The abyss is deep, and endless darkness spreads in it, like the evil ghost of the Nine Nethers opened its huge mouth, trying to devour all the living things in the world, and it even exudes a terrifying aura.

Only the edge of the fairy burial ground, the place where the black gold emperor tripod with dragon pattern rises and falls, can barely be regarded as a pure land.

At this moment, a handsome young man who looked seventeen or eighteen years old was sitting cross-legged under the black golden cauldron with dragon patterns, silently absorbing the indescribable essence of heaven and earth. Obviously practicing the Supreme Dharma.

There is no need to doubt that this person is Ye Fan who had just defeated the Holy Son of Light and gained fame throughout the Eastern Wasteland not long ago.

Even if the ancient sage cast his eyes, he couldn't see the slightest flaw in him, and would only praise him for his dedication to Taoism and his undivided attention.

But in fact, under the cover of the evil ghost's help, Ye Fan's mind has long been immersed in the clone thrown into the fairy burial ground.

Thousands of dragons are steaming, and countless heaven and earth source spirits are surging, which makes Ye Fan who wants to go deep into the core of the fairy burial feel hindered.

Of course, if you want to compare it with the real danger lurking in the dark, this can be completely ignored.

In the boundless void and the deep darkness, there are densely packed avenues and god marks all over, ever-changing, intertwined with infinite murderous intent, and permeated with taboo power.

In the past six years, under the pressure of Yaoguang's secret coveting and the desire to return to the earth, Ye Fan not only practiced hard every day, but also continued to practice "The Book of Origin".

And as Ye Fan delved deeper, the more shocking he felt.

Whenever he thinks that his origin technique has reached perfection, he will soon find out that he has just opened another door for follow-up.

Not only that, but the evil ghost with a mysterious origin also solemnly told him that the so-called "Book of Yuantian" in his hands is probably the supreme scripture created by Emperor Yuan in the past. Not too much difference.

What's more, the most important source art part of Yuan Tianshu, which is to explain the Dao of heaven and earth and sort out the realm of the origin of all things, is undoubtedly the Supreme Immortal Scripture.

However, even Ye Fan, who has achieved a little success in Yuanshu, can only see a very small part of the pattern with Yuantian God's eyes.

In this regard, Ye Fan was not too surprised.

After all, the pattern here was created by a generation of ruthless emperors, and the gap between the two is difficult to describe even if it is a chasm.

Fortunately, Ye Fan is not alone, there is still a "dog-headed military adviser" in his mind, who advises him.

As for the evil ghosts, although they have lost the Dao fruit and the strongest cultivation in their previous lives, their human vision is still there, and they can often find a way out for Ye Fan in the midst of shattering murderous opportunities.

In this way, under the guidance of the evil spirit, Ye Fan controlled this incarnation similar to the main body, and slowly but firmly moved towards the core of the fairy burial ground.

Along the way, they occasionally saw fallen ancients, and those who could leave traces here were all strong men above the realm of saints.

But without exception, all the energy of their physical bodies was lost, leaving only dry bones, no longer miraculous as before, only a faint majesty pervading.

For these unfamiliar ancients, Ye Fan naturally didn't have much taboo in his heart, so he just skipped it.

However, as they went deeper into the fairy burial ground, Ye Fan observed some of the patterns that manifested in the void, but a strange look appeared on his face, and he immediately asked in a deep voice:

"Why do I feel that the killing formation here has something in common with the taboo origin techniques recorded in the "Book of Origins"? Is this really the burial place of the ruthless emperor?"

Now, the evil ghost and him are grasshoppers on the same rope, and Ye Fan still trusts him a lot.But at this moment, he couldn't help worrying about whether the other party had "missed the eye".

"Hmph! You should read more books!"

Faced with Ye Fan's doubts, the evil spirits were naturally fully fired, and they were not polite:
"Ruthless Man not only competes with Chaos Body I, but is also a figure of the same era as Emperor Yuan, and the three are tied as emperors."

