Chapter 923 Ruthless Inheritance, Immortal Kung Fu


Accompanied by a huge bang that opened up the sky and opened up the earth, deep in the veins, it seemed that a real dragon turned over, causing the entire fluctuating light to shake violently, as if it was about to burst apart in an instant.

I saw thousands of divine peaks swaying, heavenly palaces and fairy towers swaying, and many rare birds and animals in the mountains and forests could not help but scream.


At this moment, in the Holy Land of Waving Light, there was an unbearable person who had collapsed to the ground, trembling uncontrollably.


Fortunately, that violent fluctuation only lasted for a moment.

In addition, the supreme formations all over the Wailing Holy Land were revived, sheltering the entire Holy Land, and neither the buildings nor the living beings suffered any damage.

Just when the disciples of Yaoguang were panicking, a majestic and majestic voice resounded throughout the entire Holy Land:
"It's just a change in the earth's veins, so there's no need to worry."

The calm tone of Li Daoqing, the holy master of shaking light, made many disciples let go of their hanging hearts.

After comforting the people from the Yaoguang Sect, Li Daoqing immediately raised his head, looked at the location of the central Shenfeng, and fell into deep thought.

And in a certain cave, Shengzi Yaoguang suddenly opened his eyes, with a strange expression flickering in them.Some kind of premonition came to him from somewhere, and his heart shook violently.

At the same time, inside the central peak, in the ancient palace, the two ancient sages had never fallen into a deep sleep, and one of them had been paying attention to Ye Fan's movements.


Two pairs of extremely bright and blazing eyes shot out, piercing through the void and seeing the real scene deep in the leylines.

I saw that the celestial light was chaotic like the sea, and the aura of thousands of dragons covered the sky and the earth, but after all, it was difficult to surpass the barrier built by the black gold tripod with dragon patterns, and annihilate nothingness.

However, even though they saw the situation in the big tomb with their own eyes, the two ancient sages did not relax their vigilance at all, and continued to observe carefully.

They finally breathed a sigh of relief when it was confirmed that the fairy tide would gradually subside and that there would be no more waves for a long time to come.

The two ancient sages looked at each other, and both saw the surprise in each other's eyes.

"Before, although there were occasional changes in the fairy burial ground, it was seldom like it is today. And this son just worshiped my Yaoguang, and this vision appeared. I don't know whether it is a blessing or a curse."

One of the ancient sages expressed his sincere emotion and bluntly expressed his concerns.

Relatively speaking, the other ancient sage was quite relaxed and said calmly:

"He has great luck. He can not only take the coffin of the Nine Dragons and cross the star field, but also get out of the body after picking the elixir from the forbidden area of ​​life. It is extraordinary."

"Now, such a figure who is destined to rise has become my Yaoguang disciple, which is naturally a blessing rather than a disaster."

Hearing this, the ancient sage on the opposite side only thought for a while, and then nodded, obviously approving the judgment of the other party.

From ancient times to the present, those who can finally climb to the highest place have many adventures.

Since he is a disciple of Yaoguang, not only will they not obstruct him, but they will secretly protect him.


Below the Holy Land of Shaking Light, deep in the leylines, on the edge of the endless abyss.

The tide of fairy light came fiercely, but it also went extremely fast, and now it has subsided.

Here only the lingering rosy clouds and faint mist surround the place, and the black gold emperor tripod with dragon pattern returns to silence.

However, although the wave of fairy light has subsided, in Ye Fan's mind, the sound of the Great Dao Tianyin has not been cut off, but has become more and more magnificent.

Soon, Ye Fan lost his perception of the outside world, and his whole mind was immersed in the great ocean, listening to the sweet sounds of immortals, and fell into a deep realm of enlightenment.

I'm afraid, even if the evil spirit dwelling in his mind shouts, it will be difficult to wake him up.

Of course, evil spirits wouldn't do that either.

At the same time, on Ye Fan's body, the Bodhi seed obtained from Yinghuo Daleiyin Temple gave off a faint divine brilliance, shining with endless wisdom, helping Ye Fan capture the supreme scripture in the dark.


Looking at the Buddha's path picture on the bodhi child, the evil ghost in his mind snorted coldly:
"This dead bald donkey!"

Of course, the evil ghost can only enjoy his mouth for now.

After all, facing the imprint left by a quasi-emperor, both he and Ye Fan could only sigh in relief.

Fortunately, under the blessing of the Buddha's Taoist diagram, Bodhizi helped Ye Fan even more, making him "enlighten" and enlightenment easier.

I don't know how long it has passed, the abyss in front of him has already returned to its previous appearance of eternal darkness, and Ye Fan slowly opened his eyes.

There is neither earth-shattering power nor visions of flying immortals in the world of mortals, only plain and simple, returning to the basics.

In Ye Fan's mind, an incomplete but relatively complete scripture is constantly ringing, expounding some kind of supreme way.

