all cast their gazes.

In Ye Fan's view, none of them is weaker than the elders beside him.

In this regard, the person is not very surprised.

After all, as the transcendent force in charge of the extreme emperor soldiers, the Yaoguang Holy Land has more than one saint, let alone the Dao Slayer King.

Today, almost all those who can show up here are the Supreme Elders who shake light.And these characters, at least have practiced for more than a thousand years, can be called "living fossils".

Regarding this, Ye Fan had a frank expression, allowing their eyes to "pierce through" himself.

If it is said that the biggest secret in him is naturally the evil spirit that was suppressed by Sakyamuni himself.

However, before, even the ancient sages of the major holy places failed to detect the existence of evil spirits, so naturally there is no need to worry now.

Thinking of this, Ye Fan's eyes not only did not have the slightest fear, but were filled with an expression of eagerness to try, and looked around curiously.

He keenly noticed that Yao Xi, who was leading the way for them just now, had already moved lightly with lotus steps, and arrived in front of the middle-aged man sitting upright:

"Report to the Holy Master, the Elder Zong and Junior Brother Ye have already arrived."

Seeing this, Ye Fan also took the initiative to salute under the guidance of the elder Zong:
"I have seen the Holy Lord."

Hearing this, the handsome and extraordinary middle-aged man only nodded lightly and didn't say much.

As for Yao Xi, he immediately stood respectfully behind him, juxtaposed with the son of Yaoguang whom he had seen before, really like a golden boy and a jade girl.

Apart from Ye Fan, the only juniors who can appear here are the Holy Son and the Holy Maiden of Yaoguang.

After Weiwei's previous explanation, Ye Fan already knew that the Lord of the Light——Li Daoqing was the master of the Son of the Light.

Looking at Wang Zheng's behavior before, I don't know what kind of attitude the current Holy Master will have towards joining the Yaoguang Holy Land.

I saw that Li Daoqing's gaze was like a torch, looking straight at Ye Fan, and his body was surrounded by the holy light of Hunyuan, which was the manifestation of practicing the sacred method of shaking light to a high level.

In contrast, Li Daoqing was not as ostentatious as Wang Zheng before him, but quite deep, worthy of being the Lord of Shaking Light.

However, the Holy Master has never spoken, but it does not mean that the same is true for other people.

"Through the ancient history of practice in the human world, the indestructible golden body's combat power is remarkable, and it is worthy of being the most powerful physique of the human race. Not only that, but the lineage of the golden body has also participated in the suppression of dark turmoil, and is revered as a holy body by future generations. See, it's really extraordinary."

The heartfelt sentiments of a certain middle-aged man with immortal demeanor aroused the sympathy of many elders present.

"Before, the Beidou Saint Physique was domineering and occupied all the Saint Physiques. Now that my religion has such a blessing, it is really a sign of great prosperity."

A senile elder said so, looking at Ye Fan in front of him with a red face, with an undisguised expression of appreciation on his face.

"It's just that at his age, he opened up the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness, it seems..."

Of course, it is impossible for all the elders to praise Ye Fan, but generally speaking, most of them are positive.

Ye Fan didn't take these discussions to heart.

After all, in his opinion, although Li Daoqing is the nominal master of the Shaking Light Holy Land, and these kings who are in the realm of Xiansan Dao Slashing are all the mainstays, but his heart is like a mirror in his heart.

Nowadays, in all major inheritances, ancient religions, and aristocratic families, there are sages who are awakened. The so-called sages are just the helmsman on the surface. Regarding the decision of the real major events, the opinions of the ancient sages may be more important. as important.

Thinking of this, Ye Fan couldn't help but look behind the Holy Master Yaoguang.

Although, with his current cultivation level, it is really difficult to see through the falsehood, but he intuitively senses that there is a more awe-inspiring existence in that deep darkness.

"You junior, you are really good."

Accompanied by the waves in the void, a peaceful and indifferent voice came out, and even more faintly discernible holy power permeated the air.

Under that invisible majestic coercion, not only Ye Fan was shocked, but even the kings who discussed and looked at him just now were all pale at the moment.

Immediately, Li Daoqing, the Holy Master of Shaking Light, took the initiative to stand up, and bowed his hands respectfully towards the void behind him:

"This is the affairs of the disciples in the teaching. It should not disturb the ancestors who are pure and pure. It is really a sin."

Hearing his words, another majestic voice came from the dark void, and said with a light smile:
"The Ancient Eucharist is of great importance, we naturally don't want to miss it, what's wrong with you?"

As the person's voice fell, two slightly illusory and hazy figures were outlined, appearing behind Li Daoqing.

At the same time, all the other elders also bowed respectfully to the two ancient sages.


