Chapter 924
Below the Holy Land of Shaking Light, on the edge of the deep and dark abyss.

As the evil ghost's voice fell, Ye Fan felt cold all over his body, and his hairs stood on his head.

At the same time, a flash of inspiration appeared in his mind.

No wonder, when he met Shengzi Yaoguang before, although the other party's performance was quite decent, gentle and elegant, making people feel like a spring breeze, but he always had a strange feeling in his heart.

Looking at it now, the other party turned out to be greedy for his "body"!
Presumably, when he learned that Yaoguang had harvested an ancient holy body that had not yet grown up, he was already very happy, and even couldn't wait to come to see it in advance.

And although Ye Fan was wary of Shengzi Yaoguang, it was impossible for him to expect that the other party would regard him as a "big meal".

If it weren't for his chance, he would have obtained part of the inheritance of the Ruthless Man's Indestructible Heavenly Skill in the Immortal Burial Ground, and in addition, there would be an evil ghost with a mysterious origin in his mind to advise him.

I'm afraid that one day Ye Fan will be eaten by the other party, and he still doesn't understand why.

Thinking of this, Ye Fan couldn't help but feel grateful, but at the same time quite afraid.

However, he is not very human after all, he quickly regained his composure, thought for a while, and immediately asked in his mind:

"Could it be that Yaoguang is like me, enlightened here, and got the inheritance of the Ruthless Emperor?"

"Humph! How is it possible!"

Hearing Ye Fanzhi's question, the evil ghost naturally had a disdainful expression on his face:
"Don't say that he is a mere Holy Son of Light, even if he is this seat, he can only harvest some incomplete scriptures."

"Do you really think that there are such geniuses in the world who can complete the ruthless man's supreme skill by themselves? Even if the Immortal Emperor of the past reappears, it is impossible to do it!"

Since Ye Fan didn't know much about the so-called Immortal Emperor, he naturally had no doubts about the evil ghost's mouth.

You must know that Bodhi is a sacred object related to Daleiyin Temple and Sakyamuni.From ancient times to the present, there are many legends about Buddha enlightened under the bodhi tree.

But this time, Ye Fan borrowed the power of the bodhi son, and finally only got part of the true meaning of the immortal skill.

Come to think of it, even if Shengzi Yaoguang has a great opportunity, no matter how amazing his talent is, it is unlikely that he can get the complete inheritance of the ruthless man just like that.

"Hmph! According to this seat, the Heavenly Skills cultivated by the Holy Son of Waking Light are complete, and I'm afraid it probably came from the ruthless orthodox."

The evil ghost's tone was dignified, and he fell into deep thought:

"It's just that this vein has 'disappeared' many years ago. I never thought it would be revived now..."

On the other hand, Ye Fan, when he heard the words of the evil ghost, showed a rather strange expression on his face, complaining in his heart:

You, an old ghost who has been dead for many years, can still come out and dance, why not the inheritance of others?

The evil ghost didn't care about what Ye Fan was thinking, and just said in a casual tone:
"However, you don't have to worry too much, boy. As the ancient holy body, you have a bright future, and now you are the key protection object of Elder Yaoguang and saints."

"As long as you can show your extraordinary talent in the future and get their attention, I don't think the Holy Son of Light will dare to attack you easily."

Hearing this, Ye Fan nodded.

Just like what the evil ghost said, he is now being favored by the powerhouses of the fluctlight, as long as he does not leave the fluctlight, it may be difficult for the opponent to find a chance to make a move.

Thinking of this, Ye Fan couldn't help but let go of his hanging heart.

After all, the strength is still not as good as human beings...

After all, no matter how amazing Ye Fan's talent is, he is still just a small person in the realm of Lunhai now. Only under the protection of the ancient sages and kings can he avoid the clutches of evil.

At this moment, Ye Fan's desire for cultivation and strength has reached its peak.

Only by being strong can one be able to calmly face all conspiracies and have a chance to return to Earth in the future.

Thinking of this, Ye Fan immediately raised his head and looked at the black gold tripod with dragon pattern in front of him.

