Covering the sky: At the beginning, the emperor invited me to become a fairy

Chapter 940 Chaos pregnant fairy, 9 secret whereabouts

Chapter 940 Chaos pregnant fairy, the whereabouts of the nine secrets

"Not for immortality..."

Ye Fan never imagined that the ruthless Emperor, who is astonishing in the past and the present, would say such a shocking sentence when he opened his mouth.

You must know that proving the Tao and becoming an immortal is undoubtedly the long-cherished wish of all living beings in the human world, including many emperors and great emperors, throughout the ages.

In truth, there were only a few mortal immortals in the human world before, as well as the ancient supreme beings who were taken away by the Immortal Emperor and Yuan Emperor, who could barely be counted as immortals, and the rest could only be envied.

And in this life, in order to compete for the opportunity to open the road to immortality in the deduction, the supreme beings in the restricted area were born thousands of years in advance to complete their own Taoism.

It is conceivable that when the fairy road is really opened, there will be a battle between the dragon and the tiger in Beidou, and the supreme battle of gods will break out far beyond the previous ones.

However, the ruthless emperor didn't seem to care about the world's flying immortals, and even said "not to become immortals".

Although, Ye Fan also knew that this was definitely not the real body of the ruthless emperor speaking, it should just be the obsession left in his emperor's corpse, but it was scary enough.

At the same time, with the ethereal voice echoing in his heart, a figure of peerless grace appeared before Ye Fan's eyes.

The man's clothes fluttered, his blue hair fluttered, and he stood proudly above the world of mortals, as if he was about to fly away at any moment.

It's a pity that his face was covered with a grimace mask that seemed to be a smile but not a smile, covering his face that was destined to be all over the world.

Of course, what is truly unforgettable about that fairy is not just her transcendent appearance.

I saw that with every gesture of his hand, the sky collapsed and the earth collapsed, the sun, moon and stars perished, and all laws collapsed.

Even if you look across the ages and travel through the long river of time, it is difficult to find a few comparable ones. They are truly magnificent and look down on the past, present and future.

Ruthless Emperor!

There is no need to doubt that the figure reflected in the ruthless man's coffin must be this amazingly talented and famous emperor.

The ruthless emperor's origin is mysterious, and he has no descendants. Almost no one in the world has ever seen his real body, and he doesn't know the gender.

Now, Ye Fan can be sure that she is a magnificent empress, and one of the strongest in ancient and modern times!

Not only that, he also saw the rise of the ruthless emperor with a mortal body, defeating the ancient Tianjiao, beheading the blood of the sky, confronting the chaotic body, creating the ancient forbidden land, and facing all the gods in the restricted area alone...

Although, it cannot be her complete life experience, just some fragments, but it is shocking enough.

In the end, it was the sound of the avenue and heaven, and the flow of the supreme Tao, which made Ye Fan fall into it. He was really intoxicated and couldn't extricate himself for a while.


At the same time, next to Ye Fan, the red-haired Yuan Tianshi Zhang Lin and the evil ghost in his mind seemed to have not noticed his abnormality at all, and only stared at the chaos in front of him warily. small world.

I saw thousands of chaotic celestial lights far more vast than rivers surging, engulfed in the Big Dipper Earth Vein Dragon Qi, and wisps of Emperor Qi rushed out, directly passed through the sea of ​​Xuanhuang and Chaos, and swayed in all directions.

"I'll go! How could this fairy tide be so powerful!?"

Zhang Lin's face was quite surprised.

When he said this, his eyes kept wandering on Ye Fan's body and the eyebrows where the evil spirit was, and he couldn't help muttering in his heart:
Could it be that I brought the two of them here without permission, which made the Emperor furious?

Thinking that there might be such a possibility, Zhang Lin couldn't help standing on his head with hairs all over his body, and his mind was full of ups and downs, making it difficult to calm down.

As for the evil spirit in Ye Fan's mind, while being amazed, he also clearly sensed Zhang Lin's spiritual fluctuations, and immediately let out a cold snort:
"Hmph! Don't rely on us for everything, kid!"

Speaking of this, the evil ghost also paused, and then said in a thoughtful tone:
"According to this seat, it may be that the real body of the ruthless emperor realized the Dao and gained something, which caused the emperor's corpse buried here to shake."

Hearing the ghost's conjecture, Zhang Lin couldn't help but his eyes lit up, and his face suddenly realized.

As he said before, the real body of Emperor Ruthless is indeed not in the ancient forbidden land, but went to a strange place to practice.

From this point of view, perhaps it is not necessarily true as the evil ghost guessed.

Thinking of this, Zhang Lin also breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, although the tide of fairy light seemed aggressive, but for some reason, there was not much imperial energy and dragon energy overflowing. Zhang Lin easily isolated it, so it did not affect Ye Fan behind him at all. and evil spirits.

Seeing this situation, Zhang Lin was also amazed, and said with a smile that they did have great luck, maybe they were really the predestined people that the Ruthless Emperor said.

"Ha ha."

Regarding this, the evil ghost was naturally speechless.

After only a moment, the tide of fairy light gradually subsided, and Ye Fan then slowly opened his eyes.


Even though Ye Fan still looked ordinary, not to mention that there were no huge fluctuations spreading out, just like before, the evil spirit lived in Ye Fan's mind and was closely related to him, so he naturally noticed the change in him , there is a mysterious and mysterious aura circulating around him.

