Chapter 949 A Destined Encounter

Ye Fan inherits the position of Lord of Shaking Light!

Li Daoqing's majestic voice echoed in the ancient palace, causing the faces of many elders around to show sincere surprises.


Most of the elders looked at each other in blank dismay, obviously ignorant of this.

Only a very few people seem to have expected it, and at this moment, they are the only ones who are a little calm.

For a moment, in the huge ancient temple, no one spoke and fell into silence.

However, in the dark, there is a vast ocean of spiritual thoughts fluctuating, which shows the unrest in their hearts.

After everyone came back to their senses and regained their composure, a rather strange look appeared on their faces.

The eyes of the elders were not fixed on the fluttering light behind Li Daoqing, and on Ye Fan below, all looking thoughtful.

You must know that the Holy Master who shakes the light has always been selected from among the Holy Sons throughout the ages.

And the contemporary son of the Waking Light, not only has emerged early, but has also been recognized by the sages and bestowed the name of "Wawlight".

In the history of Yaoguang, such characters, without exception, eventually became a generation of wise and holy masters, which made Yaoguang's reputation even worse.

It's a pity that in this life, Ye Fan, the ancient holy body, was born out of nowhere and defeated the son of Yaoguang, which made the choice of the next holy master uncertain.

Of course, even so, Yaoguang is still Li Daoqing's direct disciple, and the elders don't think they can overthrow each other in one fell swoop.

Even, everyone speculated that in the end, the two might be tied as holy sons, and the real holy master would be determined in the future.

Although such a situation is rare, it is not without precedent in the history of the major holy places and ancient religions in the Eastern Wasteland.

However, what they never expected was that Li Daoqing would be so determined to appoint his heir in advance.

Even the heir is not his disciple Yaoguang, but Ye Fan.

Although, in the eyes of most elders, this decision is extremely wise and reasonable, but considering Fluctlight's identity and the reputation he has established before, it is quite surprising.

"The Holy Master is now at its peak, and the governance of the fluctlight is orderly, and everyone is convinced. It doesn't need to be determined so early."

In the end, it was Li Daoqing's senior brother, Wang Zheng who had an inseparable relationship with Yaoguang, who broke the silence here and spoke up.

Hearing his words, Li Daoqing was about to speak, but another majestic and indifferent voice came from the dark void behind him:

"This time, it is our joint decision to determine Ye Fan as the next Holy Master."

The one who spoke was naturally one of the ancient sages who fluctuated the light.

After the person's voice fell, all the elders present respectfully bowed, and suddenly realized in their hearts.

It turned out to be the case.

If it was just Li Daoqing, how could he not take care of his disciples?
It seems that it must be several ancient sages who resisted all opinions, and then finalized Ye Fan's heir status.

Thinking of this, all the elders of Yaoguang congratulated with one voice:
"Ancient Patriarch Shengming, I will surely become more and more prosperous."

When they said this, they really meant it.

After all, in the eyes of the vast majority of elders, Ye Fan, as an ancient holy body, will have a place even in this rare golden world in ancient times.

In addition, he had already demonstrated his amazing talent before, defeating the strong with the weak and defeating Fluctlight.

Choosing him to become the Holy Master of Fluctuating Light will definitely convince everyone.

Even, many elders secretly thought in their hearts, if Ye Fan has already achieved the great holy body when the fairy road opens, it is impossible to get a glimpse of the opportunity to become a fairy.

At the same time, when everyone in Yaoguang was full of thoughts, Ye Fan, the person involved, was not as sincerely happy as outsiders imagined, but the alarm bells were ringing in his heart.

snort!What next generation of Holy Master?It's just a false name.

If he died, it would be easy to replace him with someone else.

Ye Fan saw this very clearly.

If it were any other disciple of Yaoguang who knew that he was designated as the next Holy Master, he would definitely be overjoyed and unable to calm down.

It's a pity that Ye Fan has long noticed that there are ruthless descendants hidden in Yaoguang, and they are deeply rooted. Among them, there are definitely strong people in the realm of saints.

And I am the Ancient Saint Physique, and his origin, to the inheritors of the ruthless people, is really the supreme medicine.

If one wants to achieve perfection in practice, the origin of the Eucharist is absolutely indispensable.

It can be said that in the eyes of these people, they are the fish on the chopping board, and they will be "used" sooner or later, so how can they submit to themselves?
But now, he, a "lamb" raised in captivity, has been designated as the fluctlight successor.

