Covering the sky: At the beginning, the emperor invited me to become a fairy

Chapter 951 The Empress Shocks Evil Ghosts, A Familiar Black Hand

Chapter 951 The Empress Shocks Evil Ghosts, A Familiar Black Hand

In the Eastern Desolation and Southern Territory, where the capital of a small country is located, it is in a restaurant.

The little girl in tattered clothes seemed out of place here.

At first, the little girl was quite reserved, and she just obediently followed behind her big brother, sitting upright on the stool.

However, when delicacies with all kinds of colors and flavors were presented one after another, it was difficult for the little guy to keep calm, and he started to gobble it up.

Ye Fan, who was sitting opposite her, had a gratified expression on his face, didn't say much, just looked at the little girl quietly.

Ye Fan has always hated the suffering of the world. When he saw a little girl who was looked down upon and disliked before, he couldn't bear it, so he stepped forward on a whim.

Although the little girl is young, she is so sensible that it makes people feel distressed.

The little girl noticed that Ye Fan only kept looking at her without moving his chopsticks, so he immediately stopped gobbling, tore off a big shiny chicken leg, and handed it to Ye Fan on the opposite side as if offering a treasure. The above is sincerely delighted:
"The food here is delicious, and the big brother eats it too."

"Be good, big brother, you are not hungry, you can eat."

Ye Fan's spiritual thoughts swept over the little girl's thin body and tattered clothes, his eyes were full of pity.

In addition, as a monk in the realm of transforming a dragon, he no longer needs to eat or drink.

However, Ye Fan still couldn't hold back the little girl's persistence, and finally enjoyed the delicious food with her, and the relationship between the two was quite warm.

At the same time, in Ye Fan's mind, the evil ghost hiding in the black mist had a shocked expression on his face.

His person is the god mind of the supreme figure in the past, and now some strange changes have taken place, it is really the mind of the gods.

Because of this, when Ye Fanlu saw injustice and made a move, the evil ghost noticed the extraordinaryness of the little girl the first time she saw her.

At this moment, the spirit of the evil spirit was carefully looking at the little girl, and the more he watched, the more frightened he was.

Does such a thing really exist in this world?

In the induction of the evil spirit, this little girl seemed to exist forever in the world. On her physical body, a very long track of time was engraved, but her Xiantai was clean and spotless, without leaving any traces.

It is really unheard of for such a little girl with no self-cultivation to be immortal in the world of mortals.

Perhaps, it is a certain supreme emperor who is trying the longevity method...

Thinking of this, the evil ghost's eyes are shining brightly, and his heart is full of thoughts, and he is sincerely in awe, and it is really difficult to calm down for a while.

What I have to admit is that the evil ghost is worthy of being the supreme figure of the past, and he guessed the truth of the matter with a certain degree of accuracy in just a moment.

As for the outside world, under the joint efforts of Xiaonuan and Ye Fan, one big and one small, the delicious food on the table was swept away like a storm.

Under Ye Fan's questioning, he also learned about the rough life experience of the little girl.

Not only was he lonely and homeless, he also suffered from some kind of "strange disease"——

Every time she passes, she loses her memory and forgets everything about the past.

Ye Fan was naturally surprised by this, and immediately probed cautiously with his divine sense.

But to his surprise, he didn't find any abnormality, which is really weird.

"This little girl has a great background, and you can't easily provoke her."

Suddenly, in his mind, the evil ghost who had been silent for a long time actually spoke out, and when the other party opened his mouth, it was such earth-shattering words.

"What a big deal?"

Ye Fan's spiritual thoughts swept across the little girl's body.No matter how you look at it, the other party is just a poor little girl.

However, after being reminded by the evil spirit, Ye Fan also connected the little girl's "strange disease", and there seemed to be a big secret behind it.

It's a pity that no matter how much Ye Fan asked, the evil ghost kept it secret, and seemed unwilling to discuss it deeply.

In the restaurant, the little girl at the side saw Ye Fan silent, as if she was in deep thought, so she just sat upright, with only a pair of big watery eyes open, flickering.

After a while, Ye Fan came back to his senses, and what he saw was the little girl's obedient and obedient appearance, which really aroused pity.

Seeing this, Ye Fan comforted her softly.

Suddenly, the little girl raised her head and said with a little doubt:

"Brother, there is something dirty on your forehead, can you wipe it off for you?"

Hearing this, Ye Fan naturally couldn't help being puzzled.

He is now in the Dragon Transformation Secret Realm, not to mention that his body is flawless and untainted by mortal dust, it is almost the same.

