Chapter 931
Below the Shaking Light Holy Land, lies the deep abyss.

In the fairy burial ground, which should be silent and without a trace of life fluctuation, at this moment, it is filled with dark mist and ghostly aura.



I saw, in one cloud after another of black mist, many Yin soldiers armed with ancient battle spears were marching.

The number of Yin soldiers entering the fairy burial ground was far more than Ye Fan and the evil ghost expected.

The team they saw just now was just a small part of the many Yin soldiers.

From all directions, ghost fogs of the underworld surged in, covering the advance of the soldiers of the underworld.

When I think about it, there are so many Yin soldiers who have entered the fairy burial ground below the Yaoguang Holy Land without anyone noticing, it is really terrifying.

At the same time, Ye Fan and the evil ghost also knew in their hearts that the arrangement behind it was absolutely astonishing for so many Yin soldiers to successfully enter this place.

It's a pity that now is not the best time to find the source of the Yin soldiers.In addition, Ye Fan is also lacking in avatars, so he naturally pays more attention to the purpose of the Yin soldiers now.

And in part of the ghost fog, there are even generals of Yin soldiers wearing heavy armor and full of majesty.

Even compared with the elders of Yaoguang, they are not much better, and they are definitely strong in the Dao Slashing Realm.

I don't know what kind of conspiracy the underworld behind such a big deal has.

It has to be said that some of the generals of the Yin soldiers are indeed powerful, and I am afraid that they are not far from the holy land.

His spiritual sense is extremely sharp, and he seems to be aware of the existence of others here.

It's a pity that the evil ghost has a bigger background, and now it has been "reborn". Even a saint can hardly see through its disguise when it uses taboo methods.

Ye Fan and the evil ghost followed closely behind the many Yin soldiers.

They want to see what the underworld is trying to do in the burial of the Ruthless Emperor!


The mysterious and complicated pattern of Yuantian opened the way, not only avoiding the killing in the fairy burial ground, but also leading the Yin soldiers to their destination.


Finally, there was a huge roar coming from the front, as if it was opening up the sky and the earth, causing the entire void to vibrate, and the entire fairy burial ground rioted.


Immediately afterwards, there was a frightening roar, like a demon god in the Nine Nethers, shaking the world.

And those Yin soldiers without thoughts and emotions, under the guidance of the Yin generals, arranged in the void according to the deployment.

Ye Fan also studied Yuantian Shu and practiced Yuanshu.

Although his current state is low and he can't see through the layout of the underworld, he can also vaguely recognize that what the Yin soldiers put up in front of him seems to be some kind of taboo Yuantian formation, which is for sealing and locking. exist.

Seeing this situation, the hearts of Ye Fan and the evil ghost couldn't help but move.

It seems that the underworld has gathered so many troops here, probably to capture a certain "person" or something.

Of course, although this place is likely to be the burial place of a ruthless man, their target is absolutely impossible to be the ruthless emperor's corpse.

Even if the underworld is really daring, if they want to touch the flesh of a ruthless person, let alone these "stinky fish and rotten shrimps" in front of them, even hordes of ghouls in the realm of saints will definitely not be enough.

At the same time, Ye Fan felt an inexplicable feeling in his heart.

In fact, as soon as he arrived here, especially after hearing the god-like roar, he felt restless.

It seemed that the person who was fighting was quite related to him.

"Boy, let's get closer."

The evil spirit urged so.

Ye Fan thought about it, it was just an incarnation anyway, so he boldly moved forward, bypassing the ghouls who were forming a formation.


In the battlefield ahead, every inch of the void is covered with densely packed Yuantian divine patterns, and now they are all revived, emitting an extremely bright and blazing light.

However, what made Ye Fan even more horrified was that in the Yuantian formation, the two sides in the battle turned out to be two terrifying and ferocious monsters with red hair all over their bodies!

Moreover, it is obvious that one of them should come from the underworld.At this moment, the Yuantian formation formed by many Yin soldiers and Yin generals was focused on the red-haired monster.

I saw that as soon as the red-haired monster belonging to the underworld raised its hand, it activated the large formation formed by the Yin soldiers, and immediately suppressed the monster opposite.

Not only that, but the underworld red-haired monster was so aggressive that he attacked one after another.

"call out!"

Immortal lights shot out one after another from within his body, even arousing the imperial aura, dragon aura, and origin energy of heaven and earth in the fairy burial ground, turning them into vast oceans and suppressing them together.

However, at this moment, the two red-haired monsters who were confronting each other seemed to have suddenly sensed something, and they couldn't help being shocked.

Immediately, the two suddenly turned their heads and looked straight at somewhere in the boundless void.

