Covering the sky: At the beginning, the emperor invited me to become a fairy

Chapter 926 The Battle of Fate, the Peerless Tianjiao

Chapter 926 The Battle of Fate, the Peerless Tianjiao

A corner of the Holy Land of Shaking Light, a place opened up by the sages for future generations to cross the catastrophe.

On weekdays, this place is really sparsely populated, and occasionally only a few disciples who are about to cross the border can be seen.

However, today, with the news that the real immortal golden body will be reappeared, even the disciples and elders who were not interested in Ye Fan's crossing the catastrophe, all gathered at this moment.

It was really a sea of ​​people, and the place where the secret place was surrounded was completely impenetrable.

At the same time, headed by Li Daoqing, the Holy Lord of Shaking Light, the eyes of all the Supreme Elders, Elders, Holy Sons and Saintesses all fell on Ye Fan below.

Although the holy body is under the curse of enlightenment, Ye Fan's amazing performance over the past few years has already broken many records in the history of Fluctlight.

Proving the Tao as the emperor does not seem to be out of reach.


Just when all kinds of thoughts were fluctuating in everyone's hearts, there was a thunderous bang.

I saw that Ye Fan's physical body resonated with the four mystic realms, and blood energy as brilliant as gold intertwined, bursting out immeasurable divine power.

The celestial light shocked the world, and it was so bright that it made the disciples who were watching were in a trance for a moment.

When the celestial light and mist dissipated, Ye Fan's figure appeared again.

He had already stood up long, his black and crystal-clear hair was loose, his eyes were deep and his body was flawless.

At this moment, Ye Fan looked around with a smile all over his face, and immediately bowed his hands and said:
"I have met all the elders, Holy Master."

The person's voice fell, and the place was still silent.

In fact, many great powers of the Immortal Terrace, the Dao Slayer King, and even the majestic divine sense of the ancient sages have already fallen on him.

In this regard, Ye Fan did not back down at all, and still held his head high and stood confidently.

However, although Ye Fan has broken through to the realm of transforming a dragon, the gap in cultivation between him and the elders is still incomparable.

Therefore, everyone naturally understood his real combat power at a glance, and they were immediately horrified and shocked from the bottom of their hearts.

"Good, good, good!"

A group of Supreme Elders headed by Elder Zong couldn't hide their excitement and joy on their faces at this moment.

It is worthy of being an immortal golden body!
Now, Ye Fan's physical body has been successfully opened up to the four major secret realms, and he has practiced the sacred body secret method that he "explored by himself", and his physical body has already evolved to an incredible level.

In the eyes of the Dao Slashing Kings, even the cultivator of the first heaven in Xiantai is probably not Ye Fan's opponent in terms of physical body.

The horror of this physique has gradually emerged.

"Very good, the Immortal Golden Body is already considered successful, and it will really be limitless in the future."

Even Li Daoqing, who has always been calm and stable, could not help but praise him with his eyes shining at this moment.

After a pause, Li Daoqing continued:
"Today, you came to the Dragon Transformation Secret Realm and broke another practice record of my teaching. If you have any wishes, you can tell them and listen to them. I will try my best to make them come true for you."

His voice fell, and everyone present couldn't help being shocked.

Obviously, Ye Fan's talent is amazing and he is destined to rise. Even as the Lord of the Holy Land, he wants to win him over.

Hearing this, Ye Fan's eyes turned, and without any hesitation, he said:

"The younger generation happens to have something to ask for, and I ask the Holy Master to fulfill it."

"What's the matter?"

For some reason, Li Daoqing had a bad premonition in his heart, but he still asked calmly.

I saw that Ye Fan raised his eyes abruptly, and looked at the young man with extraordinary bearing beside Li Daoqing.

"Willing to fight Brother Yaoguang!"

That's right, as early as a few years ago, before Ye Fan's rise, he had already been named, and became another disciple named Yaoguang in the history of the Holy Land.