"Boy, what's going on?"

How could he be so careless that this kid gave him a feeling of being reborn?

Although the evil ghost had some guesses in his heart, and his intuition was related to the change in the Ruthless Man's Coffin just now, he couldn't help asking.

At the same time, Zhang Lin on the side also noticed Ye Fan's change, and immediately looked at Ye Fan curiously.

Facing the questioning of the two, Ye Fan showed a rather strange expression on his face, and said slightly puzzled:

"Didn't you hear that just now?"

Regarding this, Zhang Lin in front of him and the evil ghost in his mind shook their heads, and the latter urged him to speak quickly.

Ye Fan didn't show any tricks, just took a deep breath, his eyes were shining brightly, and then he said:

"I just saw the figure of the Ruthless Emperor."


As the evil thought born after the fall of the supreme being in the past, even the evil ghost didn't have the slightest sense of it, so he was naturally very surprised by this.

The same is true for Zhang Lin on the other side, even frowning slightly:
"Are you sure, what you saw was the Ruthless Emperor?"

"That's an extremely independent fairy in white, with a grimace mask that looks like a smile but not a smile, it's not real." Ye Fan said truthfully.

After listening to Ye Fan's description, Zhang Lin nodded:

"Yes, it is indeed the demeanor of the Great Emperor."

"Moreover, I got part of the "Indestructible Heavenly Art", which is far more complete than what I got before."

Immediately, Ye Fan was shocked again and told the story.

"Let me take a look!"

This is the supreme skill of the ruthless people that has not been handed down to the world, even evil ghosts will be moved.

"It's strange, this time without the help of the old bald donkey's Bodhizi, I was able to capture so many scriptures? Could it be because I got the moon first when I was near the water tower?"

After confirming that the Indestructible Heavenly Skill has been completed by a large part, the evil ghost is naturally unavoidably puzzled.

After being reminded by his person, Ye Fan calmed down, sensed the real body sitting cross-legged on the edge of the abyss, and immediately said truthfully:
"Where the real body is, even with the help of Bodhizi, the scriptures obtained are far less complete than the ones I just imprinted."

After listening to the conversation between the two, Zhang Lin on the side widened his eyes and said angrily:

"Ma De, how can you still get the indestructible power? I have been here for so many years, and I don't even have a hair!"

"Hmph! You guard the gate, what else do you want?"

The devil's words were sharp and merciless.

Several people had a heated discussion, but they did not come to any conclusions.

Ye Fan seemed to have suddenly remembered something, and asked Zhang Lin in doubt:

"How could the ruthless Emperor's body be so mutilated, as if he was lying in a pool of blood?"

When it came to the Emperor Ruthless, Zhang Lin put away his teasing expression, pondered for a while, and then said solemnly:

"I have also mentioned before that during the transformation of the Great Emperor Hongchen, he encountered a catastrophe and almost fell."

"Although the great emperor finally avoided death and Nirvana with difficulty, his old body exploded and was finally buried here."

It turned out to be the case.

Ye Fan had a look of sudden realization, and the evil ghost in his mind also explained at the right time:

"From ancient times to the present, there are many strong people who have tried to dissect their corpses to become immortals. The chaotic fairy soil here is precious. It is not only beneficial to the medicine of immortality, but also a rare burial soil in ancient times."

"And the reason why the Ruthless Emperor was buried here is presumably to use the fairy soil to get rid of the hostility in this body, and it will be of great use in the future."

It has to be said that the evil ghost is worthy of being the divine mind of the supreme figure in the past, and it is rare to retain part of the memory. It can be called a walking "encyclopedia".

From Ye Fan and Zhang Lin's point of view, even if the evil ghost's speculation is not the truth, it must be about the same.

Afterwards, Ye Fan and the evil spirits still stayed here, silently feeling the vermilion ancient coffin floating in the small chaotic world, hoping to get some scriptures of immortality to complete it.Unfortunately, the gains were minimal.

Thinking about it, without the help of Bodhizi, I'm afraid I have to wait for the next tide of fairy light.

Fortunately, the two had already expected this.Although they secretly thought it was a pity in their hearts, they were helpless after all.

Since the mother of all things can't move, and the chaotic small world can't break through, Ye Fan and the evil ghost's thoughts turned, and they hit the chaotic fairy land in front of them.

This is the real dragon's elixir, and the fetish that both the ruthless emperor valued.

However, when they tried to take some of the Chaos Immortal Soil from here, they were stopped by Zhang Lin:

"There is a killing formation engraved in the fairy soil. If you act recklessly, there will be a chaotic sword glow, and there will be no way out at that time."


Entering Baoshan but returning empty-handed, this feeling is not good, the evil ghost snorted coldly:
"You kid wouldn't just want to send us away like this, would you? What about the Great Creation you mentioned earlier?"

It was Ye Fan who got the indestructible power for the two of them, so the evil spirits would naturally not count on Zhang Lin.

Faced with the evil ghost's questioning, Zhang Lin was not too flustered, and only said mysteriously:

"Senior, please rest assured, although you can't move rashly here, there is good luck on the other side."

"What is it?"

Ye Fan on the side was also aroused curiosity.

"One of the nine secrets."

 There will be two more updates after 19:30 p.m.

  Thanks again for all your support!
(End of this chapter)

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