Chapter 954

As the voice of the "Monkey King" creature fell, a rather wary look appeared on his face.

He swung the big black iron stick in his hand, accompanied by thunderous winds, causing the void and the universe in this area to shake violently.

At the same time, Ye Fan on the opposite side naturally had black lines all over his forehead, and his eyes widened involuntarily.

"I go!"

Even Ye Fan, who has always been in a good mood, almost spit blood out of anger at this moment.

He just thought that what he met was the "Great Sage", but he never thought that it would be such an unreasonable "Monkey Monkey".

Obviously he was unlucky, he was tricked by the bastard in the dark, he was teleported to this place where the birds don't shit, not to mention, he was also hit with a "sap" by the monstrous monkey.

If it wasn't for the fact that he was an ancient holy body, and his cultivation was not bad, I'm afraid that he would really be overwhelmed and walk away after being hit by the stick.

Now, before I have time to settle accounts with this guy, it still has the face to beat him up.

The more Ye Fan thought about it, the angrier he became. It was really tolerable and unbearable, so he opened his angry eyes and shouted sharply:
"You bloody monkey! I have no grievances or enmities with you. It is clear that I have suffered an innocent disaster. How dare you bite back!"

Hearing this, the "Monkey King" frowned, and his golden eyes shone brightly, piercing through them like a round of sun.

Immediately, the person snorted coldly:
"Hmph! You are not only a human race, but you also know my uncle's dharma name. How dare you say you didn't come prepared!?"

This time, it was Ye Fan who couldn't help but froze on the spot.

After thinking for a while, he came back to his senses, his eyes were full of surprise, and he said hastily:

"Uncle? Sun Wukong is your uncle?"

Even if Sun Wukong really existed, according to the time when "Journey to the West" was written, it is speculated that he was a character at least a thousand years ago, and he practiced for a long time.

Although the "monster monkey" in front of him is powerful, but judging from his flesh and blood, he will not be too old in the future.

Ye Fan never expected that a guy he ran into on the road would be a relative of "Sun Dasheng".

However, Ye Fan is not an ordinary monk after all, he only came back to his senses after being in a trance.

After all, he had already been to the Great Leiyin Temple on the ancient planet Yinghuo, and met the legendary Jin Chanzi again.

If "Sun Wukong" is also a real person, it doesn't seem so unacceptable.

The creature with a hairy face and a thunderous mouth on the opposite side naturally wouldn't know the many thoughts in Ye Fan's mind. He only stared at him with a look of disdain and said:

"Hmph, ask the question knowingly!"

Just when Ye Fan's mind was swaying, and he wanted to ask the other party where the real "Monkey King" was, the voice of the evil spirit sounded in his mind, and his tone was rare and solemn:

"As I expected, it should belong to the legendary fighting holy ape family."

"Fighting Holy Ape!?"

Hearing the words of the evil spirit, Ye Fan's heart trembled.

This name is only one word different from Sun Wukong's title "Fighting Victory Buddha" in "Journey to the West". Today's Buddhism seems to have such a mysterious ancient Buddha.Could it be that the image of Monkey King depicted by the ancients originated from this race?
Not caring about the many thoughts in Ye Fan's mind, the evil ghost continued to say in a deep voice:
"In the last years of the ancient times, the lineage of the Dou Zhan Saint Ape once produced a holy emperor who overwhelmed the nine heavens and ten lands. And the monkey in front of him seems to have the Supreme Dao in his body, and I am afraid it may be the son of the holy emperor!"

When the evil ghost's voice fell, Ye Fan couldn't help shaking.

Although the legendary end of the ancient era has been more than a million years away, and many ancient histories are untestable, Ye Fan also knows that the emperors of the ancient era, alongside the ancient emperors, are all of the supreme level Xeon.

Ye Fan has always trusted the evil spirit's judgment.

In this way, the "Splashing Monkey" in front of him is actually the same existence as the emperor's parent and child.

