Chapter 936


In the depths of the fairy burial ground, as Zhang Lin's voice fell, everyone present was silent, and only the source energy of the dragon veins was transpiring, gathering into a vast ocean.

At the same time, the majestic spiritual fluctuations in the void showed that their hearts were not at peace.

The ruthless emperor is actually still in the world!
Although, in the long period of nearly 30 years, the Great Emperor has manifested miracles many times, and there are many strong people in the world who have witnessed it, but in the recent tens of thousands of years, the barren ancient forbidden land has been quiet, let alone ruthless people. .

Therefore, there is no lack of speculation in the hearts of the world.

However, now that everyone has learned the truth from Zhang Lin, they naturally have no doubts about it.

You know, Emperor Ruthless is amazingly talented, and her life experience is full of legends.

He rose up with a mortal body, and finally fought against the most powerful chaotic body in the human world, and he did not lose the wind in the slightest.

Not only that, but the Ruthless Emperor also broke the curse that no new life forbidden zone will be established after the ancient times, and created a barren ancient forbidden area with the highest majesty.

"You have a ruthless power in your body? Let me see!"

Just when everyone's hearts were surging and all kinds of thoughts were ups and downs, in Ye Fan's mind, the voice of the evil ghost came from the heart.

It is not surprising that the Ruthless Emperor is still alive in the world because of his evil thoughts born after the death of the Invincible Supreme of the past.

At this moment, the evil ghost was naturally quite curious when he learned that it was really the Ruthless Emperor who helped Zhang Lin suppress the curse of Mingzun.

Hearing this, Zhang Lin on the opposite side thought for a while, and immediately stepped forward and approached Ye Fan.


With the spread of some strange fluctuations, Ye Fan only felt that there was a slightly gloomy, but at the same time filled with the supreme and profound Taoist charm, slowly falling down between his eyebrows.

Ye Fan knew this in his heart.

There is no doubt that it must belong to the true power of the evil spirit.

As Ye Fan went through the catastrophe again and again in the past six years, the evil ghost also gained great benefits. After undergoing the baptism of the power of the catastrophe, it can be said that it has been completely reborn, and finally has a trace of the charm of the supreme existence.

I saw strands of slightly dim golden rays of light falling down and sinking into the body of Zhang Lin who had turned into a red-haired monster.

Since he didn't resist, and even actively cooperated, it naturally allowed the evil spirit to see the mysteries in his body.


It took a long time for the evil ghost to take back his original divine sense, and immediately accompanied by his sincere emotion:

"Emperor Ruthless is really good at making good fortune, and I can't do it."

Of course, it is impossible for the evil ghost to be comparable to the ruthless emperor based on his present depravity. What he is referring to is naturally his own "previous life".

To be able to make an Invincible Supreme of the past feel so emotional is enough to show that the Ruthless Emperor is unfathomable, and it is probably far beyond the imagination of the world.

At the same time, Wu Yi on the other side also penetrated his divine sense into Zhang Lin's body, observed carefully, and then said with a thoughtful expression:
"In addition to his unrivaled cultivation, it seems that the Emperor Ruthless has also studied the Yuantian Book, and he has a good understanding of the way of Mingzun, so that he can suppress the curse of the Yuantian Master's lineage..."

As the person with the highest cultivation level in this place, and a former Yuantian Patriarch, Wu Yi naturally has the most right to speak.

Seeing the expressions of emotion on the faces of Ye Fan and Wu Yi, Zhang Lin's eyes were shining brightly, and he said proudly:

"You have to know that the Great Emperor has not only made good fortune, but also never cut himself off and sealed himself. He just transformed into nirvana in the world of mortals, and has been reversed for countless lifetimes."

"Speaking of it, in today's human world, the ones who are closest to the immortals in the world of mortals are the Ruthless Emperor, Mingzun, and Chaos Emperor."

Regarding Zhang Lin's judgment, everyone present nodded in agreement.

In contrast, Wushi Great Emperor, Yao Emperor, Yuan Emperor, Qing Emperor, etc., although they are equally extraordinary and even more astounding in the past, but they have been practicing Taoism for a short time, and there is still a long way to go before they become immortals in the world of mortals.

"By the way, senior Zhang Lin, since you have been protected by the Ruthless Emperor, why didn't you appear in the ancient forbidden land, but in this fairy burial ground?"

Ye Fan was puzzled by this, so he naturally asked directly.

As he said, if Zhang Lin was really in the ancient forbidden land, even if he borrowed a few immortal guts from the underworld, he would not dare to send people to arrest him.

Hearing Ye Fanzhi's question, Zhang Lin's face flashed with embarrassment, and he said in a loud voice:

"What do you know, kid! This is the emperor's trust in me, and that's why he ordered me to sit here and protect his emperor's body!"

"In the fairy burial ground, is the body of the ruthless emperor really buried!?" Ye Fan looked surprised.

As for the identity of the owner of the fairy burial land, Ye Fan and the evil ghost had long guessed.

The combination of the two, the black gold emperor cauldron with a dragon pattern, and the ruthless person hidden in the dark, together with the incomplete scriptures of indestructible heavenly power that Ye Fan had obtained from the fairy burial ground, confirmed that this place must be related to the ruthless emperor .

