Covering the sky: At the beginning, the emperor invited me to become a fairy

Chapter 939 Remnant Corpse in the Coffin, Ruthless Man Sighs

Chapter 939 Remnant Corpse in the Coffin, Ruthless Man Sighs

Following closely behind Zhang Lin, Ye Fan walked through the mysterious and yellow mother spirit like the deep and the sea.

Feeling the majestic and heavy aura in the dark, as if it was about to crush the universe, even Ye Fan, who has always been calm, couldn't help but waver at this moment.

Although the Mother Qi of all things in front of me has not been refined and can only be regarded as a rough material, it has also shown its strange and extraordinary features, and it is worthy of being the top sacred object certified by many powerful people in the world.

However, thinking that the owner of this thing is the famous and ruthless Emperor, no matter Ye Fan or the evil ghost, they put away their thoughts for the time being.

In fact, if it was as they had planned before, it would be absolutely impossible for the two of them to arrive here.

Fortunately, with Zhang Lin's leadership this time, they were able to go straight to the real core of the Immortal Burial Ground, and it was a worthwhile trip.

As the guard of this place, although Zhang Lin seldom came to the deepest part of the abyss, he undoubtedly knew the layout ahead.

In addition, he is now a red-haired Yuantian Master, and when it comes to mastering the Dao of Heaven and Earth, no one can match him.It is easy to protect Ye Fan and the two from the supreme murder.

In this way, only a moment later, not far ahead, there was a dazzling fairy light, and it was even faintly accompanied by the supreme power.


In the end, everyone passed through the mysterious sea of ​​yellow and set foot on the real chaotic fairyland.

And the first thing that catches everyone's eyes is the chaotic fairy light, which is far brighter than all the stars in the world put together.

There is no doubt that this place must be the source of all the mysteries of the fairy burial ground.

Under the protection of Zhang Lin, Ye Fan got used to the light here, and slowly opened his eyes.

What you see in front of your eyes is a piece of divine glow and auspicious colors transpiring, radiant, and incomparably gorgeous fairyland.Among them, there seems to be infinite vitality and good fortune, which is shocking.

However, Ye Fan's eyes only stayed on the chaotic fairy land for a moment, and immediately looked at the center of the fairy land.

There, it turned out to be a chaotic hole that was dazzling and spewing immortal light.

Except for the chaotic fairy light, occasionally, there will be wisps of extreme aura overflowing from it, which makes Ye Fan who is far away can't help being startled.

"That's right, this should be the good fortune immortal soil conceived in the chaos. It not only gave birth to the root of all things, but also a small chaotic world. And the ruthless man's body must be buried in it."

As expected of the supreme existence of the past, the evil ghost took a panoramic view of the scene in front of him, then calmly analyzed it so calmly.

Hearing this, Ye Fan also nodded.Then, just as he was about to ask—


Unexpectedly, there was a refreshing fragrance permeating the air, just a slight sniff, it made people feel comfortable all over, and gave birth to a feeling as if they were about to lift the clouds into the air.

Ye Fan is no stranger to this kind of breath, because he has not only been in contact with it before, but even absorbed the essence of this kind of fetish.

Undead medicine!

Of course, it couldn't be the Suzaku Elixir that Ye Fan had seen before.It is rooted in the forbidden zone of God, and it is difficult to get close to it.

However, although the elixir of immortality is unique, there is not only one elixir of immortality in the world.Come to think of it, there is another plant planted here.

It's not surprising that the ruthless emperor is as powerful as the ancients and the present, and he has an elixir in his possession.

Which one will it be! ?

Excited in Ye Fan's heart, he immediately looked in the direction where the medicinal fragrance was coming.

I saw that the dragon energy originating from the Eastern Wasteland was lingering, and a strange magical medicine took root in the chaotic fairy soil.

The whole body of the magical medicine is as bright as gold, resplendent and resplendent, about one foot high, with nine leaves, as ethereal and illusory as clouds.

And on the top of the magic medicine, there is a golden fruit that looks like a real dragon. It is crystal clear, and it seems to contain countless vigorous vitality, which makes people's hearts sway.

True Dragon Elixir!
The characteristics of this magic medicine are distinct, Ye Fan naturally recognized it at a glance.

He immediately raised his eyes and looked at Zhang Lin who was on the side.

It never occurred to him that he was like him, with a surprised expression on his face, as if he had never expected the existence of this real dragon elixir.

