Chapter 937
In the end, Wu Yi still made up his mind to return to the underworld.

However, after all, the immortal burial ground is full of the supreme array pattern left by the ruthless people, even the outer area is absolutely extremely dangerous.

When Wu Yi's mind is clear, he can easily evade it due to the power of the origin technique, but if he is ignorant, it will be worrying.

In addition, the underworld army led by him had already been rescued by Lingbao Tianzun's scriptures for saving people, and now there is no one around him to use.

Therefore, Zhang Lin and Ye Fan immediately decided to escort Wu Yi for a while, and after confirming that he could leave safely, they went to explore the burial place of Ruthless Man.

Regarding their decision, the evil ghost has no objection, Zuo is just sending him off, it doesn't take much time.


In the depths of the fairy burial ground, dragon energy and origin energy are intertwined, like the undulating ocean.


I saw a road of immortal light across the sky, and the dark and deep abyss was also brilliantly reflected.

Above it, there were three figures side by side, heading straight towards the edge of the fairy burial ground.

Ye Fan's current cultivation base is not high, and his Yuanshu attainments have not entered the realm of Yuan Tianshi. In addition, his physical body is full of blood, and now he can easily get rid of the weird state and regain his handsome youth appearance.

As for Zhang Lin and Wu Yi, they are still in the form of red-haired monsters.

Relatively speaking, Zhang Lin's state is not bad, he is still awake, while Wu Yi's consciousness is almost blurred, if the evil spirit recites the mantra again, I am afraid it will only be completely wiped out, instead of just suppressing the curse.

Fortunately, Zhang Lin, as the tomb keeper of the Ruthless Emperor, knew the formation here like the palm of his hand, and he arrived at the destination in just a short while.


I saw that in the boundless void, two big rivers, one black and one yellow, rushed out, converging at the edge of the fairy burial ground, emitting endless yin and death breath, and permeated with some kind of mysterious and mysterious way. rhyme.

"Styx and the Underworld!"

The moment he saw the two big rivers with no source, the well-informed Zhang Lin blurted out without thinking.

"I see."

Seeing this situation, the evil spirit in Ye Fan's mind also spoke out:
"Yellow Spring and Styx, born from the underworld, are known to be everywhere, connecting the stars of the sky. No wonder the army of the underworld can enter this place without anyone noticing."

Hearing the explanations of the two, Ye Fan couldn't help showing a look of sudden realization.

After arriving here, Wu Yi also had a feeling, and his spiritual consciousness returned again, and immediately cupped his hands towards Ye Fan and Zhang Lin:
"Thank you all this time. I only hope that there will be a day when we will meet again in the future, and then we can speak freely without restraint."

"There will be a day!"

Zhang Lin's eyes were shining brightly, and his tone was sonorous.

Wu Yi nodded, and immediately without the slightest hesitation, he took the initiative to plunge into the underworld.


Accompanied by the burst of tragic and boundless aura, Wu Yi's red hair danced wildly all over his body, and the bright red reincarnation seal in his body reflected an extraordinarily evil light.

Wu Yi's consciousness gradually sank, and he turned into a real hell monster again.

Taking a panoramic view of this process, the evil spirit in Ye Fan's mind commented calmly:
"Well, the true spirit is silent, and the chaotic evil thoughts born in the seal of reincarnation are replaced. It has endured the erosion of the years, and it can be regarded as an alternative method of longevity."

Hearing this, the red-haired monster in the underworld suddenly raised its head.

However, Wu Yi's consciousness didn't seem to disappear completely. He finally nodded, and then he left the fairy burial ground and disappeared without a trace, driving the mighty Yellow Spring and Styx River.

Seeing that Patriarch Yuantian, who was in the same situation as him, ended up like this in the end, Zhang Lin was naturally moved.

Fortunately, all the extraordinary people present quickly returned to normal.


And Zhang Lin stepped forward immediately, mobilizing the power of the supreme formation in the fairy burial ground neatly, to make up for the loopholes here.

"In this way, the underworld should not bother you again in a short time."

Looking at the flawless void in front of him, Zhang Lin nodded in satisfaction.

"Okay, you kid, don't be stinky! Take us to the ruthless Chen Coffin!"