However, Ye Fan sensed the vicious ghost trembling violently in his mind, and Ye Fan immediately realized that the little girl was talking about the evil ghost in his mind, right?

You know, even a saint can hardly detect the existence of evil spirits.It seems that the little girl is indeed not an ordinary person.

Ye Fan thought in this way, seeing the little girl volunteering, she seemed to really want to reach out to the center of his brow, but the evil spirit in his mind seemed to be quite afraid of this, so he quickly declined her kindness.

Regarding this, the little girl naturally had a rather regretful expression, but then she seemed to think of something:
"By the way, big brother, wait a minute."

As soon as the words fell, the little girl took out a small colorful crystal stone from her tattered clothes, and handed it to Ye Fan with preciousness:
"Nannan has nothing to repay big brother, so you just accept this."

As a source of heavenly master, Ye Fan naturally saw the extraordinaryness of this thing at a glance. It contained a huge amount of energy, which seemed to be more strange than the few mysterious source stones that Zhang Lin gave him before.

"This thing is amazing, and it may come in handy in the future."

Although the evil ghost in his mind didn't say much, to get such an evaluation from him who always had his eyes above the top, the preciousness of this thing is beyond doubt.

Ye Fan originally wanted to return such a precious thing to the other party, but the little girl insisted on it, and finally had to accept it.

This time, he left Yaoguang and traveled in the world of mortals, not for sightseeing, but for practicing in the world.

In fact, before that, he had already visited several great religions in the Southern Regions to discuss with their young arrogance and elder monks.

Although Ye Fan has not met anyone who can be called a great enemy so far, it can be regarded as increasing his knowledge and enriching his experience.

It is conceivable that in the future, they will definitely meet the real Tianjiao Yingjie, and it is common for them to fight each other.

If he brought such a little girl with him, it would not only be inconvenient for him, but also difficult to guarantee the safety of his daughter.

Just when Ye Fan was thinking in his heart and fell into a dilemma——

"Someone is peeping outside!"

In the mind, the voice of the evil spirit came, the tone was quite solemn, and Ye Fan was awakened instantly.

Although the person didn't notice the slightest abnormality, he didn't have the slightest doubt about the vicious ghost's induction.

Thinking about it, the person who was peeping in the dark, either had a higher level of cultivation than him, or concealed his whereabouts by possessing strange treasures.

Afterwards, even if the evil spirit took the initiative to test, it only produced a vague induction, which naturally confirmed this point even more.

"Be good, big brother, come back as soon as you go, wait for me here."


Hearing this, the little girl only nodded obediently, but her face was full of loneliness that couldn't be concealed.

Taking a panoramic view of the expression on the little girl's face, Ye Fan stroked the top of her head in relief, and promised:

"Don't worry, baby, big brother just has something to deal with, and he will be back soon."

"Ninny will wait for big brother!"

A smile finally appeared on the little girl's face, and she nodded solemnly.

Just in case, before leaving, Ye Fan quietly gave the little girl a few ingots of silver, and left a ray of spiritual sense to confirm the safety of the surroundings.

Stepping out of the gate of the restaurant, you will be greeted by the hustle and bustle of the world of mortals.

Looking around, Ye Fan didn't see any suspicious person, but he felt a vague feeling and looked in a certain direction.

I saw that Ye Fan's figure flashed, and he appeared in a certain corner of the city.

"Hey, that person seems to have slipped away?"

The evil ghost was quite surprised by this, as if he didn't expect the other party to be so cautious.

Hearing this, Ye Fan's heart was settled.

Since the opponent fled on his own initiative, his cultivation base would never be too high, and it should be because of the magic weapon just now.

Thinking of this, Ye Fan immediately took a step forward——

"I go!"

In an instant, on the ground and in the void, there were dense dao patterns flickering, filled with a particularly mysterious atmosphere, and faintly gave Ye Fan a sense of deja vu.

It's a pity that even though Ye Fan tried his best, he still couldn't break free from the shackles, and finally disappeared in a brilliant brilliance.

As Ye Fan's figure disappeared, the void fluctuated, and a tall and strong man in a gorgeous black robe manifested, calm and calm.

I saw that his eyes were deep, but for some reason, it gave people a feeling of being full of bad water.

"Hmph! If you dare to fight with me, you are still a little tender."

The man stared at a pair of big copper bell eyes, and said slightly wretchedly:
"Hey, you've been lucky in your life if you ran into me twice."

 The two changes are over.

  Tomorrow there will still be a change around 20:30 and 23:50.

  Finally, thank you very much for your subscriptions, rewards and votes!

(End of this chapter)

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