Chapter 929
Because of the ancient sage's promise, Ye Fan can get in touch with the secret of the fluctuating light in advance.

Therefore, he upholds the principle of never wasting. In the past six years, he has asked to enter this place almost every month.

And every time, Ye Fan would spend ten days and half a month directly.

The reason why his cultivation speed is so astonishing is also inseparable from the rich heaven and earth origin energy and the excellent cultivation environment where the fairy burial site is located.

Now, Ye Fan defeated the Holy Son of Yaoguang and became the No. 1 of Yaoguang's younger generation. Naturally, he entered the interior of Shenfeng more unimpeded.

Taking a panoramic view of the very familiar scene in front of him, Ye Fan was familiar with the road, and galloped straight towards the depths of the earth veins.

However, on the way, when passing through the majestic and ancient palaces that seemed to be made in nature, there was some majestic and supreme spiritual fluctuation, which forced Ye Fan to stop.

He thought for a moment, and then stepped into the palace.

I saw that in the deep void, a slightly old figure appeared, looking down at Ye Fan with a smile on his mouth, it was the ancient sage who had led him to the fairy burial place before.

On weekdays, the saints are asleep, and there is often no one in this palace.

Obviously, the ancient sages should have specially waited here today.

Thinking this way in his mind, Ye Fan immediately stepped forward and took the initiative to salute:

"I have seen the ancestors."

In this regard, the ancient sage nodded, and then said with a teasing expression:
"Among all the disciples of Yaoguang in the past, I'm afraid you are the one who came here the most diligently. No, just after passing through the Dragon Transformation Calamity, you came here again."

Hearing the old sage's jokes, Ye Fan smiled awkwardly, but his mouth was righteous:
"My generation of monks should not slack off!"

At the same time, Ye Fan couldn't help complaining in his heart:

Others would like to come, but it's a pity that they don't have such a good life as me...

As the old man is a sage, the gap between Ye Fan and him cannot be calculated. The ancient sage naturally knows exactly what he thinks in his heart.

Hearing this, the ancient sage shook his head helplessly, and said meaningfully:

"You boy, just stepped into the realm of transforming a dragon, and you have given us such a difficult problem."

In the words of the ancient sages, there seems to be a point.

Ye Fan, who was the person involved, naturally felt like a bright mirror in his heart.

After thinking for a while, Ye Fan said with an exaggerated expression:

"Seniors are good at good fortune, wise and powerful, what can be difficult for you?"

Hearing this, the ancient sage also smiled slightly and said with emotion:
"Success or failure for a while doesn't mean anything after all. Besides, even among the great emperors in ancient times, there were some who became emperors after a hundred failures, and everything is still uncertain."

"Although this old man doesn't think so, you fellow Taoists firmly believe in this, and argue with reason."

Having said that, the ancient sage paused, glanced at Ye Fan below, and then continued:
"I don't care about other people's affairs. I, Fluctlight, will never be stingy with the rewards and treatment you deserve."

The ancient sages have talked about this, and they have also made a promise. Ye Fan naturally said happily:

"Thank you, Patriarch, for your guidance."

Seeing that the other party's expression was calm and there were not too many ups and downs, the ancient sage nodded in satisfaction, and took the initiative to say:
"Ye Fan, you can practice with peace of mind, and you don't need to care about other things."

"Since the old man has delayed you for a while, let me give you a ride."

After the words fell, I saw the ancient sage wave his sleeves, and Ye Fan felt that the void was mottled and the time and space were disordered.

And when he came back to his senses, he was already on the edge of the dark and deep abyss, and in front of him was the ups and downs of the black gold emperor tripod with dragon patterns.

Ye Fan looked around, then sat down cross-legged, his eyes slightly closed.

After a while, his aura became calmer and lingered for a long time, and the sound of dragon chant came out of his body, obviously he had entered the state of cultivation.

However, completely different from his calm appearance, Ye Fan had a different scene in his mind.

"It seems that the power of the ruthless people within Fluctlight should not be underestimated."

Ye Fan's Yuanshen villain looked dignified, and said with emotion:
"I just don't know how many of the saints who shake the light belong to the line of ruthless people?"

