Covering the sky: At the beginning, the emperor invited me to become a fairy

Chapter 921 Immortal Burial Ground, Dragon Pattern Black Gold Cauldron

Chapter 921 Immortal Burial Ground, Dragon Pattern Black Gold Cauldron


Although the core of the Yaoguang Holy Land, the great hall in the belly of the Shenfeng Mountain, is silent, there is a vast ocean of spiritual thoughts in the dark, which shows that everyone's hearts are not peaceful.

Originally, the elders who were about to leave couldn't help but stop when they heard the words.

And their eyes on Ye Fan were full of surprise.

"Hmph! Brother Zong, what's going on?"

Immediately, it was Wang Zheng, who had been critical of Ye Fan before, who took the lead in attacking him.
"Is it possible that the great secret of my fluctuating light has become something you can casually reveal?"

Hearing this, the rest of the Supreme Elders present also turned their attention to the Elder Zong who brought Ye Fan back.

He is the only one who knows the secret of fluctuating light and has the opportunity to reveal it to this son.

Facing Wang Zheng's actions of splashing dirty water and slapping hats on him, Elder Zong didn't panic too much. He not only looked back at Wang Zheng solemnly, but also asked back:
"Brother Wang's remarks, could it be that he is questioning the decision of the ancestor?"

"Before, we competed with the Ji family, Yao Chi, and Shengti for Ye Fan. Under the instruction of the ancestors, we agreed to let him have access to the secrets of our teaching in advance."

His voice fell, and an ancient sage sitting cross-legged in the void immediately spoke:
"That's right, although Daoist brother has not had time to return to Fluctlight in the future, he has already informed you in advance with a secret method. This is indeed the case."

After being certified by the ancestral saints, the elders of Yaoguang naturally have no doubts.

However, they immediately looked at Ye Fan with extremely complicated expressions in their eyes.

He was only in the realm of Lunhai, and he had just joined the Holy Land, and he was able to come into contact with the Great Secret of Fluctuating Light.

Although, this can be regarded as an investment in the ancient holy body, but it is a bit too much.

Thinking in this way, everyone glanced at Li Daoqing who was at the top in unison.

Among the people present, he was the only one who had a special status, and he might be able to "question" the decision of the ancestor a little bit.

It's a pity that the Lord of the Light waved his hands and said happily:

"Since it is the ancestor's decision, we have no objection."

After Li Daoqing's voice fell, he immediately turned around and left first.And when he passed by Ye Fan, he nodded and warned:
"You should be good at cultivation, and don't disappoint the cultivation of the ancestors."

He looks like a kind teacher who cares about the younger generation.

Seeing this, the rest of the elders understood and gradually dispersed.

Only Ye Fan, the two ancient sages, and the elder Zong were left here. The latter immediately looked at Ye Fan, blowing his beard and staring:

"You kid, did you do it on purpose?"

"Hey." Regarding this, Ye Fan smiled awkwardly, scratched his head, and whispered:

"Aren't I afraid that you will forget..."

"No problem—"

Fortunately, a certain ancient sage above spoke and resolved the dispute:
"Since he wants to get in touch with the great secret in advance, there is no need to hide it from everyone, just come with me."

Having received the promise from the ancestors, Ye Fan was truly elated.

He even faintly noticed that the evil spirit that had been silent in his mind for a long time couldn't help being shocked.


Accompanied by a burst of strange fluctuations, an old man with a thin figure and a pale face manifested, lingering in the ancient breath of time.

Although there is no fluctuation of divine energy pervading his whole body, it is awe-inspiring from the bottom of his heart.Because, the other party is one of the few ancient sages proclaimed by the Holy Land of Waving Light.

"Little guy, come with the old man."


Seeing that the Old Sage Waking Light took the lead, Ye Fan naturally followed behind without thinking.

At the same time, even the elder Zong, who is the mainstay of Yaoguang, just sent the ancient sage away respectfully and did not follow.

The two went straight through this natural palace in the middle of the mountain, and advanced along a winding and rugged road.


Sensing that he was obviously going down gradually, deep into the earth's veins, Ye Fan knew it in his heart.

As previously speculated by the evil spirits, the secret of Fluctuating Light is indeed related to the big tomb below it.