Seeing this, Ye Fan's heart moved, and he took the initiative to ask:
"Is this true dragon elixir originally not here?"

Hearing Ye Fanzhi's question, Zhang Lin nodded subconsciously, but immediately shook his head:
"True dragon medicine really shouldn't appear here, but—"

However, at the moment when Ye Fan and Zhang Lin were talking, the real dragon elixir had already been induced.

"call out!"

I saw that the little dragon at the top was lifelike, and its eyes revealed a more humane look. It glared at the "bad guy" on the opposite side fiercely, and then it got into the chaotic fairyland and disappeared.

Seeing this situation, Ye Fan really wanted to vomit blood with anger.

Now he is not what he used to be, and there are evil ghosts and Zhang Lin to help him, if he is prepared as before to "sneak attack" Suzaku magic medicine, he will not let him escape.

It's a pity that due to the existence of the sea of ​​black and yellow, the mysteries of this place were isolated, so they didn't sense that there was a plant of immortality here, so they missed the opportunity and were detected by the magic medicine, so they could slip away in advance.

Although the real dragon medicine had disappeared, Ye Fan was still unwilling, and stepped forward together with Zhang Lin to sense it carefully.

"It's useless, the psychic psychic medicine, and the unique ability to fly to the sky and escape from the earth, have already slipped away with the help of the earth's veins."

The devil's tone remained calm.

Although the medicine of immortality is precious, it is of no great use to him now. Only the power of the heavenly tribulation can make him truly turn from death to life, and Ye Fan has already completed his transformation with the help of Suzaku medicine.

Seeing Ye Fan's regretful expression, Zhang Lin beside him smiled slightly and said:

"Although this real dragon medicine shouldn't appear here, it's not something that has no owner. You don't want Xiao to think about it."

Hearing this, Ye Fan naturally showed a curious expression on his face, while the evil ghost in his mind had a tone of sudden realization:

"That's right, I seem to remember that there are indeed rumors that the True Dragon Elixir took the initiative to follow the Ruthless Emperor."


Zhang Lin didn't make a fool of himself, he immediately affirmed this, and then took the initiative to explain:

"This real dragon's elixir should have taken root in the abyss under the forbidden ancient times. Presumably, it must have used the leylines to sneak here."

At the same time, the evil spirit in Ye Fan's mind also added:
"Well, the Chaos Immortal Soil here is indeed of great benefit to immortal roots such as elixir."

Ye Fan secretly thought it was a pity, but it didn't help.

Immediately, under Zhang Lin's leadership, he avoided the supreme murderous intent here, and really approached the chaotic hole, the distance between the two was less than ten feet.

According to what Zhang Lin said, if he goes any further, he is likely to be injured by Emperor Qi.

Ye Fan raised his eyes, but saw nothing but chaos and turbulent celestial light covering everything.

Fortunately, under the blessing of a slightly cold divine sense, Ye Fan was finally able to see the real scene in the Chaos Cave clearly.

I saw that in a world purely composed of fairy light, chaos, and infinite organisms, there was a vermilion ancient coffin floating up and down.

Ye Fan looked at it, and in a trance, it seemed that he had traveled through endless years and returned to the ancient times, and saw a peerless figure in white clothes.

However, due to the protection of the evil spirit's divine sense, Ye Fan easily broke free from the illusion, and looked at the scarlet ancient coffin again.

The shape of the simple and vicissitudes of the coffin slowly disappeared, and the person saw the scene in the coffin, and then stood upside down covered in hairs.

Contrary to Ye Fan's expectations, he did not see the real body of the majestic Supreme Emperor, but instead, it was covered in blood.

A few stumps and half of a head were just soaked in a pool of blood, as if they had just been shattered.


At the same time, a more tragic and boundless aura spread out, making people tremble.

And just when Ye Fan was shocked by the fact that the ruthless emperor's physical body was so mutilated——


I only heard that the sound of the avenue was booming, and it was far more terrifying than the fairy tide I had felt before, and the fluctuations were infinitely times more terrifying.

"not good!"

Zhang Lin took the lead, and the evil spirit in his mind also took action, protecting Ye Fan, who was the weakest among them, behind him.

But at this moment, Ye Fan's spiritual thoughts were in a trance for a moment.

In his heart, there was an illusory voice that sounded like the sound of heaven:
"Not for immortality..."

 The two changes are over.

  Tomorrow weekend, there will still be additional changes as usual, one around 14:19, and two after 30:[-].

  Finally, thank you again for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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