Covering the sky: At the beginning, the emperor invited me to become a fairy

Chapter 928 Create history and become famous in the Eastern Desolation

Chapter 928 Create history and become famous in the Eastern Desolation

In the Yaoguang trial field, two majestic and majestic dragons hovered, one black and one white, circulating the mysteries of life and death, and finally turned into a diagram of Yin and Yang, and submerged into Ye Fan's body again.

At this moment, the eyes of the surrounding audience naturally focused on Ye Fan.Their hearts were even more turbulent.

I saw Ye Fan standing with his hands behind his back, proudly standing on the spot.And on his handsome face, there was a calm and calm expression.However, at the same time, his brows and eyes were sharp and his eyes were high, which naturally produced a feeling of invincibility.


Suddenly, there was a huge bang that resounded through the world, "waking up" many people who had already been dumbfounded.

In the arena, the crystal-clear sacred furnace exploded, accompanied by the surge of immeasurable holy light, and the vast expanse of daoism.

"call out!"

But before everyone came back to their senses, a figure rushed out from the stands outside the trial field, turned into a stream of light, and sank into the core of the torn apart holy furnace. It was Li Daoqing, the Lord of Light.

Fluctlight, did it just fall away?

Such thoughts appeared in everyone's minds for a moment, and they were immediately rejected by them.

This person is the direct disciple of the Holy Master, and even more radiant to the Holy Son. With so many Supreme Elders present watching the battle, it is naturally impossible to sit back and watch a talented disciple be killed.


Sure enough, Li Daoqing rushed out even with a slightly broken body in his arms.

From a distance, although Yaoguang was covered in blood, with dragon claw marks and law god marks all over his body, there was no danger of his life after all.

Li Daoqing protected the disciple who had already weakened to the extreme at this moment, turned into a rainbow and went away, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

In the proving ground, it was his majestic and calm voice that echoed:
"This duel, Ye Fan won."

After Li Daoqing's words fell, the place was completely silent, and there was no sound, but the next moment, there was an explosion of exclamation like a mountain roar and a tsunami.

Fluctlight, defeated!
Moreover, in such an unbearable way.

A physical duel, a competition of Taoism, Yaoguang lost to Ye Fan, it can be called a crushing defeat.

Of course, there is no lack of the fact that the two have concentrated their energy and spirit, and melted hundreds of rounds of battle into a few moves.

However, it is undoubtedly an established fact that the two moves to defeat Shengzi Yaoguang, if it is spread out in the future, it will definitely shock the entire Eastern Wilderness!

Because, he is not only the holy son of Yaoguang, but also the only person who has been recognized by the sages of Yaoguang for tens of thousands of years and has been given the name of "Yawlight". His status is really special.

Although it was not without precedent that "Luoguang" was defeated before, but this time, it was the only time that "Luoguang" was defeated head-on by a disciple of the same generation inside the Holy Land.

Thinking of this, everyone seemed to think of something again, and couldn't help but shudder.

Ye Fan defeated Fluctlight, but it was not a "fair" fight.

One must know that he has just passed through the Heavenly Tribulation of Dragon Transformation, but now he is only standing in the realm of the Second Great Perfection of Dragon Transformation, and Yaoguang is not far from Xiantai...

Realizing this, the Yaoguang disciples present couldn't help raising their eyes immediately, and looked at the still standing figure, with a look of awe in their eyes.

Among them, Yao Xi, who was as beautiful as a fairy, naturally had the most complicated expression.

Although she is firmly among the top three disciples of this generation, if she is compared with Ye Fan and Yaoguang, the gap is quite obvious.

Fortunately, I am a saint, and those two guys fight, no matter how they can't threaten their own interests.

Suddenly, Yao Xi realized that among the disciples of this generation, although Weiwei with fairy eyes was not obvious, she must not be underestimated.

Thinking of this, Yao Xi couldn't help but shook his head and let out a long sigh.

Sure enough, on the road of cultivation, if you don't advance, you will retreat, and the battle for the Dao has always been so ruthless...

