Covering the sky: At the beginning, the emperor invited me to become a fairy

Chapter 955 Future Heavenly Emperor, Son of the Holy Emperor

Chapter 955 Future Heavenly Emperor, Son of the Holy Emperor

I saw, in the boundless void, a golden holy ape stood proudly on the spot, with a solemn treasure, it was the son of the Holy Emperor Dou Zhan.

At the same time, every hair on the person's body is shining golden, bright and crystal clear.


The seemingly unremarkable punch of the Holy Prince was really heroic, cutting across three thousand worlds.


The man's golden fist directly hit the lifelike, pitch-black sky dragon flowing with the aura of death, causing the latter to wail in pain.

On the other side, the holy prince used two minds, wielding a big black iron stick, to suppress the bright and blazing snow-white dragon, dying like a little snake.

Immediately afterwards, the Holy Prince put away the big black iron stick, and slid his hands across the void, outlining mysterious traces.


No matter how the two miraculous heavenly dragons struggled, it was difficult to escape in the end. With the ups and downs of the void avenue, they all fell into his hands.


In the end, a frightening wave came out, and the palms of the Holy Prince closed slowly, like a real big universe crushing down, annihilating the sky dragon in it into nothingness.

Opposite him, Ye Fan naturally had a panoramic view of this situation, and couldn't help but feel a little shivering in his heart.

You must know that when Ye Fan used the Yin-Yang Heavenly Dragon's magical technique before, he not only broke the chaotic sword glow of the fluttering light, but also severely injured him.

Now, it can only make the fighting holy ape in front of him put away his weapon and show other supernatural powers.

The strength of the Dou Zhan Holy Ape can also be seen from this, and he deserves to be the son of the Immemorial Holy Emperor!
Of course, although this Yin-Yang Tianlong is indeed extraordinary, it is not Ye Fan's ultimate move, and he is still full of confidence.

However, after this trial, both Ye Fan and the Holy Prince have truly realized the strength of the other party. They are by no means an idle generation, and they are enemies worthy of being taken seriously.

"Very well, you are so powerful, it is worth my shot."

The holy prince's gaze was like a torch, his tone remained calm, and he soared into the sky with a blazing and boundless fighting spirit.


I saw that the body surface of Dou Zhan Shengyuan was filled with endless celestial brilliance, one after another divine light flickered, and then there was an extremely terrifying power.


Layer after layer of supreme divine power came overwhelming like ocean waves, making Ye Fan on the opposite side look dignified.

"Dou Zhan Sheng Yuan's lineage's Nine Revolutions Heaven Skill!"

In my mind, the exclamation of the evil ghost came, but then there was no more words.

"It's gone?" Ye Fan said angrily.

"Hmph! The lineage of the Holy Ape of Fighting has been dormant since the end of the ancient times. It has not reappeared in the world for millions of years. I have never seen a living Holy Ape of Fighting. It is already good to be able to recognize them. You The kid is still not satisfied!?"

Naturally, the evil ghost also acted confidently about this.

Fortunately, Ye Fan didn't want to use the power of evil spirits at first.

In the face of a life-and-death battle, how to deal with the enemy naturally depends on one's own thinking.

Otherwise, even if the cultivation base has been improved, if the will to fight falls behind by a large margin, it will still be vulnerable.


Ye Fan took a deep breath, and gathered all the essence of this world, and the sun in the sky seemed to be a little dim.

All the four great mysteries of his body glowed, accompanied by the manifestation of the golden sea of ​​bitterness, thunder and lightning, the majestic king of immortals descended into the world, and splendid mountains and rivers spread out...

These are several extraordinary visions belonging to the holy body, not only manifested now, but also faintly merged together, permeating the creepy atmosphere of slaughtering gods and immortals.


As Ye Fan slowly swung his fists, six ancient and vast worlds emerged, and the breath of the six reincarnations spread across the world.

The Dou Zhan Sheng Yuan on the opposite side is the parent and son of the Immemorial Sage Emperor, so he naturally practiced whether there is no heavenly skill.

Although Ye Fan has not mastered the complete scriptures of the extreme way, he has the secret method that belongs to the lineage of the holy body.

In fact, the method taught to him by the evil spirit is not much weaker than the real imperial scriptures.

At this moment, the power of the Nine Turns of Heaven Kung Fu against the Six Paths of Samsara Fist is really overwhelming, as if it wants to tear apart the human world and the universe.


The Void Avenue roared, and the Law of Myriad Dao wailed.

If the two hadn't deliberately chosen a barren area, I am afraid that many creatures would be wiped out in this blow.


The two figures were thrown out at the same time, but then they fought together again.

I saw that the figures of the two were all shrouded in golden light, and the same exuberant and monstrous blood was surging.

Looking from a distance, it almost makes people think that two people of the same race are fighting.

"It turns out that it is the legendary indestructible golden body, no wonder it dares to collide with my physical body!"

The holy prince was born with piercing eyes, and his eyes were like torches. After this series of duels, he was finally able to confirm the identity of the other party, and he was the owner of the strongest physique of the human race.

"Worthy of being the son of the ancient emperor, he really lives up to his reputation!"

For the Holy Prince, Ye Fan naturally did not despise him in the slightest, and said solemnly:
"It's a pity, I don't know what kind of peerless demeanor the Holy Emperor Douzhan was when he was young?"

While saying this, Ye Fan also showed a rather regretful expression on his face, sincerely sighing.

Hearing this, the holy prince's eyes flickered, and he snorted coldly:
"Hmph! You'll know when I take you down!"

After the words fell, the two fought together again.

I saw that the two seemed to have turned into two eternal celestial lights, colliding constantly, and erupted like the thunder of the Nine Heavens God descending into the world, as if the end was coming.

In fact, whether it is Ye Fan or the Holy Prince, the battle is already on the rise at this moment, and no one wants to stop first.

In truth, Ye Fan is only standing in the small realm of the Fifth Transformation of Dragon Transformation, and there is still a clear gap between him and the Holy Prince.

However, this place is not too far away from Zhongzhou.

There are many dragons in Zhongzhou, and Ye Fan cultivates the source of heavenly scriptures, which can use the dragon energy of the earth veins for his own use.

Although the earth vein dragon energy here is not strong, it can barely make up for the gap in cultivation between the two.

Later, when the two fought to the extreme, their blood spurted out, they used all means without any reservations.

Needless to say, the holy prince, Ye Fan not only used the sacred art of shaking light and the secret method of the holy body, but also used the incomplete immortal skill, the secret of the nine secrets of the word, and even used the mother of all things. He tried his best to fight to the fullest.

However, even so, the two are still equally divided, evenly matched.

From this, it is enough to see the extraordinary excellence of the emperor's children.

Of course, if the details of this battle are spread, the world will be genuinely terrified.

You know, Ye Fan was tied with the ancient emperor's parents and sons with a cultivation base lower than four small realms.

It is already enough for him to be proud of being able to achieve such an astonishing record.

This battle was really fought until the sky was dark, the sun and the moon were dark, and it lasted for a whole day, but it still couldn't tell the winner.


In the end, with a huge bang that opened up the sky and the earth, everything in the void exploded.

Accompanied by the turbulent chaos of ten thousand dao, the celestial light surged, drowning everything.

 Sorry, the third update will take a while, and it will be updated around 20:30.

(End of this chapter)

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