Covering the sky: At the beginning, the emperor invited me to become a fairy

Chapter 952 Unscrupulous black emperor, cheated and abducted

Chapter 952 Unscrupulous black emperor, cheated and abducted

If there is a king of the three immortals who cut the Dao realm standing here, he may be able to detect that there seems to be fluctuations in the Dao in the corner of the city in front of him.

It's a pity that this is just the capital of a small country in the world of mortals.

Although it is impossible for there to be no monks in the city, it is still far from enough to sense such subtle changes.

Covered by the mystical and mysterious formation, the runes that covered every inch of the void and the ground flickered, and finally gradually dissipated, making it hard to find.

In the center of this place, a burly man in a gorgeous black robe stood with his hands behind his back, with an undisguised smug expression on his face.

Suddenly, his heart moved, and then his eyes were slightly closed, and he silently deduced.

"That's right, that's right. My emperor's formation is mastered by the Great Emperor, and his attainments are indeed so extraordinary."

The black-robed man opened his eyes with a satisfied expression, and even boasted without blushing or panting.

Immediately afterwards, he had a sly look on his face:

"Hey, teleporting to such a long distance, I don't believe that you kid can go against the sky!"

Obviously, since this person was able to make neither Ye Fan nor the evil spirit resist at all, he was teleported away without anyone noticing, and his cultivation must be far above Ye Fan.

The only good thing is that this person doesn't seem to have murderous intentions.Otherwise, even Ye Fan might really be in big trouble.

After it was confirmed that Ye Fan had been teleported to an extremely long distance, the tall and strong man in black robe withdrew the formation, obliterated all traces of this place, and left ostentatiously.

With just one step, the man in black robe came outside the restaurant where Ye Fan was before.

With the spread of majestic and majestic spiritual thoughts, not only the restaurant in front of him, but the entire capital city is under his induction, and he really knows it like the palm of his hand.

Although there are monks stationed in the country's imperial palace and the positions of several important places, they do not pose any threat to the mysterious man.

It was even difficult for these people to even notice his surveillance.

Taking a panoramic view of all this, the black-robed man was finally able to relax.

Immediately, his whole mind was almost gathered in the restaurant in front of him.

I saw a little girl in shabby clothes, sitting obediently on a stool, staring at a pair of big watery eyes, looking straight at the scene on the street outside the restaurant, as if waiting for something .

There is no doubt about the cultivation of the man in black robe. It can be said that most people in the world can go there.

However, such a powerful monk looked at the ragged little girl with a particularly solemn expression in his eyes.

In fact, he had noticed the little girl a long time ago, but he had been observing secretly.When he saw Ye Fan later, he was even more surprised.

Now, even though the brat who got in the way has been dispatched to the frontier by him, the little girl's background is so great that even he can't see through it.

Born in a restricted area of ​​life, he was used to the existence of the Supreme Series, and he suspected that this person might be related to a certain Supreme Being...

There were many thoughts in his mind, but the black-robed man finally didn't dare to force his move and decided to play by ear.

After making up his mind, he immediately hid his figure and waited for the opportunity.

On the other hand, the little girl just stayed in the restaurant obediently according to Ye Fan's instructions, and didn't go anywhere other than that.

Fortunately, Ye Fan did not forget to pay for the meal before leaving.

In addition, the dishes ordered by the two of them were quite a lot, so the store owner who made a lot of money would naturally not embarrass the little girl and let her sit casually in the restaurant.

It's a pity that with the rapid passage of time, Ye Fan's return has not been seen for a long time.

When the sun set and the darkness covered the land, the last wave of guests left the restaurant with enough wine and food, and the store owner naturally came forward to ask the little girl.

"Little girl, our house is about to close, and it's time for you to leave."

Hearing this, the little girl raised her head timidly, with a pleading look in her eyes:

"Grandpa, can you let Nanna wait a little longer, the eldest brother hasn't come back yet, I'm afraid he won't be able to find Nannan if I leave here."


On the face of the shopkeeper of the restaurant, a troubled expression appeared:
"But our house is not an inn, so it's not convenient for you to stay here."

Seeing the hesitation on the old shopkeeper's face, the little girl said quickly:

"You don't need a bed or a quilt, you can rest as long as you stay here."

The little girl pointed to a corner of the restaurant, begging the old shopkeeper in front of her.

At the same time, the waiter on the other side, who was packing up the bowls and chopsticks, seemed to be unable to stand it any longer, and said bluntly:
"Hmph! I see, that brother of yours doesn't want you anymore, and left you as a burden here!"

"You're talking nonsense, you're talking nonsense! Big brother can't leave me behind!"

Although the little girl's eyes were full of tears, she still believed that Ye Fan would not abandon her.

Seeing this, the old shopkeeper at the side also stepped forward to comfort him.

And just when the situation was chaotic and I didn't know what to do for a while——

"What's going on here?"

Accompanied by a thunderous and rough voice, a tall and strong figure in a gorgeous black robe stepped into the restaurant.

Although the visitor intentionally restrained his aura, the old shopkeeper and the waiter could still feel the exuberant blood aura, and couldn't help shivering.

The relatively young and energetic waiter stepped forward and took the initiative to briefly explain the ins and outs of the matter.

On the face of the man in black robe, a look of sudden realization appeared.

"So it is."

I saw that the mysterious man's eyeballs were rolling, and he squatted down immediately, showing a self-confident and kind smile:

"Nannan's brother must be in trouble, or, uncle will take you to find him, okay?"

Hearing what the black-robed man said, the little girl was silent for a while, and only opened a pair of big watery eyes, looking straight at the man in front of her.

After a while, the little girl took the initiative to speak out, still innocently, but when she opened her mouth, it was shocking:
"Dog, are you telling the truth?"

After the person's voice fell, the old shopkeeper and the waiter beside him stood upside down, with genuine panic and surprise on their faces.

As for the black-robed man on the opposite side, he had a rather embarrassed look on his face, but he still bit the bullet and said:
"Your big brother was indeed in trouble, that's why he couldn't come back to find you."

"If Nannie is willing to follow me, I will help you find him."

The little girl thought for a while, then nodded heavily:

"Well, I believe in dogs, and dogs are not bad people."

While saying this, the little girl showed a particularly bright smile on her face, making the big black dog opposite, who had always been shameless, feel ashamed.

Forget it, I'll just take her to find that kid in the future.

Having made up his mind, the man in black robe will take the little girl away.


Although everything he saw and heard tonight revealed a weird atmosphere, the old shopkeeper and the waiter at the side were quite warm-hearted, so naturally they couldn't just sit and watch this weird man take the little girl away.

It's a pity that before they could say what they wanted to say, they suddenly felt dazed and dizzy.

But when the two came back to their senses and raised their eyes again, the mysterious man and little girl were no longer in the restaurant.


I saw a big black dog as strong as a cow, carrying a ragged little girl on its back, and disappeared into the deep night.

 The second update will still be updated around 23:50.

  Thank you for all your support!
(End of this chapter)

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