Chapter 948
Although the ancient sage of Yaoguang is definitely worried about Ye Fan enlightening and practicing here alone, it is impossible for him to probe with divine sense all the time, only vaguely sensing.

However, Ye Fan used his avatar to explore the fairy burial ground this time, which lasted for more than a month, surpassing all previous ones, so he naturally needs to be more cautious.

Fortunately, with the help of Zhang Lin and the evil ghost, especially the latter using taboo methods, the saint in the dark did not feel any induction at all, allowing the clone to return silently.

Ye Fan and the evil ghost respectively merged with the part of the soul that they separated before, and returned to perfection.

Of course, Ye Fan did not choose to wake up immediately, but still practiced with his eyes closed, and realized many gains.


After a long time, the handsome young man sitting cross-legged on the edge of the fairy burial ground, under the dragon-patterned black-gold emperor cauldron, suddenly opened his eyes with blazing light.

Accompanied by the bang of the sound of the avenue, the resplendent holy light surged, and an aura of mystery and Taoism permeated the air.

The reason why Ye Fan pretended to be so powerful is precisely because he wanted to convince the ancient sages who were paying attention to this place that he had fallen into a deep enlightenment, which delayed the timing.

Sure enough, when Ye Fan stood up with a sincerely happy expression on his face——


An old figure with white beard and hair manifested, looking at Ye Fan in front of him with a smile that was not a smile.

"I have seen the ancestors."

Ye Fan naturally saluted respectfully.

"Boy Ye, you have stayed here far longer than many Dao Slashing Kings. Could it be that you really use this place as your own cave?"

The Old Sage had a joking tone, but there was no expression of blame on his face, only a slight tease.

In this regard, Ye Fan naturally kept his eyes on his nose, his nose and his heart, and immediately cupped his hands with a smile, and explained:

"This junior has achieved some enlightenment this time, but he accidentally delayed a little time. Please don't blame the ancestors."

Hearing this, the ancient sage Yaoguang naturally penetrated his spiritual thoughts into Ye Fan's body, sensing it seemingly casually.

And Ye Fan was naturally prepared for this.

Whether it is the cauldron of the mother of all things, the skin of the emperor, the scepter of heaven, etc., these things whose origins cannot be explained are all hidden in the body by the evil spirit using the great supernatural power of mustard seed Nasumi.

At the same time, the evil spirit hibernates into the deepest part of Ye Fan's sea of ​​consciousness, suppressing its own existence, even a saint can hardly find any flaws.

I saw that the Old Sage Waving Light's eyes lit up immediately, and he nodded with satisfaction:
"Well, yes, Ye boy, you are indeed amazingly talented. Even among the many ancient holy bodies that have been recorded in the past and present, your cultivation speed is also among the best."

The Old Sage Fluctuating Light praised him without hesitation, as if he was sincerely pleased that there were successors in the Holy Land.

Ye Fan had a humble expression on his face, just stood aside, and didn't say much.

But at this point, the ancient sage who shook the light couldn't help but paused, and then raised his head again.

His eyes are deep, and there seems to be an endless sea in them, which is shocking.

I saw that the ancient sage looked straight at Ye Fan on the opposite side, smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, and said in a meaningful tone:

"You are so motivated, and the 'surprise' prepared by the Lord and others is not in vain."


Hearing this, Ye Fan's face was full of surprise, but this time, it was not just a performance, there was indeed a real expression of true feelings.

Not long ago, Ye Fan, who had just entered the realm of Hualong, defeated the Holy Son of Yaoguang who was standing on the top of Hualong and not far from the realm of Xiantai, and became famous not only in the Holy Land of Yaoguang, but even in the entire Eastern Wilderness. Noisy.

Although in name it was just a sparring between brothers and sisters, but no one would really think so.

Not only that, according to the practice of Yaoguang Holy Land, Ye Fan's performance was amazing, and he should be rewarded.

However, not long after the battle ended, he entered the Forbidden Land of Shaking Light to practice, and he disappeared for more than a month, which caused the reward to be postponed.

However, the ancient sage had hinted to Ye Fan before that there seemed to be someone in the upper echelons of the holy land who could guarantee the position of the holy son of Yaoguang.