"Hey, maybe they are all of them."

Facing Ye Fan's primordial spirit, the pale evil ghost had a gloating tone.

Ye Fan naturally rolled his eyes at this.

Although the ruthless people's lineage is definitely powerful, it is absolutely impossible to have infiltrated the Holy Land of Shaking Light to this point.Otherwise, how could Fluctlight act so cautiously?

However, after all, the enemy is in the dark, and I am in the light, and Ye Fan doesn't know how many saints are behind the opponent, and he dare not trust people who shake light.

"Based on this seat, in the case of shake light, we will run away sooner or later. Don't think too much about it, you kid, just get some more benefits before you leave."

Although what the evil ghost said was ugly, Ye Fan had to admit that what the other party said was quite reasonable, and he could only sigh helplessly in the end.

Shaking his head and temporarily suppressing the thoughts in his mind, Ye Fan immediately raised his head and looked at the black gold emperor tripod with dragon pattern in front of him.

Since there is no quasi-emperor in fluctuating light, the key lies in this thing.

And the ruthless person who lurks in the dark not only masters the ruthless man's heavenly skills, but also masters the holy law of shaking light.

At that time, the ruthless saints will naturally be able to easily grasp this tripod and decide the universe.

If so, it would be nice to find a way to get this tripod away...

"Stop thinking about it, brat, come and work!"

The annoying voice of the evil spirit made Ye Fan frowned slightly.

In the past six years, not only Ye Fan has made great progress, but the change of that evil ghost cannot be underestimated either.

Every time Ye Fan crosses the catastrophe, he will secretly hide Chen Cang, leverage the power of God's catastrophe and punishment, and baptize himself.

Up to now, although the strength of the evil spirit has not been raised to an unbelievable level, the evil spirit in its body has disappeared a lot.

This is the essential transformation of the primordial spirit. In the future, it may be possible to turn death into life.

Thanks to this, coupled with the fact that Ye Fan's cultivation level as his "host" is not what it used to be, the evil ghost will naturally be able to display more taboo methods.

Today, Ye Fan came here not just because he wanted to cultivate, but also because he was going to formally explore the fairy burial place in front of him.

As the evil ghost said before, the Holy Land of Waking Light is at stake, and the ruthless people will make trouble at some point.

At that time, it will be difficult to enter this place again.

"Can this hide the Old Sage?"

Ye Fan had a dubious look on his face.

"Hmph! A mere sage, I slapped him to death in his heyday!"

The evil ghost's face was full of arrogance, and he didn't take the power of the saint realm into his eyes at all.

Thinking that the other party is an evil spirit that even Sakyamuni needs to personally suppress, and that he is still on top of the mighty and mighty crocodile ancestor, Ye Fan's original hanging heart is also slightly relieved.

This time, they really spent their money, and the evil ghost even used taboo methods to refine an incarnation outside of the body with part of Ye Fan's flesh and blood and the origin of the holy body.

At the same time, with the help of the evil spirit, Ye Fan and him successfully differentiated a part of their souls to take over this body.

Since the burial place of a ruthless person is no small matter, even the evil spirits who have always had their eyes high above their heads cannot guarantee that they will be able to escape unscathed.

Therefore, the two finally decided to use this avatar to test it out.

At that time, even if something goes wrong unfortunately, the two of them will abandon their avatars and cut off the cause and effect.

As for the lost part of the primordial spirit, they just cultivated it slowly.

Compared with the Ruthless Divine Treasure and its supreme inheritance that they might get, the risk they took is already negligible.

Having made up his mind, Ye Fan naturally no longer hesitated.

After the evil ghost confirmed that the divine sense belonging to the ancient sage had not been detected for a long time, Ye Fan's incarnation left without anyone noticing, and plunged into the abyss in front of him.

 Three changes completed.

  Tomorrow Monday, the usual two shifts will resume, one at 20:23 and one at 50:[-].

  Finally, thank you all for your subscriptions, rewards and votes!The author will also work hard to write a good follow-up plot!

(End of this chapter)

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