In the Eastern Desolation and Southern Territory, in the capital of a certain world of mortals.

As the capital of a country, the avenues here are wide, people come and go, and there are countless shops along the street, with a variety of goods, accompanied by the enthusiastic yelling of the guys, which can be heard endlessly.

However, no matter how prosperous the city is, for some people, the splendor here is destined to have nothing to do with them.

For example, a ragged little beggar on the street, even though he carefully avoids the passing pedestrians, for fear of bumping into others, he is still looked down upon and disgusted by them.

Fortunately, the little beggar seemed to have gotten used to this, so he just quietly found a corner and squatted aside.

This is a little girl who doesn't look very old, her whole body is dirty, except for her big eyes, staring straight at the steamed stuffed bun shop on the opposite side of the street.

Cage after cage of steamed buns came out of the cage, accompanied by steaming steam, the aroma aroused the gluttons in the stomach, and there was a "gurgling" sound.

The little girl couldn't help swallowing, and finally seemed to have made up her mind, summoning up the courage to step forward:
"Uncle, my daughter is really hungry, please give me a bun."

The little girl's eyes were clear and pitiful, but she couldn't touch the man's heart of stone. The latter frowned slightly. After looking around, he said impatiently:
"Didn't you see that you were here and no one wanted to come?"

"Go, go, don't hinder my business!"

Although the little girl was disappointed, she still did not give up and continued to try:
"My daughter is very obedient and has strength. She can help uncle clean up the table..."

Hearing this, the acrimonious Baozi shop owner looked him up and down, his expression becoming more and more impatient:
"You little arms and legs, thank God if you don't do me a disservice. Hurry up and go away."

The bun shop owner's voice fell, and he waved his hand irritably, ready to drive the little girl aside.

And just when he was about to touch the little girl's frail body——

It was a pair of big hands that were as shiny as jade, but exceptionally powerful, reaching out and firmly grasping the boss's arm, like a weight weighing hundreds of catties, unable to move at all.

At the same time, a slightly youthful but calm voice came:
"Boss, since you are out on business, why should you be so mean? It's just a poor little girl."

After the person's voice fell, the owner of the steamed stuffed bun shop and the little girl beside him subconsciously raised their heads.

I saw, in front of him, was a handsome young man who looked about seventeen or eighteen years old, wearing white clothes, black hair shawl, a sunny smile on his face, showing two rows of crystal white teeth.

Seeing this young man who acted out of righteousness, the little girl who was shivering in fear seemed to be like a spring breeze.

Although the little girl has been wandering all her life and is used to seeing the warmth and coldness of people and the coldness of the world, her heart has not been polluted at all and is still pure and flawless.

At this moment, she naturally felt sincere gratitude to the young man in front of her.

In contrast, the owner of the steamed stuffed bun shop on the other side was originally full of impatience and wanted to reprimand this meddling person.

However, when he raised his head, saw that smiling face, and touched those deep and boundless eyes that seemed to contain a galaxy of stars, he let out a sigh of relief for no reason.

Although the young man's clothes were not very gorgeous, his majesty and demeanor were absolutely extraordinary.

The boss is a businessman, and he is used to observing words and demeanor, so he still has some insight.

In addition, at this moment, there is still a clear pain in his arm.

All of this showed that the young man in front of him was by no means something he could offend.

broken!Met a big shot!
Realizing this, the boss's heart couldn't help but tremble, and he was even more anxious and uneasy.

This is a small business for him, and the whole family relies on him to make a living, but they absolutely dare not make any mistakes.

Thinking of this, the boss immediately changed his face without any hesitation, and put on a particularly obsequious and humble attitude:

"Young master's lesson is, the lesson is, the little one will never dare to look down on others, so I ask the young master to show his noble hand and spare the little one this time!"

As a monk in the realm of transforming a dragon, Ye Fan's spirituality is clear, and he naturally and clearly sensed the fluctuation of the spirituality of the owner of the bun shop in front of him.

At this moment, the boss looked terrified, as if he was about to face a catastrophe, but Ye Fan couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Although he was a bit mean, he could barely be regarded as a responsible businessman, and he had not done any evil.

In the sea of ​​mortals and bitterness, everyone in the world perishes.

Thinking of this, Ye Fan let go of his arm, and said lightly:

"Be careful in the future."

"The little one understands, the little one understands."

The owner of the steamed stuffed bun shop, as if he had received an amnesty, immediately took the initiative to open the steamer, picked up two steaming steamed stuffed buns, and handed them to the little girl next to him:
"Here, just steamed, fresh big meat buns!"

Under Ye Fan's encouraging eyes, the little girl also mustered up her courage, took the bun, and said timidly but gratefully:
"Thank you uncle."

"No problem, no problem."

The boss waved his hands again and again.



The little girl seemed to be really hungry, and she gobbled down two big buns in two or three bites.

Seeing this, Ye Fan on the side was all smiles, and joked:
"Just two buns, can you eat enough?"

Hearing this, the little girl blushed all over her face, and finally shook her head in shame, and said in a mosquito-like voice:

"not yet."

However, after the little girl caught a glimpse of the bitterness and helplessness flashing across the face of the owner of the steamed stuffed bun shop next door, she quickly shook her head like a rattle:

"My daughter is full, I am full, thank you big brother, and uncle!"

In this regard, Ye Fan's heart is naturally like a bright mirror.

However, although he felt sorry for the little girl's sensibility, he didn't say much, he just stroked the top of her head as if comforting:

"Then, big brother hasn't eaten yet, so let's go have a meal with me."

Feeling the warm palm on top of her head and the big brother's bright smile in front of her, the little girl's nose turned sour, and she immediately nodded heavily:

Ye Fan took the little girl's hand and walked away.

It wasn't until the figures of the two disappeared at the corner of the street that the owner of the steamed stuffed bun shop withdrew his gaze and couldn't help but sigh.


I saw that on the chopping board was a not-so-small piece of broken silver, which was worth his income for several months.

The man suddenly raised his eyes, and there was an extraordinarily complicated expression in his eyes.

Unexplainable thoughts spread in his heart, the owner of the bun shop shook his head, and carefully put away the broken money.

At the same time, in a corner of the street that no one noticed, a tall and heroic man in gorgeous clothes stepped forward.

The man looked at the direction where Ye Fan and the little girl were going away, with a thoughtful expression on his face:

"This kid..."

The second update will still be updated around 23:50.

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