However, according to Zhang Lin's words now, the ruthless emperor is still in the world, and his real body should also be in the ancient forbidden land, but for some reason, there is still a physical body here?

That's why Ye Fan asked this question.

I saw that Zhang Lin glanced at him and said with disdain:
"The ruthless emperor has been rebellious for many lifetimes, and naturally shed more than one body. Is there any fuss about burying an emperor's body here?"

Speaking of this, Zhang Lin couldn't help but paused, thought for a while, and immediately said solemnly:
"Do you think that the road to the world of mortals is really that easy?"

"One wrong step, it is very likely that there will be a catastrophe!"

"Even if the emperor is as stunning and brilliant as the ruthless emperor, he almost collapsed in the middle way. Fortunately, the emperor's good fortune is amazing, so he forcibly reversed the deadlock."

What Zhang Lin said was the secret of the fairy road, even in the world's major holy places, it was rarely spread, which naturally shocked Ye Fan and Wu Yi from the bottom of their hearts.

And the evil spirit in Ye Fan's mind is even more convinced of this.

After a while, Ye Fan's face was suddenly enlightened, and he sighed:

"It turns out, senior, the reason why you appeared in this fairy burial ground is because you are guarding the door for the ruthless emperor."

Perhaps, because the word "watchman" is too harsh, Zhang Lin immediately corrected him with a serious face:
"Don't talk nonsense, kid!"

"I am the official Dharma protector under the ruthless emperor. Under the orders of the emperor, I not only have to protect the emperor's body, but also take care of the sacred treasure left by the emperor, so as not to be coveted by Xiaoxiao. I am definitely not comparable to a mere gatekeeper!"

Isn't that the same...

Ye Fan complained secretly in his heart, but he didn't say much.

"I'll go! Then you kid said that you would take us to get the god's treasure of the Ruthless Emperor, so you can't lie to us!?"

Compared with Ye Fan, the evil ghost's focus is completely different. He was keenly aware of this and immediately pointed it out.

Faced with the evil ghost's questioning, Zhang Lin seemed to have a guilty conscience, but he still pretended to be calm and said:

"Please rest assured, this junior will definitely take you to the deepest part of the fairy burial ground."

"As for whether you can take away the sacred treasure at that time, it depends on whether you have that kind of opportunity..."

The more he talked about it, the more confident Zhang Lin lacked.

At the same time, he also noticed that there was a kind of horrifying aura emanating from the place where Ye Fan's eyebrows were located, so he quickly added:

"Senior, don't worry! Even if you can't get the God's treasure of the Ruthless Emperor, there will be another good fortune, which is equally extraordinary!"

"Hmph!" Sensing Zhang Lin's spiritual fluctuations, the evil spirit in Ye Fan's mind didn't show up for the time being, and only let out a cold snort:
"It's better to have it. Otherwise, I don't mind adding another curse to you."

"Senior, just rest assured."

Hearing the words of the evil spirit, Zhang Lin couldn't help but tremble in his heart, and immediately promised.


But at this moment, a particularly tragic breath erupted next to it, shocking everyone.

I saw that the clarity in Wu Yi's eyes disappeared, and was replaced by red like blood again.

At the same time, the red hair flying all over his body pierced through the void, strange and terrifying.

Seeing this situation, Ye Fan and Zhang Lin hurriedly recited the Sutra of Rescuing People, which made Wu Yi regain his sobriety.

The person looked around and seemed to realize what happened just now, and immediately sighed faintly:

"It's time for me to go back, too."

"Patriarch!" "Senior!"

On the faces of Zhang Lin and Ye Fan, there was a sincere expression of unbearable.

The latter suddenly raised his head, looked at Zhang Lin, and said with burning eyes:
"Can you ask the ruthless emperor to take action again, and do the same to suppress the curse in Senior Wu Yi's body?"

Hearing this, Zhang Lin shook his head without the slightest hesitation.

"Why!?" Ye Fan was puzzled.

In this regard, Zhang Lin let out a long sigh:
"In fact, the real body of Emperor Ruthless is not in the ancient forbidden land most of the time, only turning around occasionally."

"As far as I know, this is the case for several supreme existences of the Supreme Heavenly Emperor series in the world. They seem to have gone to some strange place to enlighten and practice."

"Before, I was able to meet the real body of the great emperor by chance, which was already a great chance."

Zhang Lin's words completely cut off the last hope of Ye Fan and Wu Yi.

However, the latter obviously expected this long ago, and his mentality was quite peaceful. Instead, he smiled and comforted them:

"Fortunately, although I was driven by the underworld, I didn't do anything harmful to nature after all. I just dug graves and searched for ancient ruins. It's the same as what I did during my lifetime. It's just a part-time job to pay off my debts."

Wu Yi is so humorous, but it dilutes the gloomy atmosphere of this place.

Of course, everyone present could not help but sigh in their hearts:
If you are not a fairy, you are still a human being striving to escape from the world of mortals, and it is difficult to get rid of your fate, let alone be at ease.

Wu Yi is like this, Zhang Lin is like this, Ye Fan and the evil ghost are like this, each has its own sorrows.

 The second update will still be updated around 23:50.

  Thank you so much for all your support!
(End of this chapter)

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