Chapter 945
The mythical emperor, the ancient emperor.

No matter what the cause and effect is between the two, as people in the world, Ye Fan and the others can only sigh.

Fortunately, everyone present was extraordinary. Although they were emotional for a while, they quickly restrained their emotions and returned to normal.

Now that he knew Ye Fan's plan and wanted to cast a great cauldron, Zhang Lin's eyes naturally fell on the root of the source of all things in his palm.

"It's not too late, let's start to temper it!"

Perhaps it was because of such fetishes as the source of all things in Chad, Ye Fan is still quite excited now, and threatened to start training soldiers when his head got hot.

Seeing this, Zhang Lin next to him seemed hesitant to speak, and then he took the initiative to speak and reminded:
"Boy, this root of the source of Qi, the mother of all things, is a natural treasure, a supreme holy object. Do you think that with your current cultivation, you can temper it into a Taoist soldier?"


Zhang Lin's bucket of cold water did calm Ye Fan down.However, after a little thought, he finally said confidently:

"How do you know if you don't try?"

Of course, Ye Fan didn't completely lose his mind, and started refining weapons blindly.

I saw that he slowly raised his head and looked at the vast ocean above.

Among them, it is not an ordinary body of water, but a vast, chaotic, turbulent and magnificent.

The Emperor Ruthless proved his way nearly 30 years ago, while she almost failed to transform, it was about [-] years ago.

Therefore, the sea of ​​chaos in front of me is the accumulation of at least more than [-] years, which can be called majestic.

You must know that the preciousness of Chaos is far less than that of the root of the mother qi of all things, but it is definitely no less than the ordinary mysterious and yellow qi.

Not only can chaos be used as a material for refining weapons, but it can also be ignited and turned into dao fire, and the magic weapons refined in this way are often even more miraculous.

This time, Ye Fan naturally set his mind on the sea of ​​chaos.

Anyway, Immortal Heaven Kungfu has "eavesdropped", and the most precious root of the mother energy of all things has also been obtained, let alone a little chaos.

Having made up his mind, Ye Fan immediately seized the time and started to do it.

After learning of Ye Fan's plan, Zhang Lin naturally also readily helped.

Although it is absolutely impossible for Zhang Lin to intervene due to the special situation of Ye Fan's military training this time, which is to forge his weapon of proof, but if it is just to help him attract a lot of chaos, it can still be done.


The boundless chaos came together, and Ye Fan turned it into a sacred furnace, and then took advantage of the situation to put the root of the source of all things in his palm, as well as the condensed black and yellow energy, into the sacred furnace of chaos.

Seeing that everything was ready, Ye Fan immediately used his original Dao fire to ignite the chaos in front of him.


Accompanied by the huge bang that opened up the world, it was the celestial light, and the auspicious colors transpired, intertwined with the mother spirit and source root essence of all things in it, permeating a particularly mysterious and mysterious atmosphere.

At the same time, Ye Fan also visualized the divine form in his heart.It was a round tripod with three legs and two ears, which seemed to contain everything, and seemed to be above the world of mortals, with a magnificent atmosphere.


As the chaotic dao fire became more and more blazing, the source root of the source of all things finally changed, and there was a clanging sound.

Invisibly, it was as if a magic hammer was being tempered.

However, seeing the scene in the chaotic furnace, Ye Fan could not help but frown slightly.

Just because the effect is too weak.

Although the mother gas and source root of all things show signs of melting, there is still a long way to go before they are truly smelted.

According to Ye Fan's calculations, it may take at least several months for the cauldron to take shape.

However, Ye Fan's time is really tight, the longer he delays, the higher the chance of being spotted by the saint.

Of course, it's fine if it's just a sage who shakes the light, he is most worried about being the successor of the ruthless line.

At that time, if they realize that they have not only "stealed" the indestructible power of heaven, but also took away the supreme fairy treasures left by the ruthless people, I am afraid that even with the help of evil spirits, they will not be able to escape the anger of the saints.

