Chapter 942
Lord of Heaven!

This is undoubtedly a title that makes people easily daydream, more sincerely awed, and awe-inspiring.

However, at the same time, Ye Fan's heart was like a bright mirror.

The Lord of the Heavenly Court that Zhang Lin mentioned was naturally not the Emperor of the Heavenly Court in the age of mythology, but the famous Lord of the Killer God Dynasty in the ancient times.

At that time, the three major killer gods coexisted in heaven, hell, and the world, and in the gods there were countless heroes rising up, including quasi-emperors and saints.

Although, when it comes to the background, it is naturally not as good as many extreme inheritances, but the heavenly court is really frightening.

In the end, it was precisely because of the unscrupulousness of the Killer God Dynasty and the complicated battles between them that they were all annihilated in the long river of history.

Perhaps, it is really as deduced by many of the most powerful people in the human world throughout the ages.

The word "heavenly court" has a very big background, and it carries an unknown amount of cause and effect in the dark.

Even the emperor of the heavenly court in the age of mythology was put to death and reborn once, let alone a mere killer god.

Without the suppression of the Supreme Being, it would be even more unbearable for that kind of cause and effect.

The record about "Heavenly Court" flashed through Ye Fan's mind. He restrained his mind, and immediately said calmly:

"This is, the strong man from the Killer God Dynasty in the past?"


Zhang Lin nodded, quite surprised that Ye Fan could recognize his origin at a glance, and then explained:

"In the past, in the final battle of the downfall of the Killer God Dynasty, the old Zhun Emperor knew that he had no way to return to heaven, so he fled alone with the inheritance of the Heavenly Court."

"In the end, he came here, arrived at the core of the fairy burial ground, and died here again."

Hearing Zhang Linzhi's words, Ye Fan's eyes shone brightly, with a thoughtful expression:

"Thinking about it, as the quasi-emperor, he is not ignorant of the power of this place. And the reason why he became greedy and used the inheritance and immortal treasures of the ruthless emperor, maybe he wanted to use this to make a comeback and revive the gods?"

Ye Fan thought in his heart and speculated like this.

However, no matter what the truth of the matter is, tens of thousands of years have passed since the destruction of the Assassin God's Dynasty, and all the imperial plans and hegemony have come to naught.

Just when Ye Fan and Zhang Lin were feeling quite emotional, the majestic spirit of the evil ghost descended, carefully observing the corpse of the Emperor Zhun in the sea of ​​black and yellow.

Then, his indifferent voice came, and he commented objectively:

"Well, although he just barely stepped into the threshold of Emperor Zhun, his mastery of the secrets of Xingzi is also amazing. No wonder he can go straight to the fairy burial ground and reach this chaotic fairyland."

Hearing this, Zhang Lin also nodded, and immediately restrained his emotions, and said solemnly:

"In the past, the reason why Tianting was able to become the head of the three great killer gods, and it was not inferior to many extreme inheritances, was because of the supreme inheritance of the Nine Secrets Zhong Xing Zi Mi."

"At that time, the descendants of the Heavenly Court really traveled all over the universe, and they could go everywhere. It's a pity that they returned to the dust after all."

After feeling a lot, Zhang Lin stretched out his red-haired right palm, and gently shook the place where the Zhundi's body was.


Accompanied by a strange fluctuation, the sea of ​​black and yellow slowly separated, and the old Zhundi appeared in it.

Fortunately, due to the arrangements of the Ruthless Emperor, the essence of the Zhundi's physical body has long been lost, leaving only the biting murderous aura.

As Yuan Tianshi in the realm of a saint, and in the state of a red-haired monster, Zhang Lin naturally absorbed it easily.

"When he fled, he carried all the inheritance of the Heavenly Court with him, including the secrets of Xingzi, so you two can do whatever you want."

As soon as the words fell, Zhang Lin took out an ancient scroll from the body of the old Zhun Emperor. In an instant, it seemed that a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood emerged, and the murderous intent was piercing.

"The skin of the quasi-emperor."

Even the evil ghost, who has always been calm, couldn't help saying in a deep voice.

