Chapter 938

It was never expected that in the deepest part of the fairy burial ground, below the boundless sea of ​​chaos, there would be such a rolling "sea of ​​clouds".

At this moment, under the leadership of the tomb guard Zhang Lin, Ye Fan was standing in front of the black and yellow "cloud" with a sincerely shocked expression on his face.

Although the two of them hadn't really approached and touched the real body of the "cloud and mist", the majestic and thick aura and dao rhyme had already spread out incomparably clearly.

"Mysterious and yellow energy!"

Even though Ye Fan had been prepared in his heart, he couldn't help but exclaim when he saw the scene in front of him.

The so-called Xuanhuang is the creation of chaos. At the beginning of the birth of the universe, the supreme immortal essence overflowed. It is not only the essence of heaven and earth, but also called the mother spirit of all things. It is really a supreme holy thing.

And the reason why Ye Fan knows so much about Xuanhuang and Huangqi is not only because he has studied Yuantianshu and read many ancient books, but also because a certain elder of Yaoguang, whose king's magic weapon In the middle of it, a trace of black and yellow air was smelted.

One must know that even if there is only a trace of Xuanhuang Qi, it is already a rare treasure that is hard to find in the world, making many kings envious.

However, at this moment, what appeared in front of everyone was the gathering of innumerable dark and yellow auras, surging and surging, even if they were not vast, they were almost the same.

Come to think of it, so much mysterious and yellow energy is probably enough to refine the legendary extreme emperor soldier, right?

Looking at the mysterious and yellow sea in front of him, Ye Fan's thoughts fluctuated, and he couldn't help thinking like this.

"It's true that the Xuanhuang Qi is good, but it's not just that."

Zhang Lin on the side was smiling all over his face, and said in a pretendingly mysterious tone.

Hearing Zhang Linzhi's words, Ye Fan's heart couldn't help but move, and he immediately looked along the induction in the dark.

I saw that in the depths of the mysterious and yellow sea, which should be simple and unpretentious, thick and majestic, there is faintly shining celestial light shining out.


At first, Ye Fan thought it was the chaotic fairy light he had seen before, but when he observed it carefully, he heard rumbling sounds like thousands of thunderclaps.

"The essence of Xuanhuang, the root of the mother's energy!"

Just when Ye Fan was at a loss for the fairy light in the mysterious yellow sea, in his mind, the tone of the evil ghost was never surprised before, and he couldn't help but exclaimed excitedly.

After being reminded by the evil ghost, Ye Fan also reacted instantly, recalling the vague records in an ancient book.

The root of the mother qi of all things is far more precious than the pure black and yellow qi. It is the supreme fairy material that only exists in the deduction of the world's powerful people. It is guessed that it can only be born at the moment when the world was opened up.

Throughout the ages, no one has ever really obtained this extraordinary sacred object.Therefore, many people doubt whether it exists.

However, today, Ye Fan and others actually saw this fairy treasure in Ruthless Man's burial place, and finally confirmed its existence.

From Ye Fan's brow on the immortal platform, the mysterious and majestic spiritual thoughts of the evil ghost spread out. After carefully observing the essence in the mysterious sea of ​​yellow, he finally sighed leisurely:

"Thinking about it, this mother spirit of all things and its origin should be the essence conceived in the chaotic fairy soil. I never thought that this kind of fairy material that has never been seen in this world has already fallen into the hands of the ruthless emperor. Really lucky."

After the words fell, both the evil ghost and Ye Fan were shocked by the root of the mother energy in front of them, and naturally no one spoke for a while.

However, everyone present was extraordinary, and soon returned to normal.

But when the reason came back, the evil ghost was full of doubts, and immediately looked at Zhang Lin, who was beside him, and said doubtfully:

"Such fairy treasures, not to mention the refining of imperial weapons, even fairy weapons, are not bad. Why would the ruthless emperor put them here?"

Earlier, the evil ghost had said that even if any rare fairy material was conceived in the chaotic fairy soil, it must have been taken away by ruthless people long ago.

I never thought that the root of the mother spirit of all things would lie here like this, as if it had no owner.

Hearing the evil ghost's question, Zhang Lin also had a slightly puzzled look on his face. He thought about it for a while, and then said in an uncertain tone:
"Perhaps, the emperor originally wanted to cast it into a supreme fairy weapon in one go, but after all, it was a little bit short, so he didn't do it for a long time?"

