Chapter 947
There is no doubt that Ye Fan has gained a lot from exploring the fairy burial place this time, completely exceeding his previous expectations.

Although there is no lack of reasons why they helped Yuantian Patriarch Zhang Lin escape from the underworld and make him a "leading party", but the most important thing is the ruthless emperor himself.

Thinking of this in his mind, Ye Fan then bowed respectfully towards the Chen coffin of the Ruthless Emperor.

Immediately afterwards, the man slowly raised his head, with a rather complicated expression in his eyes.

In this regard, Ye Fan's heart is like a bright mirror.

You must know that the Ruthless Emperor is still in the world, so he transformed into Nirvana in the world of mortals. After 30 years of immortality, he has never killed himself.

But this time, they not only trespassed on the fairy burial site and observed the person's coffin, but Ye Fan also took away the emperor's fairy treasure-the root of the mother energy of all things, and used the fairy light erupting from the chaotic cave to train soldiers.

Such and such, to some extent, is disrespectful.

It was like the old Zhun Emperor, who was the killer god in the past, only touched the arrangement here, and was killed by the Chaos sword light.

In comparison, Ye Fan's karma with the Ruthless Emperor was greater, but he did not incur robbery and punishment at all.

Obviously, Ye Fan's actions must have been acquiesced by the ruthless emperor behind him.

Although it is difficult to fathom the mind of the Supreme Heavenly Emperor, and Ye Fan doesn't know what the ruthless Emperor's consideration is, but the gift from the Emperor is an indisputable fact.

Because of this, his people naturally only have gratitude and respect for the ruthless emperor.

Having said that, during this trip, Ye Fan not only got to see the real body of the Ruthless Emperor, but also obtained the Immortality Heavenly Art "passed down by the Emperor himself", and took away the most precious Mother Qi source root of all things here.

And according to what Yaoguang Ancient Sage and Zhang Lin said, before that, Yaoguang Quasi-Emperor Holding Dragon Pattern Black Gold Emperor Ding also failed to reach the core.The rest of the people, even less successful in-depth.

Ye Fan's treatment today is far inferior to that of the heirs of the ruthless lineage hidden in the dark.

The only fly in the ointment, I'm afraid it is still immortal.

Even though Ye Fan encountered the fairy tide several times, he captured the profound meaning of the supreme scriptures from it, but failed to complete it.

However, Ye Fan has always been content and happy.

My harvest this time is already rich enough, and I got a great opportunity from the Ruthless Emperor, so I shouldn't be greedy anymore.

At the same time, in Ye Fan's mind, the evil ghost, who has always been calm, is now carefully observing the mother spirit of everything that surrounds chaos, and he can't help but be amazed.

"It seems that boy, you are really blessed. I am sure I have not misunderstood the person. There is hope for the future."

As a god, Nian, the evil ghost obviously sensed something. Nine Dragons Pulling Coffin, Old Bald Donkey, God's Forbidden Zone, Ruthless Emperor... are not ordinary people.

Although he had long realized that Ye Fanding was not something in the pool, the "partiality" of the Ruthless Emperor this time was too obvious, which made the evil ghost realize this clearly again.

Hearing this, the corners of Ye Fan's mouth smiled, it was rare that he did not confront the evil spirit, but said solemnly:
"Speaking of it, how could Ye Fan be where he is today without the help of his predecessors?"

"The junior will never forget the kindness of the senior."

Ye Fan said this without any exaggeration.

In his opinion, if there were no evil spirits, he would not have been able to obtain part of the Suzaku magic medicine, and he would have died when he fell from the sky.

Not to mention the follow-up, he even taught him the unique practice secret method of the Saint Physique lineage.

And in the past few years, the evil spirits have often pointed out during his practice.

The evil spirit's kindness to Ye Fan can be said to be as heavy as a mountain.

Although the two seem to dislike each other on the surface, and fight with each other from time to time, in fact they are both teachers and friends.

At this moment, hearing Ye Fan's sincere gratitude, the evil spirit in his mind naturally showed a rather gratified expression.

"Go, go, you boy is so nasty!"

However, the evil ghost quickly restrained his emotions and pretended to dislike the Tao.

Seeing this, Ye Fan only smiled and didn't say much.


Zhang Lin next to him was a little embarrassed, and at the moment he was trying to show his own presence.

"This time, you kid, you can be regarded as emptying out the emperor's possessions."

Zhang Lin said jokingly with a teasing expression on his face.

Hearing this, what Ye Fan thought in his heart was:
It's a pity that the Immortal Art of Heaven still hasn't been completed...

At the same time, he immediately raised his eyes, his eyes were shining brightly, looking at Zhang Lin opposite, he cupped his hands and said:
"In the future, this junior will probably have to bother senior more."

As a strong man in the realm of saints, Zhang Lin is an old fox who has lived for an unknown number of years. Naturally, he can see what Ye Fan is thinking at a glance, and he can't help but shake his head:
"You ah you..."

After a pause, Zhang Lin's expression returned to solemnity, and he said in a deep voice:
"The root of the source of Qi, the mother of all things, is not only precious, but also closely related to the Great Emperor. Besides, the human world is vast, so it's possible that no one will know its secrets. You should pay attention to it, kid."

Ye Fan is not a dull person, so he can understand Zhang Lin's implication.

The root of the source of Qi, the mother of all things, is different from fairy gold and the like. It is the only one in the world, and it is the supreme fairy treasure that belongs exclusively to the Ruthless Emperor.

If he reveals that he owns this thing, it will inevitably make others associate it.

In addition, Ye Fan really practiced immortal skills!

In fact, Ye Fan is not so worried about the other big forces of Beidou and the strong ones. What he fears most is the ruthless people.

As the orthodox successor of the Ruthless Emperor, the other party probably already knew what was in the Immortal Burial Ground.

From the point of view of Yaoguang, they have been coveting the origin of their holy body, and now if they know that they have obtained the root of the mother of all things, they may really be unable to hold back and make an early move.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Fan thought of many of these.

Immediately afterwards, he showed a grateful expression to Zhang Lin:

"Thank you senior."

Seeing this, Zhang Lin nodded, and then seemed to think of something, not only returned the Emperor Zhun's skin to Ye Fan, but also handed him a talisman:
"If you have urgent matters in the future, you can use this to communicate with me. However, I can't leave this place for too long."

Seeing this, even Ye Fan couldn't help being shocked.

You must know that now that the supreme road is overwhelming the world, the Zhundi Dasheng and others are almost invisible. The saint is the strongest existence on the surface, and Zhang Lin, who is the master of Yuantian, is even more extraordinary.

The preciousness of this thing can be imagined.

Ye Fan did not reject Zhang Lin's kindness, but only accepted it with great care.

But this time, Ye Fan really wanted to leave.

Ye Fan spent more than a month exploring the fairy burial place and casting the tripod.

It far exceeded the length of time he had entered the Fluctlight forbidden area every time before.

If he doesn't hurry back, Ye Fan is afraid that the saint will be suspicious, and his real body will come to investigate his physical body, and it is really possible that he will be discovered by then.

Afterwards, under the guidance of Zhang Lin, they naturally went all the way unimpeded and returned to the edge of the abyss safely.

Due to the close connection between the real body and the clone, and Zhang Lin and the evil ghost silently sensed it in the dark.

After confirming that there was no danger, Ye Fan found an opportunity, and the avatar returned to the main body without anyone noticing.

 The two changes are over.

  Tomorrow there will still be a change around 20:30 and 23:50.

  Finally, thank you very much for your subscriptions, rewards and votes!

(End of this chapter)

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