Chapter 935
After being reminded by the evil ghost, Ye Fan naturally remembered the scene he had just seen.

Previously, the two of them followed closely behind a group of Yin soldiers and Yin generals. When they arrived here, they found two red-haired monsters fighting.

Among them, Wu Yi's realm cultivation base and origin technique attainments are all higher than Zhang Lin's.

Not only that, but there are also Yin soldiers from the underworld forming a large array of Yuantian to help him.

And the reason why Zhang Lin was able to deal with Wu Yi without losing for a long time was precisely because his spiritual sense was clear and clear, unlike Wu Yi who was so muddled and completely reduced to a monster.

One must know that even Wu Yi, whose realm is higher than that of Zhang Lin, could not resist the call of the underworld, but Zhang Lin did not sink, which is really strange.

Just now, everyone's attention was only on Mingzun, and Zhang Lin was naturally neglected. Now that I think about it carefully, there must be something hidden behind it.

At the same time, Wu Yi also raised his head, looked at the location of Ye Fan and the evil ghost, and took the initiative to speak, explaining the incident to them who did not know the specific situation:

"Throughout the ages, there are not a few people who have practiced the source scriptures, but not everyone will be summoned away by the underworld. The person's source technique attainments and realm cultivation must meet the corresponding standards."

Hearing Wu Yi's words, Ye Fan also nodded, expressing his understanding.

After all, as the prestige and transcendent force inherited from the age of mythology, it is naturally impossible for everyone to accept it.

In addition, the purpose of Mingzun imparting the Yuantian scriptures is to let them try to condense the seal of reincarnation, and it is normal to have requirements on their cultivation.

Realizing this, Ye Fan glanced across Zhang Lin and Wu Yi, with a thoughtful expression:

It seems that it is very likely that Yuan Tianshi, who is above the realm of saints, will touch the backhand left by Mingzun.

At the same time, Ye Fan couldn't help thinking of Duan De, who taught him the scriptures of Yuantian in the past, and the latter intentionally didn't pass on the scriptures above Xiantai to him.

Looking at it now, Duan De might have sensed something, and out of protection, he didn't want him to be exposed to a higher realm of practice.

However, Ye Fan guessed that Duan De's knowledge must be limited.

You know, it was a coincidence that they "broke into" Wu Yi inside the underworld today, and only then did they learn the many secrets behind Mingzun.

Come to think of it, Duan De is on Earth, so it is naturally impossible to know so much.

Thinking of this, Ye Fan made up his mind in his heart that if he was destined to see Uncle Duan again in the future, he must remind him to be careful about Mingzun's arrangement.

"Ha ha."

The evil ghost resides in Ye Fan's mind, and at this moment, he sensed what he was thinking, so he was naturally quite speechless.

Just when Ye Fan was puzzled by the strangeness of the evil spirit, Wu Yi on the opposite side spoke again, which attracted his attention.

"The vast majority of monks who meet the standards have been summoned away by the underworld. But among them, there are still two fish that slipped through the net."

There is no doubt that one of them must be Zhang Lin.

"Then besides Senior Zhang Lin, who is the other?"

Not only Ye Fan, but Zhang Lin on the side was also very curious about it.

Seeing this, Wu Yi's red-haired face revealed a thoughtful expression:

"That is also a Yuantian Patriarch of Beidou. However, because his whereabouts are unknown, even the quasi-emperor of the underworld cannot deduce it. There is really no trace in the world, so there is no way to find it."

Hearing that someone could escape the underworld's pursuit, Zhang Lin on the side was also amazed.

"However, Zhang Lin's location is very clear. Therefore, the underworld sent me here to capture him back to the Underworld and perform his duties."

After Wu Yi finished speaking, Ye Fan and the evil ghost finally understood the cause and effect.

In short, the underworld sent Wu Yi, a red-haired monster, and ordered him to arrest Zhang Lin, who had been absent from work for many years in the same department.

After figuring this out, the eyes of the people present naturally focused on Zhang Lin again, and everyone was very curious about how he broke free from Hades' control and did not sink.

"I'm going! Don't stare at me like this, I'll be scared too!"

I saw a ferocious monster with red hair all over its body, making an exaggerated movement in front of the crowd, as if trembling.

Seeing him like this, even Ye Fan couldn't help but smile, and the tense atmosphere here eased a little.