Although Zhang Lin's guess does have some truth, it cannot withstand scrutiny.

After all, even if the ruthless person wants to refine the supreme fairy weapon in the end, he can first cast it into an emperor weapon.

If coupled with the continuous nurturing and tempering in the future, we will go through the calamity together with her and turn into a fairy weapon, which will be a matter of course and a natural consummation.

It's a pity that now that the evil spirit has fallen, there is no way to deduce or verify the truth behind it.

After expressing his conjecture, Zhang Lin paused for a moment, but then seemed to recall something, and said with a strange expression:

"After you reminded me like this, I remembered that in the past, when the emperor ordered me to guard this place, he seemed to have mentioned something about 'waiting for someone who is destined'..."

Hearing this, Ye Fan and the evil ghost's hearts were shocked, and a flash of light suddenly appeared in their minds, and they thought of something in unison——

The root of the source of Qi, the mother of all things, is very likely to be intentionally left by the Ruthless Emperor to his descendants!

The inheritors of the ruthless lineage should have their complete heavenly skills.

And the reason why they sneaked into the Holy Land of Waving Light was probably because of the ruthless Emperor's body in the Immortal Burial Ground and the Supreme God's Treasure.

After this idea appeared in their minds, the more they thought about it, the more they felt that this speculation was reasonable.

If this is the case, it can also explain why the ruthless emperor has not used the source root of the mother of all things for a long time.Because, that was what she prepared for future generations!
However, after thinking about it, it is still quite strange that such a fairy material is not used by the Ruthless Emperor himself, but left to future generations.

I am afraid that even the parents and children of the ancient emperor would rarely receive such treatment.


Zhang Lin on the side, saw that the evil ghost and Ye Fan were silent, and the latter seemed to be in deep thought. He guessed that the two of them might be playing with the motherhood of all things in front of him, so he was so scared that he quickly reminded him. road:

"Although, the emperor said that we should wait for someone with predestined relationship, but the two of you must not try to collect it lightly."


Regarding Zhang Lin's reaction, Ye Fan and the evil ghost were naturally quite curious, so they asked back.

Zhang Lin raised his head and glanced at Ye Fan on the opposite side, and immediately said solemnly:

"In fact, long before I guarded this place, the Supreme Zhundi, who had made great achievements, came here."

"That person is not Yuan Tianshi, nor is he a descendant of the Great Emperor. It seems that he has gone through untold hardships to reach the deepest part of the fairy burial ground."

"However, the emperor had already made arrangements for him, and that person was naturally afraid of the emperor's supreme power. But in the end, he might not be able to bear to enter Baoshan and return empty-handed, so he chose to act."

"It's a pity that although he is the supreme quasi-emperor, he didn't have the slightest suspense in the face of the emperor's arrangements, and he lost his life in vain."

According to Zhang Lin's words, the Ruthless Emperor didn't act personally, but only arranged here to kill a supreme quasi-emperor.

Even if the evil ghost has a great background, it has long since fallen, and it is even more impossible to compare with a real quasi-emperor.

After thinking about this point clearly, the two temporarily suppressed all the thoughts in their hearts.

Of course, the two did not give up completely.

At the same time, the evil ghost had a premonition that there might be a chance in the future, and it might not be possible to try to collect it.

Seeing that Ye Fan and the evil spirit no longer paid attention to the root of the mother qi source of all things, Zhang Lin seemed to be relieved, and then smiled slightly:
"Below the mysterious sea of ​​yellow is the entrance to the emperor's real burial place, so let me lead you there."

After the person's voice fell, Ye Fan nodded, and the evil ghost naturally would not object.

Accompanied by Zhang Lin's slight movement of thoughts, the sky and the earth trembled violently, and some kind of mysterious aura spread out in the dark.


The sea of ​​black and yellow was turbulent, with ups and downs, and then slowly separated, revealing a misty road.

Seeing Zhang Lin taking the lead, Ye Fan naturally followed closely behind without hesitation.

And when he thought that he would soon see a generation of legendary and ruthless emperors, as well as the possible inheritance of the Supreme Heavenly Skill, he couldn't help but feel a surge of emotion.

 The second update will still be updated around 23:50.

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