Even though there were evil spirits trying to hide his figure, Ye Fan still felt that he seemed to be locked and could not avoid it.


Just when Ye Fan was frightened, he felt that his blood was violent and completely out of control.

"I go!"

I saw that Ye Fan's body was full of golden blood, radiant and radiant, looking extremely divine and brilliant, but immediately, dense red hair grew.

Almost at the flick of a finger, more than half a foot long red hair grew out of his body surface, which was weird and frightening.

Under the dense red hair, Ye Fan's face was pale, and he felt quite uneasy.

On the contrary, seeing this scene, the red-haired monster who was suppressed by the red hair of the underworld, seemed to have been beaten with blood, and his eyes lit up.

The red-haired monster immediately shouted with sincerity and excitement:
"Boy, come and help me, we are the same kind!"

Looking at the dancing red-haired monster not far ahead, Ye Fan cursed in his heart:

Whoever steps on a horse is the same as you! ?
However, when he thought of his current appearance, he couldn't say anything to refute.

"This guy's consciousness is still clear, different from the muddy red-haired monster in the underworld."

The calm and calm voice of the evil ghost eased Ye Fan's mood a little.

Before Ye Fan could make up his mind whether he wanted to get involved in this matter, the red-haired monster in the underworld seemed to understand the conversation between the two, and immediately chose to take the initiative.


In an instant, it was as if the heavens and the earth were myriad ways, and all the stars in the sky were suppressed, leaving Ye Fan below without the slightest resistance.

The big red-haired hand fell down, as majestic as an ancient sacred mountain, and was about to capture Ye Fan away.

This is not only a source technique, but also a supernatural power in the realm of the supreme saint.

Although the two red-haired monsters in front of them had a terrifying and ferocious appearance, there was no doubt that they were both strong men in the realm of saints.

No matter how great the background of the evil ghost is, the combat power that Ye Fan can display now is negligible.

Just when Ye Fan was thinking about whether to give up this avatar and let the evil spirit deal with the aftermath, erasing all traces——


From where the sane red-haired monster was, a bridge of immortal light broke through the void blockade and extended directly to Ye Fan's feet.

Made!You can only get on your thief ship!
Although Ye Fan was angry, he didn't want to give up this avatar so easily.

You know, none of them have figured out the whereabouts of the immortal burial ground, the ruthless emperor's treasure and the supreme inheritance. Ye Fan is not willing to "died" halfway like this.

As soon as Ye Fan stepped on the Shenhong Avenue, he felt in a trance for a moment, and immediately came to the side of the sober red-haired monster.

There was some kind of strange and inexplicable flow of power in his body, which made Ye Fan seem to be stimulated by something, and more red hair grew on his body immediately.

Ye Fan was quite helpless about this, but right now, it was obviously not the time to be entangled in such trivial matters.

Although they were protected by the sober red-haired monster who is also a saint-level powerhouse, their crisis has not been resolved in the slightest.

On the opposite side, not to mention the depraved red-haired monster on the side of the underworld, even a general of Yin soldiers is enough to tear Ye Fan into pieces.What's more, all the Yin soldiers formed the Yuantian formation, which naturally became more powerful.

Ye Fan's cultivation base can really be ignored in this series of duels.

However, the sober red-haired monster obviously didn't think so.

I saw that on his extremely ferocious face, there was a smile that he thought was brilliant, but in fact it was terrifying. He immediately touched the top of Ye Fan's head with his big red-haired hand, and muttered:

"Brother Shen Nian, don't just watch, if you don't think of a way, we're going to be done."

Apparently, the reason why he saved Ye Fan was because he was a "similar person" to a certain extent, but more because he sensed the existence of evil spirits.

As for his request, the evil spirit in Ye Fan's mind was quite disdainful:
"Hmph! This kid and I are nothing more than a clone, just let it go, why bother to save you?"

As a strange existence of the saint series, the sober red-haired monster can naturally see that what the evil spirit said is true.


At the same time, the fallen red-haired monster from the underworld and the many Yin soldiers and Yin generals on the opposite side will not just watch.

The forbidden technique recorded in the Yuantian book has turned into the most terrifying heaven and earth cage, and it is about to envelop everyone.

Seeing this, the sober red-haired monster immediately used its means to resist with difficulty.


It's a pity, whether it's his own cultivation or external assistance, he is no match for that hell monster after all.

The man shook his teeth, and immediately seemed to have made up his mind, roaring:

"You all came here for the sacred treasure of the Ruthless Emperor. That place is dangerous. Only I can take you there. Help me escape first!"

"make a deal!"

 The two changes are over.

  Tomorrow there will still be a change at around 20:23 and 50:[-].

  Finally, thank you again for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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