Covering the sky: At the beginning, the emperor invited me to become a fairy

Chapter 946 The golden world, Dao soldiers finally succeed

Chapter 946 The golden world, Dao soldiers finally succeed

In the Eastern Desolation and Southern Territory, under the Shaking Light Holy Land, in the deepest part of the pitch-black abyss.


In the center of the fairy land is a chaotic hole, with a transpiration of auspicious colors, accompanied by countless fairy lights gushing out, and there is a faint mysterious and supreme aura flowing, it is truly miraculous.

At this moment, a handsome young man who looked no more than seventeen or eighteen years old, sitting cross-legged beside the chaotic hole, was Ye Fan.

Because Zhang Lin and the evil spirits were protecting him, Ye Fan was able to completely relax and sink all his mind into the root of the mother energy of all things.

I saw that right above the chaotic hole, the mother energy and source roots of all things that were originally thick and majestic, as if they were about to collapse the universe, have all been smelted and turned into a group of bright and gorgeous divine splendor. Ups and downs in the light.

You must know that this source of qi, the mother of all things, is a supreme holy thing, not to mention the most solid fairy material in the world, it can't be different.

In such a short period of time, if it hadn't been for the help of the immortal light in the chaotic cave of the ruthless emperor Chen Coffin, Ye Fan alone would have been unable to refine it to this level.

Of course, there is also a reason why Ye Fan was recognized by the root of the source of Qi, the mother of all things, in order to smelt it.

Taking a panoramic view of the divine splendor as bright as a round of the sun in front of him, Ye Fan had an unconcealable smile on his face.

However, although Ye Fan has already smelted the mother energy and source root of all things, the more critical thing is yet to come, and he naturally dare not relax at all.

Thinking of this, Ye Fan closed his eyes again, and visualized the figure of the Great Dao with three legs and two ears.


Accompanied by a mysterious fluctuation in the void, the root of the source of all things in it changed again.

The strands of chaotic immortal light gushed out, like hammer after hammer, striking on the root of the source of all things, trying to cast it into shape.

Seeing this, Zhang Lin, who was protecting Ye Fan, and the evil spirit in his mind nodded in relief.

It has to be said that from Ye Fan's daring to forge his own Taoist soldiers with the root of the mother spirit of all things, it is enough to see his boldness and lofty aspirations.

To be able to obtain such a sacred object and successfully cast it, Ye Fan undoubtedly has great luck.

Zhang Lin, who was covered with red hair, looked at Ye Fan in front of him, and couldn't help but sigh:

"Such an amazing person, in any ordinary era, I think he would be able to shine."

"It's even possible to imitate the Holy Emperor and break the curse of the immortal golden body to become the emperor."

"Unfortunately, living in this era, it's hard to say."

In Zhang Lin's tone, there was a sincere sigh.

For the powerhouses above the saint level, the road to immortality will be opened in this life, and it is by no means a big secret.

In addition to those who are destined to rise today, there are also the parents and children of many emperors and emperors in ancient times, all of whom have been sealed into this life. They will be born to prove the Dao and participate in the competition for the highest Dao fruit.

There is no doubt that this is destined to be an unprecedented golden world with unprecedented grandeur.

According to the deduction of many powerhouses, it is even very likely that a powerhouse from ancient and modern times will be determined in this world.

And in such a prosperous age, a mere barren holy body is really nothing.

Not only that, but due to the early birth of the gods, the supreme avenues are juxtaposed, overwhelming the world of mortals, which is undoubtedly a huge challenge for the Tianjiaoyingjie who wants to try to overcome the catastrophe and become the emperor in later generations.

Among them, Ye Fan, who is an ancient sacred body, already has the curse of the holy body, and the combination of the two will only increase the difficulty of becoming an emperor in geometric multiples.Therefore, Zhang Lin will have such emotion.

"Hmph! Myopia!"

However, the evil spirit in Ye Fan's mind obviously did not agree with Zhang Lin's point of view, mocked unceremoniously, and even said with disdain:

"This kid is definitely not comparable to an ordinary immortal golden body. Whether it is cultivation talent or Dao Xin will, he is impeccable."

"Although due to its late start, it must not be as good as the supreme son of the same age, but when it comes to cultivation and combat power, it will never be weaker than the supreme parent and child!"

Obviously, as the god Nian who was the supreme figure in the past, the evil ghost has his own judgment.

Coupled with his kindness to Zhang Lin, he naturally listened carefully and did not refute.

