Covering the sky: At the beginning, the emperor invited me to become a fairy

Chapter 922 The Supreme Heavenly Emperor, The Great Tide of Immortal Light

Chapter 922 The Supreme Heavenly Emperor, The Great Tide of Immortal Light

In the Eastern Desolation and Southern Territory, where the Holy Land of Shaking Light is located, deep in the veins.

No one in the world knows that there is such a dark and deep abyss in this place, known as the fairy burial ground.

Not only that, but according to what the ancient sage Yaoguang said, the emperor soldiers of this religion were also nourished by the emperor spirit of the supreme existence buried in the abyss, and could finally transform into extreme weapons.

Although the authenticity of this statement has yet to be verified, there is no doubt about the mysticism and treachery of this fairy burial place.

Under normal circumstances, not to mention ordinary monks, even Dao Slayer Kings, or even saints, must be careful, otherwise there is a risk of being swallowed by the abyss at any time.

Fortunately, at this moment, on the edge of the abyss, there is still a big black tripod up and down, accompanied by the supreme majesty and majesty, it can stand up to the black abyss in front of it.

At the same time, a young man who looked no more than eleven or twelve years old slowly approached the big tripod. It was Ye Fan who had just joined the Shaking Light Holy Land.

He recited the holy law of shaking light silently in his heart, and even if his body radiated immeasurable brilliance, that aura was vaguely connected with the ancient and simple cauldron in front of him, and he was protected by the latter without accident.

It can only be said that the black gold cauldron with dragon pattern is worthy of being an extreme weapon. Even if the gods in it have not recovered, but the traces of the gods of the avenue naturally hang down, giving the terrifying aura that pervades the abyss to the world. isolated.


Seeing this situation, Ye Fan could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

The man immediately raised his head and looked directly at the Zhenjiao soldiers who were shining brightly in front of him.

I saw that on the wall of the black gold tripod with dragon patterns, there were many ancient and vicissitudes of incisions, flowing with mysterious and inexplicable Taoist rhymes, which could easily resist this extremely weird fairy burial place.

And this is also the first time Ye Fan has deeply realized the horror of the Great Emperor's realm. Even if it is just a weapon and not a monk of this level, it is really awe-inspiring to have such divine power.

No wonder the ancient sage Yaoguang said before that it is already a great opportunity to be able to realize Taoism and practice here.

Even if you don't mention the occasional, ethereal sound of the Great Dao that may come out of the fairy burial ground, even if you just observe this tripod, it will undoubtedly be of great benefit to the cultivation of Yaoguang disciples.

With just a glance at the cauldron, the holy law of fluctuating light in Ye Fan's body began to operate on its own, accompanied by the bang of the scriptures in the dark, as if an ancient sage was preaching for him, which made him listen like an idiot drunk.

"Boy, come closer!"

Suddenly, a rather urgent urging voice came from Ye Fan's mind, which shocked his mind, and even exaggeratedly said, he almost lost his temper.

Ye Fan frowned slightly, and then he calmed down:

"How dare you come out, aren't you afraid of being discovered by the Old Sage?"

Although the real body of the ancient sage has already left, Ye Fan has every reason to believe that the other party must be silently paying attention to this place, and it is absolutely impossible to let a junior in the Lunhai realm act alone here.

Just as Ye Fan was thinking in this way, in his vast ocean of consciousness, there was a gloomy and strange black mist surging, and a pale and strange figure loomed in it, which was an evil ghost.

For Ye Fan's worries, the evil ghost is completely dismissive:

"Don't worry, although that guy has divine sense to pay attention to this place, but just because of this, he wants to be aware of the existence of this seat, and it's still a long way off."

Hearing the evil ghost's words, Ye Fan felt a little relieved.

So that's the case, no wonder this guy dared to poke his head.

The evil ghost didn't care about Ye Fan's thoughts at all, and hurriedly continued to urge:
"Go quickly, I want to see what is going on with the so-called miracle of consecrated worship."

Apparently, the goblin also didn't believe a word of what the Fluctlight Old One said.

Ye Fan thought for a while, and quickly agreed.

After all, when it comes to curiosity about Emperor Yaobing, he is definitely no less than a ghost.

After making up his mind, he immediately opened his eyes, which were full of surprise.Ye Fan stood up, and slowly approached the Dragon Pattern Black Gold Cauldron with a curious expression on his face.