When something goes wrong, there must be a demon.What happened in front of him made Ye Fan suspicious whether it was the result of the internal negotiation and compromise of the high-level officials of Yaoguang, or the secret ruthless people deliberately used it to paralyze him.

No matter what the truth behind the matter is, Ye Fan understands a truth, the enemy is in the dark, he is in the light, he will never pin his hope on the Holy Land of Shaking Light to suppress the ruthless people.Its people need to be cautious from time to time, and the most important thing is to be strong.

Of course, even Ye Fan had to admit that the sincerity they offered seemed very attractive.

If there were no evil spirits on him to guide him, and he knew nothing about the existence of the ruthless people, he might also fall into their sweet trap and be eaten unknowingly in the end.

However, although Ye Fan's heart was like a bright mirror, he didn't show it at all on his face.

Not only that, Ye Fan also showed his superb "acting skills".First, he looked shocked, as if he hadn't expected it at all.

Immediately, his sincerely shocked eyes, from Li Daoqing to Yaoguang, finally looked at the Old Sage above, and finally said excitedly:

"Disciple Ye Fan, valued by the Holy Master and the Patriarch, will devote himself to practicing in the future, and make me shine!"

Seeing this, everyone present, including the elders of the Old Sage and the Dao Slayer Kings, nodded in relief.

Not long after, the news spread that Ye Fan was designated as the next Holy Master. Not only the entire Holy Land of Shaking Light was shocked, but also the major holy places and aristocratic families in the Eastern Wasteland were all surprised.

In their view, although the talent displayed by him is extraordinary, his level of cultivation is still relatively low, not to the point where he must be designated as the heir.

The greater significance of this move by the Waxlight Holy Land is probably to use the name of the next Holy Master's successor to firmly tie the ancient holy body, which is likely to have an unlimited future, to the Waxlight chariot.

There is a big difference between the disciples of Tianjiao and the successor of the Holy Master, whether it is status or other things.

Although Ye Fan was wary in his heart, he did not show any mercy when exercising the privilege of being the heir of Yaoguang.

Naturally, there are a lot of cultivation resources that should be obtained, and the secrets of ancient history that could not be read before are naturally browsed at will now.

After a few months, Ye Fan consolidated his cultivation, and formally proposed to enter the world to practice.

And this request, of course, is entirely reasonable.Even, he should have joined the WTO long ago.

You must know that when the Holy Son of Yaoguang was in the secret realm of the four poles, he had already traveled to the eastern wasteland and gained a lot of fame, and Ye Fan was much later than that.

But now Ye Fan's status is different, even more noble than the previous Fluctlight, it is impossible to travel casually.

Of course, the original intention of entering the world to practice is for experience, and it is absolutely impossible to send strong people to accompany and protect the Yaoguang Holy Land.

However, there will naturally be no shortage of necessary elixir, magic ingredients, source stones, magic tools, etc.

Moreover, the ancestors also allowed Ye Fan to choose a holy weapon for self-defense from the treasure house, which is enough to show that Fluctlight attaches great importance to him.

After everything was ready, Ye Fan officially stepped into the mysterious and vast world of Beidou.

Before, Ye Fan spent most of his time in Yaoguang painstaking practice, and occasionally left only in the area around the Yaoguang Holy Land.

Joining the WTO this time, Ye Fan is not only planning to travel through the Eastern Desolation and Five Regions, but even Zhongzhou and Western Desert if possible.


The Eastern Wilderness, as its name suggests, is full of barren mountains and wild ridges, large rivers and lakes, and occasionally civilized countries, dotted among them.

In front of him was the capital of a small secular country in the Southern Region.

Although this city cannot compare with the Heavenly Palace and Immortal Tower built by monks, it is still magnificent.

In the city, there is the hustle and bustle of the world of mortals, the sound of hawking along the street can be heard endlessly, and it is a scene of peace and prosperity.

It's a pity that no matter where you are in the world, prosperity is always accompanied by shadows.

A dirty little girl was staring timidly at the bun shop in front of her, swallowing her saliva constantly.

 The two changes are over.

  Tomorrow there will still be a change around 20:30 and 23:50.

  (ps: When this chapter was updated, the author didn't think of going to celebrate his birthday the next day, so he had to ask for a day off, sorry again.)
(End of this chapter)

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