Speaking of this, the evil ghost couldn't help but paused, glanced at Zhang Lin next to him, and immediately said in a deep voice:
"As for the suppression of the Great Dao... From my point of view, the fusion of the two worlds has not yet been completed, and is still undergoing transformation. Therefore, 'just' dozens of Supreme Dao Supremes juxtaposed will make the Great Dao of the World 'overwhelmed' .”

"And when the two ancient worlds really merge into one, Wan Dao Tianxin will take on a new look, and it will no longer be an obstacle if you think about it."

Although the evil ghost is still far from being able to restore his "previous life" cultivation, when it comes to his perception and understanding of the Dao of the human world, he is undoubtedly far above Zhang Lin.

If it is as speculated by the god Nian Evil Ghost, I am afraid that in this life, it is really possible to see the mythical scene of dozens of supreme arrogances crossing the catastrophe.

Thinking of that scene, Zhang Lin was naturally overwhelmed.

It's a pity that no matter how prosperous the world is, it has nothing to do with them being cursed by Yuan Tian.

Temporarily suppressing all kinds of thoughts in his mind, Zhang Lin stopped talking, and continued to protect Ye Fan, waiting for him to complete his achievements.


In the end, after an unknown amount of time, the clanging sound of Xianguang hammering stopped, and a huge bang sounded like heaven and earth cracking.

On the top of the chaotic hole, the mother energy of all things and the shape of its origin have disappeared.

In its place, it was replaced by a round tripod with three legs and two ears, ups and downs in the chaos.

Compared with the vast sea of ​​black and yellow before, this tripod looks really insignificant.

However, even if there is no brilliant fairy light blooming, let alone the immeasurable surge of divine power, this tripod is still majestic, simple and natural.

Looking at it, it is like facing a real big universe, which makes people feel awed from the bottom of their hearts.

It is worthy of being the root of all things, the source of Qi, the supreme holy thing that opened up the world!

The big cauldron in front of me has just taken shape, and it has such power and influence. It is unknown to what unimaginable extent it will transform into in the future.

Just when Zhang Lin's mind was full of thoughts——


Ye Fan, who was sitting cross-legged beside the Chaos Cave, suddenly opened his eyes, and two eyes as bright as golden dragons shot out, piercing through the void.

At the same time, the cauldron of the Mother Qi of all things was connected with the person's thoughts, and it sensed what Ye Fan was thinking, and immediately trembled violently.

Accompanied by Dao Bo's vastness, many avenue divine patterns flickered on the cauldron wall, and there were strange fluctuations.


I saw that countless chaotic fairy lights surged out, and went straight to the cauldron of the mother spirit of all things.

The latter, like a whale swallowing a drink from the sea, devoured all those chaotic fairy lights and took them all.

"Good boy!"

As a strong man in the realm of saints, Zhang Lin naturally saw through Ye Fan's plan at a glance, and couldn't help admiring.

Not to mention that he has used such sacred objects as the mother of all things to cast a tool for enlightenment, he seems to be dissatisfied, and now he is baptized with the chaotic origin in the fairy soil.

The birth of Xuanhuang Qi is closely related to chaos.

Now, this cauldron has absorbed a large amount of Chaos Immortal Light, and it will undoubtedly become even more miraculous.

As Zhang Lin is the guardian of this place, the expression on his face at this moment is naturally extraordinarily complicated.

However, anyway, this kid is training soldiers at the emperor's grave, and she doesn't care, so what am I afraid of?
Thinking of this, Zhang Lin gradually let go of his uneasy heart.


Fortunately, Ye Fan also understands the truth that too much is too late.

When the dao rhyme of the mother qi cauldron of all things is complete and the atmosphere is first formed, he stopped absorbing the fairy light from this place.

In the void, there is a big tripod up and down, accompanied by the majestic majesty and majesty of the harmony of heaven and earth, and there are strands of chaos lingering, making it more and more miraculous.

"This tripod is really extraordinary."

Even Zhang Lin has to admit that Ye Fan's cauldron, not to mention among the heroes of the same generation, even if he traverses the ancient history of practice in the human world, it is difficult to find a few comparable ones.

As for Ye Fan, he couldn't be more satisfied with the Mother Qi Cauldron, which is connected with his mind and is like one body. He really couldn't put it down.

After observing for a long time, Ye Fan's mind moved, and the majestic cauldron immediately turned into less than an inch high, sinking into the sea of ​​consciousness between his brows.

Properly put away the mother of all things, Ye Fan bowed respectfully in the direction of the Chaos Cave.

 The second update will still be updated around 23:50.

  Thanks again for all your support!
(End of this chapter)

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