Now, the origin of this tripod has been revealed, and it was forged by the legendary Ruthless Emperor!
If he could possess the strength of the Ruthless Emperor, where would he not be able to go under the whole world?

And when Ye Fan thought that his emperor's body, divine treasure, and even the supreme inheritance were likely to be buried in the deepest part of the abyss, he couldn't help but feel hot in his heart.

The evil ghost is naturally clear about the ups and downs in his heart, and then said helplessly:
"Don't look! This place is full of extreme formation patterns. With your meager cultivation, you can only die if you go deep into it rashly."

"However, it's not impossible to give it a try after your cultivation base has improved and this seat has recovered a little."

The evil ghost has insight into people's hearts and understands the principle of spurs, so he encouraged them like this.

And although Ye Fan knew the other party's plan, he just wanted to use himself to nourish the true spirit so that he could reincarnate from death in the future, but he had to admit that what the other party said was not unreasonable.

After making up his mind, Ye Fan immediately took advantage of the situation and sat down cross-legged, absorbing the indestructible earth vein dragon energy and the essence of heaven and earth source here.

At the same time, with the help of the black gold cauldron with dragon patterns, he comprehended the holy law of shaking light and the indestructible power of heaven.

Seeing this situation, the evil ghost in his mind couldn't help showing a look of relief.

As the supreme existence of the past, he is very familiar with the physique of the ancient holy body. Coupled with the resource assistance of Fluctlight, and Ye Fan's own bones are also excellent, he has full confidence in cultivating Ye Fan into a One of the strongest holy bodies in history!


Yaoguang is the supreme holy land that has been powerful in the Eastern Desolation for more than [-] years. Among its disciples, there have been many heroes and heroes in succession.

Because of this, the sages of the Shaking Light Holy Land have long opened up several places in a corner of the Holy Land for disciples of different realms to cross the tribulation.

Among them, there is a certain kind of unique avenue divine pattern inscribed, which can restrain the power of the catastrophe within a certain range and will not spread to the outside world.


However, today, the world is a vast expanse of whiteness, with thousands of thunderbolts blazing, and the aura of catastrophe dispersing.

Even if it's just the insignificant aftermath, it still makes the onlookers shudder.

"Senior Brother Ye Fan, you really live up to your reputation."

Looking at the vast sea of ​​thunder that seemed to be drowning the world not far away, the Yaoguang disciples on the periphery were truly in awe.

"It's only been six years since Senior Brother Ye Fan entered my Yaoguang practice, and he has crossed the three secret realms of Lunhai, Taoist Palace, and Four Extremes, and now he is about to step into the Dragon Transformation."

"Such a talent, even compared with the great emperors when they were young, it is definitely not too much!"

If other people dare to compare with the young emperor, they will definitely attract ridicule from everyone.

But Ye Fan is different, he himself is the Ancient Saint Physique.And the Eucharist is complete, can fight the emperor, it is definitely not a lie.

Not only that, but now Ye Fan has shown a talent for cultivating Taoism that is astonishing in the past and the present. Even the Holy Son and the Holy Maiden of Yaoguang seem to be a little inferior in front of him.

Perhaps, this person can really break through the shackles and become the second holy body to prove the Tao as the emperor?

Thinking that there might be such a possibility, all the disciples present couldn't help being shocked.

Immediately, they looked straight at the figure who was crossing the catastrophe in the field, their eyes were full of hope and anticipation.

In fact, not only the many disciples of Yaoguang, but even among the elders of the Dao Slashing King realm, there are many people who have left the customs and came here to watch Ye Fan cross the catastrophe.

At this moment, the faces of the Supreme Elders also showed a look of relief.


The real dragon's long chant resounded through the sky and the earth, and one after another, the sky dragons intertwined with blazing thunder, were lifelike, and they all rushed towards Ye Fan below.

The latter, on the other hand, is like a god of war, accompanied by surging golden blood, and many terrifying visions manifested, fighting against the dragon of that day without losing the slightest advantage.

Seeing this situation, a strange expression flickered in the eyes of Shengzi Yaoguang, who was thinking of something.

 There will be two more updates after 19:30 p.m.

  Thank you for all your support!
(End of this chapter)

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