As Ye Fan's voice fell, the place was silent for a moment, followed by exclamations one after another, like a mountain roaring and a tsunami.

On the face of Shengzi Yaoguang, there was a moment of astonishment, and even after returning to normal, there was still a bright smile, and he nodded towards Ye Fan.

Facing Ye Fan's request, Li Daoqing fell silent.

Among the disciples of Yaoguang's generation, there are these two geniuses.

Although, more or less, everyone expected that there would be a battle between the two, but what they never expected was that Ye Fan would take the initiative to challenge Yaoguang just after he survived the Dragon Transformation Tribulation.

You must know that although Yaoguang's practice speed is not as fast as Ye Fan's, he is still steady and steady, and has already entered the realm of transforming a dragon a few years ago.Thinking about it, it is not too far away from Sendai now.

However, when everyone calmed down, they realized that Ye Fan's chances of winning this battle were definitely not low.

The two are also in the big realm of transforming dragons. Although there is a small difference in the realm, Ye Fan's indestructible golden body has already transformed to an incredible level, which is enough to make up for it, and even counter pressure Yaoguang.

Thinking about it carefully, Fluctlight has not yet landed on Sendai, so he should be the one who is really in danger.

Thinking about it this way, many elders had playful expressions on their faces, and they all looked at Li Daoqing to see how he would deal with it.

It has to be said that Li Daoqing is really caught in a dilemma at the moment.

But when the situation was deadlocked, Fluctlight stepped forward and said:

"Junior Brother Ye Fan is dedicated to the Tao. Since I want to compete with brothers, how can I refuse. Please agree, Master!"

Everyone present did not expect at all that Fluctlight would take the initiative to ask for a fight under the premise that there was a high probability of losing.

However, after they thought about it carefully, they had to agree that this was the best choice.

Yaoguang took the initiative to invite the battle, which not only resolved Li Daoqing's embarrassment, but also defined the battle as a sparring, and prepared the next step.

Although, in everyone's minds, this battle will not be regarded as a simple "discussion", but the loser will definitely look better in the follow-up.

Hearing Yaoguang's words, Ye Fan frowned slightly.

Obviously, he was quite dissatisfied with this result.

According to his original plan, Ye Fan wanted to take this opportunity to test the reality of Fluctlight.

But now it seems that this person actually responded like this.I am afraid that his wish is likely to come true.

But no matter what, due to Fluctlight's initiative, the duel between the two was naturally finalized in this way.

Ye Fan fights Fluctlight!

The former is an ancient sacred body with a great reputation, breaking many practice records along the way;
And the latter, also an amazing person, was recognized by the ancient sage and given the name of Flux.

Since the two were born in the same era, they are destined to have this battle in the end.


The trial ground of the Yaoguang Holy Land hangs high above a certain divine peak. This is a place for duels prepared for disciples who are below the realm of the Dao Slayer King.

Since ancient times, it has witnessed the battles of countless heroes.

Now, another peerless duel is about to usher in.

And this battle will decide the No.1 of Fluctlight's younger generation.

It may even be the leader of the younger generation of Donghuang!

In the proving ground, there was a certain kind of eternal and chilling aura, which made the disciples who were watching all around couldn't help being terrified.

However, at the scene, Ye Fan and Yaoguang seemed unaware of it, and remained calm and composed.

On Yaoguang's face, there was still that bright smile on his face, and he even cupped his hands towards Ye Fan:

"Junior brother is amazingly talented and brilliant. He is astonishing in the past and the present. I will fight Brother Yu later. Please be merciful."

In this regard, Ye Fan shook his head helplessly, and smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth:
"Brother is too modest, this is what I want to say, brother."


As soon as the words fell, Wang Yang's blood was surging to the sky, colliding with the immeasurable holy light, and a huge roar erupted like the sky falling apart.

 Three changes completed.

  Tomorrow there will still be one change around 14:19, and two changes after 30:[-].

  Finally, thank you again for your subscriptions, rewards and votes!

(End of this chapter)

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