Although, at present, he is still unable to comprehend the true meaning of it, but he can also feel the dao rhyme of being close to immortality.

However, Ye Fan's realm cultivation is not enough, but it doesn't mean that "others" can't.

The evil ghost now resides in Ye Fan's sea of ​​consciousness between the brows, and "helping each other in the same boat" with him, naturally understands the scripture that Ye Fan sensed.

"Sure enough, it is indeed her scripture."

I have to say that that passage of scriptures is really miraculous, even if it is incomplete, it still makes Ye Fan feel like he has been completely reborn.

At this moment, he seemed to have recognized the origin of the scripture from the words of the evil ghost, so he hurriedly asked:
"Which great emperor is it?"

"If you just had doubts just now, then I can now conclude that the one buried here is definitely the Emperor Ruthless!"

The evil ghost's tone was solemn, revealing the honorable name of the supreme being who is majestic in the past and the present, invincible in heaven and earth, and has created many miracles.

Ruthless Emperor! ?
Hearing the words of the evil ghost, Ye Fan couldn't help but shake in his heart.

To actually use the title of "Ruthless Man" is really eclectic, and this is enough to see how extraordinary he is.

Perhaps sensing what Ye Fan was thinking, the evil ghost took the initiative to explain:
"He didn't call himself Ruthless, but because what he did and the miracles he created were so shocking and awe-inspiring to the world, that's why he was called the 'Ruthless Emperor'."

In order for Ye Fan to realize the strength of Ruthless People more clearly, the evil ghost immediately asked:

"Do you know the Chaos Body?"

Ye Fan nodded without hesitation.

Ye Fan is no stranger to this kind of physique.

As the ancient holy body itself, it is already one of the most powerful physiques recognized in the human world, but if compared with the chaotic body, it is still inferior.

"According to many clues, it is conjectured that Emperor Ruthless Man should have been just a mortal body, but she created a strange Heaven Swallowing Devil Art, which devours the origin of all spirits."

"In the end, the ruthless emperor turned into a chaotic body against the sky, and fought to a tie with another congenital chaotic body in the current world. The two destroyed all ways, and both proved to be emperors."

Although it was just a brief description of the evil ghost, it still made Ye Fan's heart surge.

What kind of amazing genius is this?
He rose up with a mortal body, broke the shackles, and finally confronted the strongest physique, and did not fall behind. He really deserves the name of a ruthless person!
"So, the scriptures I heard just now come from this Heaven Swallowing Demon Art?"

Ye Fan had a look of sudden realization, and said it as a matter of course.

However, the evil spirit shook his head:
"It is rumored that the Heaven Swallowing Devil Art was harmful to the harmony of heaven, and the Ruthless Emperor was deeply trapped by the devil's body in his first life, so in his later years, he created another supreme heavenly art, finally broke the shackles of the devil's body, and lived out his first life. Second come."

"It's not bad as I expected. The scriptures you just realized are the immortal skills that have never been passed down to the world."

Immortal God!

Since this skill is named indestructible, it can be seen what kind of ambition the Ruthless Emperor has in his heart, and he wants to be immortal in the world of mortals.

Seeing Ye Fan's fascinated look, the evil ghost immediately said sadly:

"Do you know that there is another reason why Emperor Ruthless is called 'Ruthless'?"

Ye Fan was naturally curious about this.

"It is rumored that because Emperor Ruthless couldn't find the fairy material that could refine the emperor's armament for a long time, she refined her faded body of the first life into an emperor's armament."

Even though Ye Fan was prepared in his heart, after learning of such "anecdotes", he still couldn't help but stand on his head.

At the same time, he also had a deeper understanding of the name "ruthless man".

Fortunately, Ye Fan's mentality has always been optimistic, and soon returned to normal.

In any case, the ruthless emperor's merits have been involved in good fortune, and the heavenly skills he created in his later years must be even more extraordinary.

It is undoubtedly a great opportunity for me to obtain the incomplete scriptures of immortality.

Moreover, according to what the ancient sage Yaoguang said before, there will be a tide of fairy light in the fairy burial ground from time to time.

If he does it a few more times, he might really be able to make up for the Indestructible Heaven Skill.

The evil ghost knew exactly what was going on in Ye Fan's mind, and when he saw his airy appearance, he immediately poured cold water on him:

"You kid, don't be too happy."

"Before this seat, I realized that there was another supreme scripture in the cultivation of the Son of Light, and now it seems that it is probably the inheritance of the Ruthless Emperor."

"And to practice the Heaven Swallowing Devil Art, you need to devour the source of all spirits, your ancient holy body... tsk tsk."

In the end, the evil spirit was rather gloating.

 The two changes are over.

  Tomorrow weekend, there will still be more updates as usual.

  There is still one change around 14:19, and two changes after 30:[-].

  Finally, thank you again for your subscriptions, rewards and votes!

(End of this chapter)

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