Is it possible that I can only give up temporarily and save it for the next time I come to cast soldiers?

Thinking this way in his mind, Ye Fanwu raised his head and asked:

"Is there any better method that can be used to refine weapons?"

As a strong man in the realm of saints, Zhang Lin naturally also saw Ye Fan's current predicament, and wanted to find a solution for him.

It's a pity that the root of all things is the only supreme fairy treasure in the world. Now it can be refined with chaos, which is already the best choice. It seems that there is really no better way.

However, before Zhang Lin had time to speak, the familiar voice of the evil ghost came from Ye Fan's mind:

"If you still want to greatly shorten the time, I'm afraid you have to use the legendary fairy fire, or similar gods in the forbidden areas of life."

Made!What's the difference between what you said and what you didn't say?
Hearing the words of the evil spirit, Ye Fan couldn't help complaining in his heart:
Not to mention the fairy fire, even the nearest barren ancient forbidden land is thousands of miles away.

Leaving aside the dangers in the restricted area of ​​life, we need to talk about whether there is such a fetish.

However, the words of the evil ghost finally reminded Ye Fan that a flash of light had appeared in his mind.

Seeing Ye Fan stand up, as if he wanted to change his position, Zhang Lin on the side naturally looked a little puzzled.

Regarding this, Ye Fan looked mysterious and said with a smile:

"I forgot just now, there is clearly a place more suitable for refining weapons here."

After the person's voice fell, Zhang Lin couldn't help but widen his eyes.


In the deepest part of the fairy burial ground is a piece of chaotic fairy soil.

Located in the center of the Chaos Immortal Land is a Chaos Cave gushing with immortal light, in which the broken emperor body of a certain life of the Ruthless Emperor was buried.

However, at this moment, Ye Fan, who was supposed to leave, not only turned back, but also sat cross-legged by the chaotic hole.

I saw that above the chaotic hole, thousands of celestial lights surged, and amidst the chaotic chaos, there was a thick and majestic mother energy of all things and the ups and downs of the roots, which were burned by the most blazing fire of the avenue, and gradually smelted into a mass of divine splendor. Bright and gorgeous.

Seeing this situation, Ye Fan couldn't help showing a satisfied expression on his face.

This place is the true core of the Immortal Burial Ground, which itself is the Chaos Immortal Land, and arranged by the Ruthless Emperor, it is connected to the Big Dipper Dragon Vein, which is really a miracle that surpasses heaven and earth.

Not to mention, the outer sea of ​​chaos originally originated from here, and the chaos here will only become more miraculous.

In Ye Fan's induction, training soldiers here can not only greatly shorten the time required, but also allow the root of all things to absorb the light of chaos and immortality, and become more and more miraculous.

At the same time, Zhang Lin on the other side was already on the spot.

And there was a trace of awe in his eyes looking at Ye Fan.

Just now, when Ye Fan proposed to return to this place to train soldiers, he only felt that the other party was crazy and bold, but now it seems that he was going to be scared crazy!
You must know that even the old Zhundi of the Heavenly Court had just tampered with the arrangement here before, and was killed by the immortal light gushing out from the chaotic hole.

But now, this kid Ye Fan is sitting here in such a majestic manner, attracting Chaos Immortal Light to train soldiers, but the arrangement of the Ruthless Emperor has not been touched, almost making Zhang Lin suspect, is it really "in disrepair"?

Even, he has seriously considered in his heart whether Ye Fan is the emperor's son or not.

But in any case, Zhang Lin is sincerely grateful to be able to meet such a heavenly genius who is destined to rise, and the other party is also the inheritor of Yuan Tianyi.

 Three changes completed.

  Tomorrow Monday, two shifts will resume, one at 20:30 and one at 23:50.

  Finally, thank you again for your subscriptions, rewards and votes!

(End of this chapter)

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