In the eyes of the dark old sage, it is quite normal for a person to feel excited when he comes into contact with extreme weapons for the first time, and wants to get closer to observe them.

Of course, Ye Fan also grasped a certain degree, and never got too close, otherwise it would really touch the dragon pattern black gold tripod and cause a change, which would be bad.

At the same time, under the cover of Ye Fan's aura, the evil ghost's cold divine sense also slowly came out, watching the emperor in front of him.

"Hmph! This seat just said, where did the miracle come from?"

In his mind, the evil ghost's unexpected tone moved Ye Fan's heart, and he immediately said:

"You mean, this tripod was not made by heaven and earth, but by a supreme being?"


Naturally, the evil spirit has nothing to hide.

After getting the evil ghost's affirmative answer, Ye Fan couldn't help being shocked, and his eyes were even more radiant.

Sure enough, on that night of lightning and thunder, a supreme being descended to the Holy Land of Waking Light and cast the black gold emperor tripod with dragon pattern.

I just don't know how much the Holy Land of Waking Light knows about this...

Thinking of this in his heart, Ye Fan's tone was excited, and he hurriedly asked:
"Then, can you tell which great emperor made this tripod?"


Hearing Ye Fanzhi's question, a slightly embarrassed expression appeared on the evil ghost's pale face covered by the black mist.

In this regard, the evil ghost did not choose to answer directly, but continued to observe with divine sense, and then said in a rather strange tone:

"According to common sense, whenever the Supreme refines Taoist soldiers, he will inevitably imprint his own Tao and principles on it, but in the black golden cauldron with dragon patterns in front of him, such traces are extremely faint, like—"

Speaking of this, the evil ghost couldn't help but pause, and finally said in a deep voice:

"It's like, as if it was made by hand."

Make it easily! ?
Ye Fan never expected that the evil spirit would come to such an absurd conclusion like a fairy tale.

Of course, Ye Fan is by no means a dull person, so he naturally heard the ghost's overtones.

The vast majority of supreme soldiers need to interweave their own avenues with it, so as to achieve the latter's extreme power.

However, the one who forged the emperor's armament by shaking the light, just refined it "casually".It is enough to see that his cultivation is probably far above that of ordinary emperors.

Realizing this, Ye Fan couldn't help asking curiously:

"In this world, are there many people who can casually forge into emperor soldiers?"

Hearing this, the evil ghost thought for a while, and then calmly said:

"Through the ancient history of practice in the human world, at least the existence of the Supreme Heavenly Emperor Series can do this."

"Although there are definitely not many such characters, it is difficult for me to judge for a while, which heavenly emperor will this tripod come from."

I never thought that even an evil ghost with a mysterious origin would not be able to discern the identity behind the person who forged the black gold emperor cauldron with dragon patterns.

While Ye Fan felt slightly regretful, he was more genuinely excited.

Because, this also means that in the Holy Land of Waving Light, there is likely to be another supreme inheritance of the supreme existence.

And just when both of them fell into deep thinking——


The abyss ahead shook violently, the void avenue roared, and the sky fell apart.

It was like the opening of an ancient and majestic world, far more surging than the huge tide of fairy light before.

I saw that thousands of dragons were blowing out, and the chaotic fairy light was like a sea, illuminating the huge abyss as bright as day.

Under the boundless auspicious colors and divine glow, Ye Fan's figure was really insignificant, as if he would be swallowed up in the next moment.


Perhaps sensing the riots in the Immortal Burial Ground, the Black Gold Cauldron with Dragon Pattern was no longer silent, and the mysterious Dao rhyme flowed.

I saw that the dao pattern on the cauldron wall seemed to come alive, endless black light surged, and the majesty of the extreme dao was magnificent.


The seemingly majestic and unstoppable tide of fairy light swept straight in, but the moment it touched the black light, it was annihilated into nothingness.

The power of the extreme way is really terrifying.

At the same time, with the wave of fairy light covering the sky and covering the sky, in Ye Fan's mind, the sounds of the great avenue and heaven, like Huang Zhong Dalu, are deafening.

Although it was difficult for Ye Fan to comprehend the true meaning of the Dao, he was still deeply trapped in it and couldn't extricate himself.

"It turned out to be her!"

 The second update will still be updated around 23:50.

  Thank you for all your support!
(End of this chapter)

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