Chapter 932


It should have been dark and deep in the fairy burial ground, but now, it is as bright as day.

In the boundless void, densely packed, there are intertwined avenues and divine patterns everywhere, flashing strange lights.

At the same time, ghostly yin soldiers and yin generals were arranged according to the Yuantian Avenue, forming an extraordinary formation, which shocked the world here.


In the depths of the great abyss, there are countless earth vein dragon energy, source energy, and even the emperor energy permeating from the emperor's corpse.


And the red-haired monster in the underworld, standing in the divine sea of ​​origin, can use the power of the heaven and earth for his own use just by waving his palms casually.

This is a manifestation of Yuanshu's practice to an extremely high level, and Ye Fan is naturally far from being able to hold a candle to it.

Although the red-haired monster on the side of the underworld has long been ignorant and has fallen into confusion, it must have not been like this before, but it has reached the realm of a saint by its own practice.

Although it is depraved now, its combat awareness, as well as its mastery and application of origin techniques, are not weak at all.

In addition, there are Yin soldiers and generals assisting from the side, building a large Yuantian array for it, and it can even show a power beyond its own limit.

"I go!"

As for Ye Fan's side, although the sober red-haired monster is also a saint-level existence, it is indeed much more agile than the opposite hell monster.

But it's a pity that the underworld side is so powerful that it really suppresses them.The sober red-haired monster could only do its best, cursing from time to time.

According to the current situation, it is only a matter of time before Ye Fan and the sober red-haired monster are captured.

Of the three, Ye Fan and the evil ghost were naturally relatively less worried.

After all, what the two came here was just an incarnation and some primordial spirits.

If they are really driven to a desperate situation, self-destruct ahead of time, and erase all traces, the evil spirits can still do it.

In contrast, the sober red-haired monster has no way to retreat.He didn't want to fall into the hands of the underworld at all, so he was naturally anxious at the moment, and hurriedly urged:
"Dude, have you thought of a way?"

Hearing this, in Ye Fan's mind, the impatient voice of the evil ghost came out:
"What's the hurry! This seat sees that you can resist a lot of time."

Regarding this, the sober red-haired monster secretly complained in his heart, but in the end there was nothing he could do.

He is single and weak, facing the ancient inheritance of the underworld, even if it is only the tip of their iceberg, it is still difficult to parry.

Now, naturally, we can only pin our hopes on the evil ghost with the biggest background here.

And even as a strong man in the realm of saints, the red-haired monster is sincerely in awe of evil spirits.

The first time he saw Ye Fan just now, he noticed that there was a god living in his mind.

You know, in the legend, the idea of ​​the gods is the evil idea that will be born after the death of the gods.

Although, this kind of statement is definitely exaggerated, but according to the deduction of many powerful people in the world, at least one must be the existence of the Supreme Series in life, and it is possible to transform into a god after death.

Moreover, the birth of God's thoughts seems to be closely related to the power of sentient beings.

Not only that, but the idea of ​​a god in front of him is quite different. Not only is he not ignorant, but his consciousness is clear.

Thinking of this, the red-haired monster felt a little relieved.

In fact, now he can only hope that the evil spirit can reverse the situation in front of him.


I saw that the underworld red-haired monster waved his big hand, and even bloody thunderbolts swirled down in the void, turning into a cage of myriad calamities, filled with a strange and inexplicable aura, trying to trap them together.


In order to protect Ye Fan and break free from the shackles, the sober red-haired monster suffered serious injuries, and it was difficult to heal in a short time, and the aura around him also weakened a lot.

"Made, in the end, I still have to rely on the arrangement of that old bald donkey..."

In Ye Fan's mind, although the evil ghost's face was full of displeasure and his tone was angry, he finally made up his mind:

"Listen carefully, I will pass on an ancient scripture to you to defend against the enemy."

After the evil ghost's voice fell, whether it was Ye Fan or the sober red-haired monster, expressions of astonishment appeared on their faces.

The latter roared in his heart:

Made!Immediately the shit pot will be on your head, even if you pass on the fairy scriptures of our Immortal Emperor now, what's the use of it! ?
However, before Ye Fan and the red-haired monster could open their mouths, the two felt a majestic divine sense falling, accompanied by the majestic and majestic voice of the sky, resounding in their hearts:

"Accumulating yang to become a god, there is form in the god, form is born from the sun, and the sun is born from the moon. Accumulating yin forms, and there is spirit in the form..."

The transmission of the mysterious and ancient scriptures seemed to connect with the power of the Dao in the dark, mysterious and wonderful, and instantly calmed the two of them, and their minds were clear.

Among the people present, Ye Fan's realm was the lowest, and he fell into the scriptures almost immediately, fascinated.

At the same time, the sober red-haired monster couldn't help exclaiming:
"The Sutra of Salvation!"

This is the supreme scripture created by the legendary God of Heaven.

Although it is not the orthodox practice method of Tianzun, it is also infinitely useful. It is said that it has the magic of saving all spirits in the world.