Could it be that during this trip, can he see a real emperor's corpse?
Thinking that this possibility might really be possible, Ye Fan's heart couldn't help but pound.

Although the Old Sage's footsteps seemed to be slow, but in reality the world was close, and after only a short while, he arrived at his destination.

And the first thing that caught Ye Fan's eyes was a dark abyss.

The abyss was really bottomless, and Ye Fan couldn't help feeling horrified just looking at it.


However, occasionally, from the depths of the great abyss, there will be thousands of earth vein dragon energy transpiring, accompanied by the turbulent energy of the heaven and earth, rushing out like rivers and rivers.

For a while, this place was reflected as if it were a fairyland on earth.

Even regardless of the so-called great secret, just in terms of the cultivation environment of this place, it can definitely be called a supreme fairy land.

What's more, the magic of this place is definitely far more than that.


I saw that near the edge of the abyss, there was an ancient mottled stone platform standing.

And on the stone platform, there is a big black tripod ups and downs, simple and vicissitudes.

Its whole body is covered with golden dragon patterns, and the ancient ancestors, mountains, rivers, lakes and seas, birds and animals, sun, moon and stars are engraved on the walls of the tripod, accompanied by the supreme majesty and mightiness.

Dragon pattern black gold emperor cauldron!

Although Ye Fan had never seen it before, he recognized at a glance that the cauldron in front of him must be the mysterious emperor soldier in the Yaoguang Holy Land.

The Old Sage Yaoguang beside him also looked at Ye Fan with a surprised expression on his face, and then took the initiative to explain to him:
"Everyone in the world knows that I shake the light as the supreme pure land of practice, but few people know that there is such an abyss under the holy land."

After a pause, the Old Sage continued:

"According to the deduction of my sages, the abyss in front of me is actually a fairy burial place, and it is very likely that a certain supreme existence in the ancient history of human world practice is buried in it."

Understood, isn't it just a big grave, to put it so euphemistically...

The ancient sage naturally felt what Ye Fan was thinking, and he immediately said solemnly:

"And the reason why my teaching was able to refine the emperor's soldiers is also inseparable from this place. The emperor's energy in it transpired, nourishing the black gold tripod with dragon patterns, and then combined with the painstaking efforts of the ancestors of Yaoguang, and finally in a thunderstorm At night, the heaven and the earth communicate with each other, making it successfully transformed."

"It's a pity that although there are countless opportunities buried in the fairy burial ground, even the quasi-emperor I taught entered with a dragon-patterned black gold tripod, and he was in danger of death, and even almost lost the emperor's soldiers in it."

"Therefore, don't be so ambitious, you can only practice here under the protection of the dragon pattern black gold tripod. Occasionally, from the depths of the fairy burial ground, there will be a tide of fairy light, accompanied by the sound of the great way. Being able to understand a thing or two is also a great fortune for you."

"However, in the future, when your Eucharist is fully completed, you may have the opportunity to find out the truth about the fairy burial ground."

Obviously, regarding the fairy burial place in front of him, the ancient sage who shook the light naturally did not tell Ye Fan everything.At least, Ye Fan didn't really believe in the part about how fluctlight was cast into an imperial weapon.But for the current Ye Fan, these are enough.

And speaking of the latter, the ancient sage did not forget to encourage Ye Fan.Of course, what he said was not unreasonable.

After all, according to the records of many ancient history books, if the holy body is completed, it is the most powerful person of the supreme series. Even if it is a fairy burial place, it is possible to go there if you want.

In the end, the ancient sage also personally taught the scriptures of Yaoguang to Ye Fan, so that he could approach the Emperor Cauldron without being rejected.

After arranging everything properly, the ancient sage left immediately, leaving Ye Fan alone here to enlighten and practice.

And Yaoguang's scriptures, although not comparable to the "Tao Jing", are definitely a great skill.

Even though Ye Fan's talent is amazing, it took a long time to barely master it.

Feeling somewhat confident in his heart, Ye Fan took a step forward, left the relatively safe area, slowly approached the dragon-patterned black gold tripod, and tried to sense the abyss.

 The two changes are over.

  Tomorrow there will still be one update after 20:23 and one after 50:[-].

  Finally, thank you again for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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