"What's more, it's not surprising that Ruthless Man and Emperor Yuan are both teachers and friends in the legend. They discussed Taoism with each other and exchanged scriptures."

After listening to the evil ghost's explanation, Ye Fan suddenly realized, but for the sake of rigor, he still proposed:
"Then, is it possible that the person buried here is not Ruthless, but Emperor Yuan?"

Of course, the black golden cauldron with dragon patterns in the Holy Land of Shaking Light and the existence of the ruthless people in the dark are too obvious, and Ye Fan himself thinks it is unlikely.

"Ha ha."

Sure enough, the evil ghost sincerely disdains Ye Fan's wild thoughts.

Immediately, the person became even more self-confident:

"If it is said that Emperor Ruthless is only very likely to still be in the human world, then Emperor Yuan, I dare to 100% conclude that he has never passed away!"

The evil ghost's confident and high-spirited posture naturally aroused Ye Fan's curiosity, and just when he was about to ask——


Not too far from where Ye Fan's avatar was, there was a strange black mist spreading out, and rustling sounds could be heard in it.

Today, seeing such a scene in such a life-severing fairy burial ground really makes people shudder.

Immediately, Ye Fan slowly opened Yuantian Divine Eye, and saw the scene inside.

"This is!?"

I saw that in the black mist, there was actually a group of soldiers wearing ancient armor, holding halberds and machetes. There was no life fluctuation in the whole body, only a gloomy air pervaded.

"Underworld soldiers!"

Ye Fan couldn't help being shocked by the term that came out of the evil ghost's mouth.

Could it be that there really is a destination for souls after death, a hell for ghosts to reincarnate in the world?

Fortunately, there is an evil ghost who can be called a "know-it-all" in his mind, and Ye Fan naturally expressed his doubts bluntly.

Regarding this, the evil ghost shook his head and briefly explained to Ye Fan.

It turns out that although the so-called underworld is not as magical as in the world's legends, it should not be underestimated either.

It is an ancient organization inherited from the age of mythology, and it is also a restricted area of ​​life.

Although the underworld rarely dealt with "living people", they collected the corpses of powerful people in the Starfield of the Heavens and excavated ancient ruins, leaving behind countless legends.

"Ma De, did I really miss it? This is actually the burial place of Emperor Yuan?"

Just when the evil ghost fell into self-doubt, Ye Fan's brain circuit was completely different from it, his eyes were even more radiant, and he said sincerely:

"You said, the ghost soldiers from the underworld appeared here, so they couldn't be trying to dig up the emperor's corpse, right?"

According to what the evil ghost said before, the ruthless man is a generation of heavenly emperors, and his emperor's corpse is naturally extraordinary, and the lineage of the underworld has always liked to collect the corpses of ancient strong men, which made Ye Fan think of it.

"The ruthless emperor is probably still in the world, the underworld, he shouldn't be so bold... right?"

However, the evil ghost is not sure about this.

After all, from ancient times to the present, the most indispensable thing is people who dare to die.If the underworld is really brain twitching, it is not impossible.

Just when Ye Fan and the evil ghost had many thoughts in their hearts, the Yin soldier in the ghost fog did not notice the existence of the two of them, and went straight to a certain direction in the dark, and was about to disappear far away.


The two made up their minds, and without any hesitation, they chose to follow the team of Yin soldiers.

This time, since they ran into the Yin soldiers to make excuses, if they didn't figure out the reason behind it, they would really feel uneasy.

I saw that the pace of the Yin soldiers seemed to be slow, but under the protection of the ghost fog, they were extremely fast.

You know, although this place is far from being the core of the Immortal Burial Ground, there are traces of the Great Dao in the void, which should be full of murderous intentions.

Ye Fan and the evil ghost were keenly aware that in the black mist that shrouded the Yin soldiers, there were still lines of origin and sky flashing, intertwined with mysterious Dao rhymes, which could protect the Yin soldiers from crossing the border safely.

This discovery shocked Ye Fan and the evil ghost, and at the same time, they became more and more curious about what kind of existence lies ahead.

The second update will still be updated around 23:50.

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