Covering the sky: At the beginning, the emperor invited me to become a fairy

Chapter 925 Reappearance of the Immortal Golden Body

Chapter 925 Reappearance of the Immortal Golden Body
In the Eastern Desolation and Southern Territory, the Holy Land of Shaking Light is located.

At an infinite height, a hole seemed to be broken in the sky, and the thunder pond from the nine heavens poured down, trying to drown the world.

Thousands of thunderbolts are blazing, thick and boundless, and each of them is as majestic as a mountain, pressing down.

Fortunately, there is the supreme array pattern engraved by the sages of Yaoguang here, which cuts off most of the thunder and robbery, so that the onlookers are not harmed.


In the boundless sea of ​​calamity, Ye Fan was bathed in thunder, and by himself alone, he suppressed a whole ninety-nine and eighty-one heavenly dragons, and the golden blood was overwhelming.

At the same time, where the big dragon was located on his spine, there was a deep dragon chant, resounding through the world.

"This son has grasped the essence of Hualong, and this day's calamity can't stop him."

Above the clouds, a certain senile elder stroked his beard and said with a gratified expression on his face.

Hearing this, the rest of the elders also nodded in agreement.

In fact, Ye Fan's strength is far beyond everyone's imagination.


Ye Fan stood proudly in the midst of the thunder, slowly swung his fists, and the terrifying and boundless vision was crushed down, easily blasting a sky dragon away, turning it into crystal light and rain.

Accompanied by the sound of "crackling", Ye Fan's spine roared like a dragon, as if he was about to take off.

At the same time, the big dragon on the spine spared no effort to devour the light rain transformed by the dragon that day, as well as the power of endless catastrophe and punishment, to achieve its own body.


Perhaps, it was precisely because Ye Fan's actions offended the supreme existence in the dark that a more terrifying catastrophe was imposed later.

"That is!?"

When they saw clearly what had manifested from the Sea of ​​Calamity, even the well-informed Supreme Elders present could not help but exclaim.

I saw that a majestic and majestic celestial tower was ups and downs, as if it had passed through millions of years, and it had come to this world, filled with the breath of ancient vicissitudes.

"Is this really just a catastrophe in the realm of transforming dragons?"

Regardless of the level of cultivation, at this moment, the same question emerged in the hearts of the monks present.

Such a mysterious and strange scene, not to mention the Great Tribulation of Transforming Dragons, even in the Great Tribulation of Dao Slashing, they have never heard of it.

"Hmph! Rare is more strange!"

Among the crowd, the elder Zong with white beard and hair looked calm and looked down at everyone:
"Ye Xiaozi started to cross the tribulation from the Lunhai realm, which can be said to be unprecedented in ancient times. He is amazingly talented, and now he is not transitioning to a slightly special dragon transformation tribulation. What's the fuss?"

You must know that among the powerhouses of the major holy land families, it was Elder Zong who first discovered Ye Fan.Therefore, he was not at all surprised by Ye Fan's monstrous behavior.

In addition, Ye Fan's amazing performance over the past few years has also made the elder Zong who led him into the glory, and he has already become Ye Fan's number one "fan".


Just when everyone was thinking and discussing, there was another change in the catastrophe.

I saw that in the ancient and vicissitudes of the sky, there was a slightly blurred human-shaped lightning coming out, overlooking Ye Fan below.


His eyes were like torches, like two eternal celestial lights bursting out, piercing through the void and pointing directly at Ye Fan's eyebrows.

"not good!"

Seeing this situation, the elders Yaoguang present all changed their colors.

Primordial spirit is undoubtedly the most important existence of monks, and the secret realm of Xiantai represents the future of monks.

No matter how transcendent Ye Fan is, he has just passed the threshold of the Dragon Transformation Secret Realm.

Sendai has not yet been developed, and the protection and training of the primordial spirit must be limited, so how can it resist the most powerful attack in the catastrophe?
But in any case, this catastrophe needs to be resisted by itself.

No matter how anxious outsiders are, they can't help much.

Seeing that Ye Fan's Yuanshen and Xiantai were about to be shattered in the day of punishment, the hearts of many monks present couldn't help but hang in their throats.