Of course, this time Ye Fan and the evil spirits have saved him, and Wu Yi has a relationship with him as a mentor and apprentice, Zhang Lin naturally does not want to hide this from everyone.

After a little thought, he finally made up his mind and opened his mouth.

However, Zhang Lin did not directly answer this matter, but instead mentioned another seemingly unrelated matter:
"Do you know where I entered this place from?"

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help being slightly taken aback, and Ye Fan said suspiciously:
"Senior Zhang Lin, didn't you enter this fairy burial place through the Yaoguang place?"

"of course not."

Zhang Lin shook his head first, then explained:

"In the past, although I had good relations with many holy places and noble families in the Eastern Wilderness, how could an outsider like me come in because this place involves the great secret of fluctuating lights?"

After thinking about it, this is indeed the case.In this regard, Ye Fan has quite a say.

Inside Yaoguang, under normal circumstances, only the Supreme Elders who have at least reached the realm of Dao Slayer King are eligible to know the existence of the Immortal Burial Ground.

Counting the history of Yaoguang, I am afraid that he is the only disciple who has not been to Xiantai, who can go in and out of this place frequently as if eating a regular meal.

Zhang Lin paused, and then his tone became quite dignified, and he said in a deep voice:

"To be honest, I arrived here through the veins under the ancient forbidden land."

"Ancient Forbidden Land!?"

Hearing Zhang Linzhi's words, Wu Yi on the side immediately changed his color.

As Yuan Tianshi of the past, he naturally knows what kind of Jedi the ancient forbidden land is.

Not to mention a saint, even the legendary quasi-emperor would never dare to offend him.

And Zhang Lin not only entered the barren ancient forbidden land, but even reached the fairy burial place through the ley lines, which is really unimaginable.

"So, have you met the Ruthless Emperor?"

Just when Ye Fan was also shocked in his heart, the voice of the evil spirit came out immediately in his mind, calm and calm.

As soon as the honorable name of "Ruthless Emperor" came out, Wu Yi was shocked. Obviously, he had a good understanding of this emperor's deeds and was sincerely in awe.

As for the ghost's guess, Zhang Lin nodded solemnly, expressing his affirmation.

Immediately, a look of reminiscence appeared on his face:
"In the past, I had a premonition that the end was approaching, and Yuan Tianshi's strange fate was inevitable, so I delved into various ancient books to find a solution. Unfortunately, it was of no avail."

"In the end, I decided to take the risk and die to survive."

"According to reliable records, people who fell into the barren ancient forbidden area have the opportunity to be turned into barren slaves by the lord of the forbidden area, and they will live forever in a different way, similar to the red-haired monster transformed by Yuan Tianshi."

"So, I'm going to throw myself into the ancient forbidden land, and come to 'fight poison with poison'."

I have to say that Zhang Lin's behavior is really bold.Not to mention the curse of Hades on his body, he even dared to provoke another supreme being.

"Senior Zhang Lin, don't you want to fight, and hope that the Emperor Ruthless will fight with Mingzun, and it is best for both sides to suffer?"

With a strange expression on Ye Fan's face, he spoke his mind.

Hearing this, Zhang Lin almost jumped up in fright, and immediately looked serious, and said in a vibrating voice:
"I am loyal to the emperor, don't talk nonsense, kid!"

"So, the Ruthless Emperor really appeared?"

Ye Fan naturally wouldn't bother with those trivial matters, and only asked the most critical point.

"That's natural."

Zhang Lin looked proud at this, and then continued:

"After I broke into the ancient forbidden land, I was lucky enough to survive, and I had a great chance to meet the emperor, so I asked her to help me lift the curse of Yuan Tianshi."

Speaking of this, Zhang Lin looked a little lonely:

"It's a pity that the Way of the Underworld Lord is really weird. The Emperor finally injected another mysterious power into my body. The curse of the same origin celestial master formed a delicate balance. Even though I turned into a red-haired monster, I didn't feel that way. Not sunk."

It turned out to be the case.

After listening to Zhang Lin's explanation, everyone present suddenly realized.

Sure enough, only someone as stunning and talented as the Ruthless Emperor can fight against the backhand of the Mythical Underworld.

 The two changes are over.

  Tomorrow there will still be a change around 20:30 and 23:50.

  Finally, thank you again for your subscriptions, rewards and votes!

(End of this chapter)

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