At the same time, Ye Fan, who is the focus of this place and bears the scorching eyes of everyone in Yaoguang, is not as happy as outsiders think.

He looked at the direction where Li Daoqing and Yaoguang left, with serious and apprehensive expressions in his eyes.

He never thought that Yaoguang's city mansion would be so deep. Even though he was on the edge of a cliff, on the verge of life and death, he still didn't perform a move or move that belonged to the ruthless lineage.

Of course, this is naturally due to the presence of the Holy Master and the elders.Even if Ye Fan wanted to take this opportunity to kill him, it would be difficult to do so.

However, Ye Fan's mentality has always been good. Although he was a little depressed, he soon returned to normal, with a sincere smile on his lips.

In this battle, Yaoguang did hold back, but why didn't he?

Even if Yaoguang is allowed to fully display his ruthless supreme skill, Ye Fan still has the confidence and ability to defeat the opponent.

Since he can defeat Fluctlight once, there will be countless times in the future.

After all, Yaoguang has become his defeated opponent.

In addition, Ye Fan defeated Yaoguang today, established his own invincible power, and at the same time made the latter's status and majesty inside Yaoguang shaken. Even if it does not collapse, it is definitely not as good as before.

In the future, if he still covets the origin of the Eucharist and wants to attack him, it will only be more difficult.


The battle between Ye Fan and Yaoguang has come to an end.

However, the storm caused by this incident not only swept across the entire Yaoguang Holy Land, but also shocked the Eastern Wilderness and even many major forces in the Big Dipper.

Inside the Holy Land, Yaoguang, as the Holy Son, has offended many people invisibly over the years.

Previously, his power was at its peak, not to mention the younger generation, even many senior figures who had practiced for hundreds of years could hardly hold a candle to him.

Now, Yaoguang was defeated by Ye Fan, not to mention that the wall was overthrown by everyone, it was almost the same.

Among the disciples, there are even those who fear that the world will not be chaotic, and they are already clamoring to take back Yaoguang's status as the holy son, and even deprive him of the name of "Yaoguang".

And outside the Holy Land of Waving Light, in the practice world of the Eastern Desolation, it is also a stone that stirs up a thousand waves.

You must know that Shengzi Yaoguang has already walked in the world, gained a great reputation, faintly tied with the Ji family's god king body, etc., and is the leader of the Tianjiao of the Eastern Wasteland Human Race.

But now, his undefeated golden body has been broken, and everyone in the world has learned that the ancient holy body of Yaoguang has risen.

In the Eastern Desolation and the Southern Territory, another extreme power, the Ji Family of the Ancient Desolation Family.

When the head of the Ji family received the news, he couldn't help but fell silent.

In just six years, that kid has grown to this point?
Thinking in this way, he immediately raised his eyes, his eyes were like torches, he looked across the void and the universe, and saw the figure of Ji Haoyue who was cultivating hard.

The Eastern Wilderness and Northern Territory, not far from the ancient mine in the early days, is a pure land like a fairyland on earth.

When the news of Yaoguang came, the Queen Mother of Yaochi and several elders in the Dao Slashing Realm were stunned for a moment, but then smiled.

"It seems that the Eucharist has already been completed."

At the same time, the interior of the several major Eucharist families in the Eastern Wasteland has been filled with a certain extremely depressive atmosphere these days.

They missed such a Gaidai Tianjiao, and they really regretted it.

Not only the Saint King of Dao Slashing Realm was annoyed, but even the Saint was rumored to be furious, which naturally made many juniors shudder.

And just as the entire Eastern Wilderness was shaken, the younger generation of heroes of all ethnic groups, as well as the older generation of strong men, were all eagerly looking forward to the entry of the Holy Body of Yaoguang into the world——

Ye Fan walked like a stroll in the courtyard, and came to the central peak of the Holy Land of Shaking Light.

 Sorry, the third update will have to wait for a while, and it will be updated around 21:[-].

(End of this chapter)

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