Not only that, but the scriptures for saving people recited by the gods in front of them are far more complete than those passed down in the world, like the immortal kings in the Nine Heavens who passed down the law from their ancestors to suppress the evil spirits in the world.

"Hmph! It's good to know the goods!"

Taking a panoramic view of the expression on the face of the red-haired monster, the evil spirit in Ye Fan's mind said so proudly.

It is really the complete Lingbao Salvation Sutra!

According to legend, Lingbao Tianzun created this sutra precisely to curb the disaster of corpses.

Therefore, if it is used to deal with the lineage of the underworld, it will definitely be very effective.

Realizing this, while the sober red-haired monster was excited, he couldn't help thinking, and had some kind of association.

Could it be that the god in front of him actually belonged to Lingbao Tianzun! ?
Perhaps, it is precisely because Lingbao Tianzun did fall, but later became a fairy in the world of mortals, so the gods left by his old man in the past have undergone strange changes, and he has achieved such a unique existence in front of him...

Thinking of this in his mind, the red-haired monster felt that his guess was justified.

This is likely to be the divine idea of ​​a mortal fairy!

The evil ghost naturally didn't know anything about the speechless thoughts in the red-haired monster's mind.

The Sutra of Saving People is not a scripture for practice, nor is it complicated.

Seeing that both Ye Fan and the red-haired monster had mastered the scriptures, the evil ghost let out a cold snort:
"You haven't recited the scriptures yet, is it possible that you really want to wait to be captured by these guys from the underworld?"

The two of them seemed to have just come back to their senses, and immediately took advantage of the situation and sat cross-legged in the void, reciting the supreme scriptures created by the Lingbao Tianzun:
"Accumulate Yang to become a god, there is form in the god..."

Originally, seeing Ye Fan and the sober red-haired monster not only no longer running away, but sitting cross-legged, the Yin soldiers and generals in the underworld opposite, as well as the muddle-headed monster, were quite puzzled.

But after the scriptures of the Durenjing came, the demon-like red-haired monster couldn't help being shocked, and immediately froze on the spot.

At the same time, other Yin soldiers and Yin generals who were not so high in cultivation were not so lucky.

In the boundless void, one after another of the highest Daowen emerged, making a grand sound like the impact of gold and stone.

Even though the dark ghosts and ghosts were overwhelming the sky, and many ghosts and ghosts struggled hard, in the end they were like ice facing the scorching sun, with no power to resist at all.

You must know that the person who recites the sutra is a strong man in the realm of saints, so he can naturally display the magic of this sutra.

I saw that the red-haired monster, which was originally terrifying and ferocious, now has a majestic appearance, with supreme dao rhyme flowing around it, really like a true immortal dao ancestor coming to the dust.

"Pfft!" "Pfft!"

Despite the protection of Yuantian Great Formation, the ghouls hiding in it are doomed to be doomed.

Even the generals of the Yin soldiers who were in the realm of the Dao Slashing King were not surprised at all, they all turned into a wisp of black smoke rising, annihilating nothingness.

In the end, there was only one muddy red-haired monster left in the arena.


The red-haired monster let out a painful roar, and some kind of more terrifying fluctuations appeared in its body, as if there was an aura of reincarnation.

Seeing this situation, both the sober red-haired monster and Ye Fan couldn't help being shocked.

Could it be that even Lingbao Tianzun's supreme scriptures can't help the other party?
"That's right, the inheritance of Yuantian's lineage has a great origin, even if the scriptures created by Lingbao Tianzun are miraculous, they cannot completely restrain them..."

The sober red-haired monster murmured.In his tone, there is a sense of sympathy.

"Hmph! I don't believe in this evil!"

In Ye Fan's mind, the evil ghost naturally disdained it.

And as the person's voice fell, the evil ghost actually recited the Sutra of Salvation.

I have to say that the scene of two red-haired monsters, one big and one small, and one evil ghost, reciting the human scriptures at the same time is quite funny.

But no matter what, the effect is undoubtedly amazing.

When the evil spirits also joined it, it was far more majestic than before.

In the void, there are countless celestial lights and divine glows, rain falls from the sky, divine springs spring from the ground, and golden lotuses bloom in full bloom, the divine splendor reaches the extreme!
You must know that although the evil spirit is not in the realm of cultivation, when it comes to the origin of the true spirit, it can be said to be supreme.What is needed for saving people's scriptures is the power of true thoughts.

Therefore, when he recites the Sutra of Saving People at this moment, he really has the magical and mysterious power to save all evil spirits in the world.

Seeing this, Ye Fan and the sober red-haired monster on the side also stopped chanting, and only looked at the scene in front of them in awe.

The underworld red-haired monster gradually stopped struggling, his eyes were confused for a while, and then the blood color gradually faded.

And then, when he raised his eyes again and looked at Ye Fan and the two opposite him, his eyes were already shining.

 This chapter update is still a little late, sorry.

  The second update will still be updated around 23:50.

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(End of this chapter)

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