Chapter 941 Lord of Heaven
One of the nine secrets! ?
Hearing Zhang Linzhi's words, Ye Fan's heart couldn't help but move.

One must know that the current him is no longer the stunned young man who knew little about cultivation and the history of the human world.

In the six years of Yaoguang, he has not only made rapid progress in practice, but also read many ancient history books in the Holy Land of Yaoguang.

And because of Ye Fan's amazing talents along the way, the elders of Yaoguang are naturally willing to open those hidden classics to him.

Therefore, although he is still far behind Zhang Lin and Evil Ghost, among his contemporaries, Ye Fan can be regarded as well-read.

Pro, soldier, fight, person, all, number, group, front, line.

The so-called Nine Secrets are the supreme divine art created by the nine Heavenly Venerates in the legendary age of mythology.

You must know that among the few mortal immortals born in the human world, several of them are suspected to be related to the mythical Tianzun, and even the Daode Tianzun and Lingbao Tianzun don't wear any vests.

The gold content of the nine secrets can also be seen from this.

To some extent, the Nine Secrets are even more precious than the scriptures of the emperors.

After all, no matter what the scriptures are, they are often not suitable for everyone to practice, but the Nine Secrets are different.

Although it is only a kind of secret technique, it is closer to the Dao of Origin. It is the product of the condensed fruit of the Supreme Heavenly Venerable, and it is really miraculous and extraordinary.

In fact, since the end of the myth, through the ancient times and the ancient times, all the powerhouses of the nine heavens and ten places have flocked to the Nine Secrets.

Even, one can simply and rudely judge its strength by the number of Nine Secrets collected by the geniuses of the world, and often they will not go wrong.

It's a pity that several of the nine secrets are suspected to be lost, and no one has obtained them for tens of thousands of years, let alone the legendary combination of the nine secrets.

As for the Nine Secrets, including Ye Fan, the monks in the entire Beidou are most familiar with the former Zi Mi.

The same is the Great Religion of the Eastern Wilderness, and the Crossing Shinto originated from the Dao Fa Tianzun in the age of mythology, and he was the founder of the former word secret.

This sect is in charge of the ultimate weapon of Taoist Tianzun, which is undoubtedly the orthodox of Tianzun.

Not only that, although there is no clear record in the fluttering classics that Ye Fan read, but he also came to a horrifying conclusion through some clues.

Daofa Tianzun may not have passed away, and has already crossed the sea and reappeared in the world. Yuanhuang and Xianhuang are probably related to him!

Ye Fan asked the evil spirit about his discovery, and got the latter's affirmative answer.

No wonder, in the past years, he tried his best to let him join the Dushen Dao. I am afraid that not only the former word is mysterious and supernatural, which fits best with the holy body, but also the choice of the backer.

However, for some reason, Du Shendao did not choose to fight for Ye Fan, but went straight to pursue Gu Tuo and others who fell from the sky.

It's a pity that Du Shendao was in vain after all.

The origin of Gu Tuo that emerged from the small bronze coffin is really mysterious, even the evil spirits dare not say that they can see through it completely, it is absolutely extraordinary.

Even if several holy places and great teachers headed by Du Shinto, who is good at deduction and divination, went to chase and intercept him, he escaped with a few of Ye Fan's classmates and disappeared without a trace.

These are all the information that Ye Fan later learned through the news network of Yaoguang.

Except for some classmates whose whereabouts were unknown, Jin Chanzi hid in the West Desert with a few people.

It is said that they were originally going to visit Mount Sumeru, but somehow they were kicked out of the Buddhist holy land, and they have since become like rats crossing the street in West Desert.

As for the rest of the students, they were all scattered in several big schools in Donghuang...


Just when Ye Fan was full of thoughts and thoughts, the evil ghost said with disdain:

"Secret Nine? Do you think I don't have one?"

Judging from his tone, the evil ghost, as the god Nian who was the supreme figure in the past, probably really mastered more than one of the nine secrets.

It's a pity that, apart from the unique secret method of Eucharist and Lingbao Tianzun's scripture for saving people, the evil ghost has not directly taught Ye Fan any heavenly skills.

He said something like "you can't chew too much", "what you have learned should not be too complicated", but in Ye Fan's view, this guy is hiding his tricks on purpose.

In this regard, he can understand.

After all, there is a mutually beneficial relationship between the two, and it is impossible to fully reveal the cards all at once.

However, thinking of this, Ye Fan really felt a little itchy, thinking about how to get the other party to "share" some magic spells willingly.

At the same time, upon hearing the words of the evil spirit, a smile appeared on Zhang Lin's face:
"Senior has participated in good fortune during his lifetime, so he must have mastered the nine secrets."

"However, the Nine Secrets are the supreme divine arts of the God of Mythology. Even seniors should not think too much of them. If the Nine Secrets can be combined into one later, there will be infinite mysteries."

It has to be said that Zhang Lin did hit the point, and the evil ghost no longer spoke sarcasticly, but asked impatiently:

"Which secret is it? The former word secret, or Emperor Zun's all word secret?"

Obviously, these two kinds of secret techniques are what the evil spirit wants most.

However, a slightly embarrassed look appeared on Zhang Lin's face.

At the same time, he was also quite uneasy, as if he was worried that the evil spirit had already mastered the secret technique here, and it would be difficult to handle...

In the end, Zhang Lin bit the bullet and said:

"Not at all, it's the Xingzi secret among the nine secrets."

Hearing this, Ye Fan's heart couldn't help but move.

The so-called Secret of Xingzi is the supreme magic in the field of movement and speed.Rumor has it that several speed techniques in the world were born here.

Among them, the most famous one is naturally the Tianxuan Holy Land's footwork.

Ye Fan thought so in his heart, and the evil ghost in his mind nodded, and commented calmly:
"Well, Xingzimi is not bad. It is rumored that Xiaoyao Tianzun has reached the realm of transformation, set foot in the field of time, and can even reverse the long river of time."

Seeing this, Zhang Lin beside him couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

It seems that the evil ghost has not mastered the secret of the word, and it is quite satisfied with it.

Afterwards, Zhang Lin offered to take Ye Fan and the evil ghost to understand the secret of Xingzi.

The two looked around reluctantly, taking a panoramic view of the Chaos Cave, Immortal Soil, and the Mother Qi of all things.

It's a pity that although these things are precious, they are not as important as life after all.

Even if you want to try to collect it in the future, it is more important to understand the secret of Xingzi first.

Under the leadership of Zhang Lin, they easily avoided the endless murderous opportunities here, bypassed the Chaos Immortal Land, and came to the other side of the Sea of ​​Darkness and Yellow.

But before they actually arrived at their destination, Ye Fan and the evil ghost had already sensed the charm of the Dao in the dark, as well as a certain kind of extremely tragic breath.


Ye Fan looked up, and saw that in the unpretentious, thick and majestic sea of ​​black and yellow, there was a skinny old man floating up and down, holding a golden scepter with murderous intent.

Although the essence contained in the corpse was also lost, it was still much better than the dead bones they had seen before.It is enough to see that his cultivation base is astonishing, far above the saints.

Seeing the scepter held by the old man and feeling the aura, Ye Fan already had some guesses in his heart, but he still asked:
"he is?"

"The Lord of Heaven."

Zhang Lin said solemnly.

 Sorry, the third update will have to wait for a while, and it will be updated around 20:30.

(End of this chapter)

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