But at the same time, there are naturally some people who are happy to hear and see, and are relieved.

However, it is a pity that they naturally failed to see the long-awaited bloody scene.

I saw that after the fairy light entered Ye Fan's forehead, it did not burst out immediately, but spread with some kind of frightening fluctuations.

After only a moment, that kind of fluctuation disappeared into nothingness.Ye Fan suddenly opened his eyes, the eyes in them were full of light, majestic Ling Xiaohan.

Although there were many people in the audience who believed that Ye Fan would be able to survive this disaster, they never expected that it would be so easy.

Even the humanoid lightning in Tianque failed to take down Ye Fan, let alone the rest.


As Ye Fan devoured all ninety-nine and 81 heavenly dragons, the catastrophe finally came to an end.

As for Ye Fan, he not only successfully broke into the secret realm of the dragon transformation, but also stood firmly in the realm of the second transformation of the dragon transformation from the very beginning.

For this result, everyone was not so surprised.

After all, as long as you have watched the whole process of Ye Fan crossing the catastrophe, you will be able to deeply realize that he is really fierce.

Throughout the ages, almost all those who survived the ninety-nine heavenly dragon catastrophe almost died.I'm afraid there are only a few people who can devour all the dragons.

Now that Ye Fan can stand in the second transformation of Hualong, it can be considered that the nutrition of those Tianlong has not been wasted in vain.

Seeing that the sea of ​​robbery receded and the thunder was annihilated, the disciples of Yaoguang who were watching were about to step forward to congratulate, but they were stopped by a group of elders.

"Don't be impatient."

The catastrophe is over, why don't the elders let us get close to Senior Brother Ye Fan?

Everyone was puzzled.And soon, their questions were answered.

In the boundless void, Ye Fan did not leave, and took advantage of the situation to sit cross-legged.

His treasured appearance is solemn, like a god, and like a Buddha, with some kind of mysterious Taoist rhyme circulating around him.

At the same time, his Lunhai, Dao Palace, Siji, and Dragon Transformation Secret Realm also all bloomed with immeasurable brilliance, and there was a grand sound of heavenly sound.

I saw that Ye Fan's four great secret realms resonated, and many terrifying visions merged into one. Accompanied by the exuberant blood energy that surged to the sky, his body was reflected in gold. It was really sacred and majestic to the extreme, like a real statue. Like a fairy king.

Seeing this situation, among the disciples of Yaoguang, there are also those who are well-educated and knowledgeable, and at this moment thoughtfully said:

"The secret method of the Eucharist?"


In mid-air, the figure of a certain Supreme Elder appeared, who nodded appreciatively, and then continued to explain:

"The lineage of the holy body, also known as the immortal golden body in ancient times, has a unique way to practice each secret realm."

"This method is said to have originated from the legendary ancestor of the immortal golden body, and was subsequently improved by the Holy Emperor."

"The Holy Physique is complete, and one who can fight for Taoism. It's not just because of his extraordinary physique, this method is also indispensable."

It was the first time for more Yaoguang disciples to hear such secrets, so they naturally listened with gusto.

"I fluctuate the light, naturally I have also collected this kind of secret method of the Holy Body lineage. It is a pity that what I have obtained is only some incomplete methods."

Speaking of this, the Supreme Elder couldn't help but pause, his eyes were shining brightly, and he said in a deep voice:
"However, Ye Fan is really against the sky, relying on these incomplete scriptures we collected, and relying on himself alone, he has figured out the practice method of the Holy Physique."

There was unconcealable excitement in the tone of the Supreme Elder:
"Now, apart from Xiantai, Ye Fan's body's four major secret realms have been opened, which naturally produced a chain reaction, and the true power of the immortal golden body will reappear in the world!"

After the elder's explanation, Yaoguang's disciples finally came to a realization.And in their hearts, the awe of Ye Fan has also been raised to a higher level.

At this moment, all the eyes of everyone present were looking at Ye Fan in mid-air, looking forward to the end of his practice, wanting to see how far the other party can transform.

 Sorry, there are a lot of things today, and Chapter 3 will have to wait for a while, and it will be updated around 21:[-].

(End of this chapter)

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