Li Daoqing is really respectful to the few ancient saints who have been proclaimed by himself in the religion, and he can't find any faults.

Since all the people present were the mainstays of Yaoguang, the conversation between the Lord of Yaoguang and the two ancient sages was naturally not concealed at all, and Ye Fan's heart could not help being shocked.

It can only be said that Yaoguang is worthy of being the supreme holy land of Megatron in the Eastern Desolation. If you count the ancient saints who came to the place where you crossed the catastrophe before, there are at least three saints now.

Fortunately, the origin of the evil spirit is extraordinary and its background is profound, so it has not been exposed.

In the main hall, there was complete silence.In the end, it was an ancient sage behind Li Daoqing who took the initiative to speak and broke the silence here:
"The ancient holy body, I have seen it now."

In the dark, the eyes of the Old Sage swept across. Although it was not intentional, it still made the kings present couldn't help but bow their heads.

Seeing this, the ancient sage continued, saying in a deep voice:

"He has just embarked on the road of cultivation, and he needs a good teacher to lead the way. If you are interested, you can recommend yourself."

After the words fell, the eyes of all the Yaoguang elders present were brightened.

Although the several ancient sages who shake the light have high realms, they can't wake up all the time.

Furthermore, even if the ancient sage is awake, he spends most of his time enlightening and practicing. Only occasionally when he has spare time, he may give lectures and give advice to future generations.

And the task of teaching the ancient sacred body on weekdays naturally fell to the kings of the Dao Slayer.

You know, everyone has just investigated, and Ye Fan's talent is really amazing. Even in today's environment of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, sanctification does not seem to be out of reach.

Therefore, many elders of Yaoguang immediately expressed their willingness to take on this important task.

Just kidding, after all, no one thinks that he has taught too many good disciples.What's more, this is a piece of rough jade that is almost destined to become a talent.

Even Wang Zheng, who had mocked Ye Fan before, was among them.

Seeing this, Ye Fan frowned naturally.

"This seat is also interested in taking Ye Fan under the door. I wonder if you brothers and sisters can do it?"

Unexpectedly, Li Daoqing, the holy master of Yaoguang, also opened his mouth, intending to take him into his sect.

And this naturally aroused fierce opposition from many elders headed by the elder Zong.

After all, the lineage of the Holy Lord is already powerful, and now that a Holy Son has been born, if another ancient holy body is added, wouldn't it be destined to overwhelm other factions?
For a moment, the Yaoguang elders in the main hall were arguing so hard that they were about to fight.

Sitting cross-legged in the void, the two ancient sages had a panoramic view of the expressions on the faces of all the people present, and they had more spiritual senses, and they understood everything in their chests.

Immediately, the two ancient sages looked at each other and nodded tacitly.


Accompanied by the unsurpassed holy power, all the kings present couldn't help but tremble, and the ancient hall seemed to be trembling too.

"Siblings from the same sect criticize each other, what a shame!"

When the saint was angry, the sky was really falling and the earth was falling, and all living beings were ants. Even the king who cut the way could only tremble:

"I'll wait until I know I'm wrong."

After a long time, the ancient sage's eyes flashed across, and he looked around, seeing that everyone was respectful, and his anger seemed to have eased a little, so he opened his mouth and settled the world with one word:

"You guys are arguing endlessly about this. If you think about it, it would be inappropriate for me to force the appointment. If this is the case, there is no need for him to ask someone to be his teacher."

"He is a disciple of Yaoguang, so let the elders take turns to teach him. You can arrange it yourself, don't neglect!"

"The ancestral saint is wise, and I respect the decree of the ancestral sage."

Although the elders present were quite unwilling, they had to admit that the arrangement of the Old Sage was indeed something that everyone could barely accept.

Among the crowd, Ye Fan was the one who was most satisfied with the result.

Compared with ordinary disciples, not only can he learn from the masters of a hundred schools of thought, but he is also subject to fewer constraints.

Although many elders take turns to guide, it is naturally difficult to guarantee the "teaching quality", but for Ye Fan who is secretly pregnant, a relatively free environment is obviously more important.

As soon as the sage said a word, the matter of Ye Fan was settled like this.

Seeing that the elders were about to leave, and the two ancient sages seemed to have no intention of speaking, Ye Fan couldn't hold back the ups and downs in his heart, and immediately stepped forward:
"I don't know, when will I be able to see the Great Secret of Fluctuating Light that I promised this junior earlier?"

As Ye Fan's voice fell, the ancient temple was instantly silent, and there was no sound.

 Sorry, this chapter update is still a little late.

  Chapter 2 will still be updated around 23:50.

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(End of this chapter)

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