With the word "di", it is a world of difference, and the quasi-di, who was consecrated into an ancient scroll, was by no means comparable to the cultivation level of the old quasi-di before him.

Furthermore, the evil ghost who is now a god Nian was suppressed by Sakyamuni in the quasi-emperor realm in the past, so naturally he dare not take it lightly.

I saw that on the ancient scroll, densely packed divine inscriptions were inscribed, revealing a murderous intent to kill gods and immortals.

Fortunately, the quasi-emperor's skin has already been refined, allowing Ye Fan to hold it in his hand, and carefully read the secret methods and magical arts recorded on it.

In fact, not only Ye Fan, but even Zhang Lin came forward.

Although he was able to maintain a clear mind with the help of the Ruthless Emperor, it still took a long time to self-proclaim.

In addition, he was unwilling to touch the layout of this place easily, so this was the first time Zhang Lin actually read this volume.

The deeper the two understand each other, the more their scalps become numb, and the hairs all over their bodies stand on end.

"It's all the holy art of killing."

Even the evil spirit in Ye Fan's mind couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Although, from ancient times to the present, there has been no emperor to prove the way by killing, but there are thousands of ways, and there is no distinction between high and low. They can all be compared and learn from each other.

In this ancient scroll, there are records of many secret techniques created by quasi-emperors and sages, and their insights and explanations on the way of killing are absolutely unique in the world.

For Ye Fan today, it is even more priceless.

"If this piece of skin is buried here, it would be too wasteful!"

Ye Fan didn't blush or breathe, and put away the ancient scroll calmly.Zhang Lin on the side was quite speechless about this.

Afterwards, Ye Fan respectfully stood in front of the old Zhundi's body, and saluted him.

This heavenly killing technique can be left to be studied slowly in the future. The most important thing right now is naturally Xingzimi.

The Xingzi secret among the Nine Secrets was not recorded on any ancient scrolls, but was naturally engraved in the body of the old Zhundi.

At this moment, the Taoist meaning of Xingzimi shines through, turning into Taoist diagrams one after another, imprinted in the void.

You know, the old Zhundi's own dao marks have already been wiped out by the arrangement in the ruthless man's burial ground, but the Xingzi secret still survives.

From this, it is enough to see the extraordinaryness of the Nine Secrets.

Needless to say the comprehension of the people present, although they couldn't understand the secret of Xingzi immediately, they also wrote down the complete Dao map, and they will slowly understand it later.

Having received the Heavenly Court's inheritance, the few people did not forget the old Zhun Emperor, after a little thought, they put his body into the divine source liquid, and they were able to rest in peace.

And in this process, Ye Fan naturally unceremoniously walked away with the sealed Heavenly Scepter.

Even, this kid's eyes fell on the divine robe worn by the old Zhun Emperor from time to time.

This object has never been destroyed in the fairy burial ground, so it should be a rare treasure.

Fortunately, Ye Fan may still feel that this is too much, which allowed the old Zhun Emperor to be "buried" with dignity.

"Oh, what a pity, what a pity..."

Ye Fan was still talking about it afterward, shaking his head constantly.

This made Zhang Lin on the side, as well as the evil spirit in his mind, secretly slander.

At the same time, in order to express his gratitude, Zhang Lin took out several pieces of origin stones from his collection and presented them to Ye Fan.

That origin stone is far more precious than the ordinary god origin, even if it is not as good as the legendary immortal origin, it is not much worse after all.

It's time for Ye Fan and the evil ghost to leave.

It would be too long to delay, and the sage might see the clues at that time, and they also need to return to the main body as soon as possible.

However, when passing through the vast sea of ​​black and yellow, Ye Fan felt turmoil in his heart.

In the end, after discussing with the evil spirit, he made up his mind, and his eyes were shining brightly.

 Three changes completed.

  Sorry for the late update of this chapter.

  Tomorrow there will still be one change around 14:19, and two changes after 30:[-].

  Finally, thank you again for your subscriptions, rewards and votes!The author will do his best to write the follow-up plot well!
(End of this chapter)

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