Immediately, in Ye Fan's mind, the impatient voice of the evil ghost came, reprimanded severely.

Now, perhaps only a ghost like a ghost would dare to reprimand a Yuan Tianshi who had cultivated to the realm of a saint.

Of course, there is no shortage of reasons why the evil spirits are benevolent to the other party.

In addition, Zhang Lin is fairly upright, so naturally he wouldn't do something like cross the river and tear down the bridge.

I saw that a bright and gorgeous bridge manifested from Zhang Lin's feet, extending to the deepest part of the fairy burial ground.

Ye Fan stepped on the divine bridge, and saw countless avenues of gods emerging in the void along the way, but it was difficult to get close to the divine bridge opened by him.

In addition to the supreme formation, Ye Fan also saw the depths of the dark abyss, and from time to time, many treasures of heaven and earth were rushed out by the dragon energy from the ground, which was really radiant.

"Nine Heavens Divine Jade, Galaxy Divine Sand, Suet Jade Iron, Great Luo Silver Essence..."

Most of the materials in it, if they appeared in the outside world, would definitely be rare treasures that would sway the hearts of kings and even saints.

But here, it can be seen everywhere.

And from this, it can also be seen that the Ruthless Emperor must be rich and powerful, and the sacred treasures in the place of his old coffin will only become more abundant.

Thinking of this, not only Ye Fan, but even the evil ghost in his mind was thumped and full of anticipation.

Zhang Lin next to him, naturally also noticed the fluctuations in the spiritual thoughts of the two, and immediately smiled slightly:
"It is rumored that in the first life, the Ruthless Emperor used the Heaven Swallowing Demon Art to achieve enlightenment, which led to endless karmic entanglement, and was rejected by the gods. It was difficult to find any divine materials and fairy materials, and finally he had to use his own body to refine the emperor's soldiers."

"However, the ruthless emperor is truly astonishingly talented. He has created an indestructible heavenly skill. After breaking the demon body, he is extremely happy. He has found many rare god materials and fairy materials. It is said that he is the most emperor of all ages. What is in front of him is nothing but It’s just a drop in the bucket.”

Zhang Linzhi's words naturally aroused Ye Fan's curiosity, wishing to see the coffin of the cruel man immediately.

"Hmph! If the good fortune you talked about doesn't satisfy us, I'll have your fruit!"

Apparently, the evil ghost has not forgotten his previous promise, reminding him from time to time.

Hearing this, Zhang Lin immediately waved his sleeves and quickened his pace.

When the crowd got deeper and closer to the core of this place, a vast and boundless sea of ​​chaos emerged in front of it, accompanied by the eruption of immortal light before the opening of the sky, and billions of rays of divine light.

As for the big Luo Yinjing and others that I had seen before, they even flew out like money.

"I see!"

In Ye Fan's mind, the evil ghost suddenly realized:

"Ruthless people really have great luck, to find such a chaotic fairyland before the opening of the sky."

"These things in front of me are nothing but commonplace. The core of the Primal Chaos Immortal Soil must have given birth to supreme fetishes!"

Speaking of this, the evil ghost's tone couldn't hide his excitement.However, he quickly calmed down again, a little sad, and said helplessly:

"It's a pity that such a fairy treasure would have been taken away by a ruthless person long ago to forge her Godless Weapon, or even a fairy weapon."

Hearing the words of the evil spirit, Ye Fan naturally felt regretful.

"Not necessarily."

On the side, Zhang Lin had a mysterious smile on his face.

Seeing this, the evil ghost and Ye Fan couldn't help but feel moved, and they became more and more looking forward to it.

Under the leadership of Zhang Lin, the cemetery guard, Ye Fan and the evil spirits easily passed through the sea of ​​chaos, and truly arrived at the core of the fairy burial ground.

And below the sea of ​​chaos, the first thing everyone bumped into was a large cloud of dense and thick clouds.

I saw that the "cloud" was black and yellow, hazy, seemingly illusory, but filled with a majestic power that seemed to be able to crush the universe.

 The two changes are over.

  Tomorrow there will still be a change around 20:30 and 23:50.

  Finally, thank you again for your subscriptions, rewards and votes!

(End of this chapter)

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