Thinking about it, Ye Fan can only get part of the cultivation resources as a reward at most.

But now, the ancient sage said "surprise" himself, which made Ye Fan's heart full of expectations and reverie.

"The junior is stupid, so please ask the ancestors to express it?"

Ye Fan was really curious about the so-called "surprise", so he couldn't help asking.

"Haha, why are you so impatient?"

The ancient sage laughed heartily, but then he didn't explain it, he just said mysteriously:

"If you really want to know, go and see."

After the words fell, I saw the ancient sage waved his sleeve, Ye Fan didn't have any strength to resist, he just felt the sky and the earth spinning, and the light and shadow were colorful.

And when he came back to his senses again, he had already appeared in the mountainside of Yaoguang Central Shenfeng, in front of that ancient and vicissitudes-like palace.

Ye Fan looked thoughtful, and without hesitation, he took a step and entered the hall.

As expected, inside the main hall, surrounded by heroic, immoral, and deep-breathing figures sitting cross-legged, they are the elders of Yaoguang.

Sensing Ye Fan's arrival, everyone cast their gazes immediately, some were amazed, some were shocked, and there were many complicated and unclear expressions.


With majestic and heavy eyes, Ye Fan not only showed no fear at all, but also calmly looked around, cupped his hands and said:
"Ye Fan has met all the elders."

Among the people present, there were many seniors who had preached to Ye Fan in the past six years, and he naturally respected them a lot.

Of course, what Ye Fan paid the most attention to was Li Daoqing, the Lord of Shaking Light, who was sitting at the top.

The other party is still so majestic and calm, worthy of being the master of a great holy place.

But behind him, Yao Xi is still bright and charming, with a celestial appearance.

However, when she sensed Ye Fan's gaze, a rather mysterious smile appeared on her face.

As for the Son of Waking Light on the other side, in comparison, it seemed too abnormal.

Yaoguang's complexion was pale, and there was an expression on his face as if he was suffering from eating a dead child, and he was no longer as sunny and gentle as he always was.

Seeing this, Ye Fan couldn't help muttering in his heart:
Could it be that Fluctlight is still injured?
But it seems that I haven't had time to kill myself.

Or, fluctlight is just playing, to gain sympathy?

There are many thoughts in Ye Fan's mind, but he can't find a reasonable explanation.

Fortunately, since the Old Sage personally brought him here this time, his questions will be answered soon.

However, the last time I saw so many high-level Fluctlights was when I joined Fluctlight six years ago.

Today, Ye Fan took a rough look, and it seemed that there were more people coming than last time.

With such a battle, Ye Fan couldn't help but look forward to the so-called "surprise".

Obviously, Ye Fan is the focus of this event.

After seeing the person coming, Li Daoqing, the holy master of shaking light, spoke immediately, and the majestic voice came:

"Now that everyone is here, let's start."

Most of what he said later was Ye Fan's practice experience and amazing performance.In the end, it naturally fell to the previous battle between him and Fluctlight.

As Ye Fan expected, he did not take the place of Yaoguang's Holy Son, and the latter's name of "Luoguang" was not revoked.

As for Ye Fan, although there are cultivation resources and many other rewards, they are not mediocre after all.

After listening to the Holy Master's arrangement, many elders present frowned slightly, as if they felt that this decision was too biased.

Ye Fan was originally a sacred body in the ancient times, but now he "defeats the strong with the weak" and defeated the current holy son. There is no doubt about his talent and potential, but he only received these insignificant rewards.If it spreads out, it may not only be difficult to convince everyone in Yaoguang, but also the entire Eastern Wilderness, and even many big forces in Beidou will look sideways.

Just when some Supreme Elders couldn't hold back and were about to speak——

"This seat has one more thing to announce."

I saw that Li Daoqing, who was sitting at the top, looked around, and his eyes finally fell on Ye Fan below, and said majesticly:
"I have already decided that the position of the next Holy Lord will be passed on to Ye Fan."

The person's voice fell, and the place was completely silent, completely silent.

 The second update will still be updated around 23:50.

  Thank you for all your support!
(End of this chapter)

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