There is no doubt that it must have been sealed in the source of God, so that it can survive the long years.Come to think of it, he was born and practiced recently.

According to the rumors, many emperors and great emperors throughout the ages agreed that the road to immortality will be opened in this life, so they all sealed their own parents and children, and left them to become enlightened in this life.

Ye Fan, who is an ancient sacred body, has many adventures. The ordinary heroes and heroes are no longer his opponents, so he naturally set his sights on these existences.

Now, by chance and coincidence, he actually met such an existence, and he couldn't help being excited.

Thinking of this, Ye Fan's eyes gleamed brightly, and his gaze towards Dou Zhan Sheng Yuan was even hotter.

At the same time, the holy prince's spiritual sense was keen, and he naturally noticed the blazing fighting spirit in Ye Fan's eyes.

And this family has always shocked the world with their fights, proud of the past and the present with their wars, and they have inherited the blood of the invincible emperors of the past, reappearing like a holy emperor.

Faced with Ye Fan's "provocation", the Holy Prince naturally had no fear at all.

What's more, he fought Ye Fan just now, and he also realized the strength of the person in front of him. Although his cultivation level is still lacking, his combat power is unparalleled and extraordinary.

Thinking of this, the Holy Prince immediately made up his mind.

Seeing his eyes like torches, he shouted loudly:

"You are sneaky and suspicious, wait for me to take you down, and then interrogate you!"

It has to be said that the Dou Zhan Sheng Yuan in front of him has similarities with the legendary Monkey King, they both have a violent temper.

If there is a disagreement, let's fight first.

However, this is exactly what Ye Fan wanted.

He has practiced hard for many years, and although he is only in the Dragon Transformation Realm now, his real combat power cannot be measured in a simple realm.

Previously, Ye Fan had a big battle with Yaoguang, but unfortunately, both sides had many reservations.

Although Ye Fan was confident that even if he tried his best to shake the light, he would definitely not be his opponent, but that battle was not enjoyable after all.

Now, in the face of an ancient emperor's parent and son, he can finally let go of his hands and feet, use his full strength, and fight heartily.

He wants to see how far he is from the world's top Tianjiao Yingjie, and whether he can overwhelm him!
Fortunately, although the two had the same fighting spirit, they still did not lose their minds.

In order not to harm innocent creatures, the two turned into fairy light and went away, finally staying in the sky above a vast and boundless wasteland, standing opposite each other.


The holy prince was aroused by Ye Fan's confident and contemptuous eyes, and then he let out a long cry, shaking the nine heavens and ten earths.

The jet-black big stick swept across, and contained majestic divine power in it, which was so powerful that it shattered the void in this area.

Faced with this familiar attack, Ye Fan was not as usual this time. He chose to fight head-on with his body, but used another method.


Ye Fan stood proudly in the void, and all the four secret realms of his body glowed, blooming with immeasurable celestial brilliance.

The vast and boundless sea of ​​holy light surged out, and Ye Fan in it was majestic and majestic like a supreme god descending from the realm.

And behind him, a hazy Taoist map emerges, which is exactly the vision of the legendary "Yin and Yang Diagram of Life and Death", accompanied by a mysterious and mysterious aura.

At the same time, a bright sun and a silver moon manifested in Ye Fan's palms.

Immediately, the sun and the moon were shining, and the avenue of life and death collided. It was really like the opening of the world, and a shocking celestial light erupted.


Facing Ye Fan's fierce offensive, the Holy Prince still waved the big black iron rod, smashing the Sun Moon Immortal Light into pieces easily.


However, from the shattered sun and moon, two heavenly dragons rushed out, one black and one white, and instead rushed towards the Holy Prince opposite.

"Good! Good!"

As the son of the Immemorial Holy Emperor, he not only has no fear of this, he even has the time to praise it.

I saw that the holy prince swung his stick with one hand, and punched him directly.

 There will be two more updates after 19:30 p.m.

  Thanks again for all your support!
(End of this chapter)

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