Chapter 956

After a while, when the vast chaos and fairy light faded away, the figures of Ye Fan and the Holy Prince naturally manifested immediately.

It can be seen that the bodies of the two are broken, with wounds all over the road, and there are also marks on fingers, palms, sticks, tripods, etc., which are difficult to heal for a while.

Although the aura of the two of them is completely sluggish, their eyes are still hot, their eyes are blazing, and their fighting spirit is soaring, as if they will fight together again in the next moment.

However, Ye Fan and the Holy Prince only looked at each other, and the tense atmosphere between the two was easily disintegrated in an instant.


What followed was heartfelt laughter from the two of them.

"It's really been a long time since I was so happy!"

On Ye Fan's face, there was an expression of emotion, and in his gaze towards the Holy Prince, there was also an expression of appreciation.

At the same time, Dou Zhan Sheng Yuan, who is opposite him, also had a similar idea, and he even praised unabashedly:
"Since ancient times, you are still the first person who can fight me to this extent!"

Being able to get such a high evaluation from the parent and son of the ancient emperor, Ye Fan's strength is naturally beyond doubt, and it is definitely far superior to most of the world's proud geniuses.

"It's a pity that you and I are not in the same way. It's really a pity..."

Speaking of this, the Holy Prince couldn't help showing a sad look on his face, as if lamenting the different positions between the two, which he regretted very much.

Until now, the Holy Prince thought that the reason why Ye Fan appeared here was to chase him down.

Hearing his words, Ye Fan naturally had a dumbfounding look on his face.

Fortunately, the two had just gone through a big battle, so they didn't know each other.

Now, I can finally sit down and talk relatively calmly.

Although Ye Fan has always been optimistic and free-spirited, he is not willing to take any blame.

Thinking of this, Ye Fan immediately said helplessly:
"Holy Prince, there is indeed a misunderstanding."

After Ye Fan's voice fell, Dou Zhan Sheng Yuan couldn't help but brighten his eyes:
"Oh? Please ask fellow daoists to clarify."

In fact, as early as during the previous war, the Holy Prince had doubts in his heart.

If Ye Fan really came here to hunt him down, he can continue to hide and wait for the opportunity, and he shouldn't take the initiative to reveal his whereabouts.

If you think about it carefully, there are indeed many doubts.

However, it wasn't just Ye Fan, but the Holy Prince also went crazy in the battle, so naturally he didn't want to think about it so much, he just wanted to have a good fight first.

At this moment, seeing that the other party was willing to listen to him, Ye Fan briefly told the story of how he was conspired and teleported from the Southern Region to the junction of Donghuang and Zhongzhou.

After a pause, Ye Fan thought for a while, and then explained how he knew the name "Monkey King".

Among them, "Journey to the West", a mythical and strange novel that is familiar in China, is naturally mentioned.

After listening to Ye Fan's narration, the Holy Prince on the opposite side had a look of sudden realization, and said with a strange tone of emotion:
"There are such strange books..."

Immediately afterwards, the Holy Prince shook his head, temporarily suppressed the complicated thoughts in his mind, and turned towards Ye Fan's direction, solemnly arching his hands:

"Since this is the case, I really blamed fellow daoist, please forgive me."

When he said this, the Holy Prince blushed, and then he scratched his head in embarrassment, showing a little shame.

What I have to say is that the Holy Prince is upright and frank.

After he realizes his mistake, he can admit his mistake with shame, without the arrogance and high self-esteem that he imagined as the son of the ancient emperor.

This alone made Ye Fan feel good about him.

In addition, Ye Fan had just fought against him, and it was really hearty and enjoyable.

In fact, both of them have similar thoughts in their hearts.

Therefore, not only did the two have no enmity over today's incident, but they felt a little bit of sympathy for each other, and they naturally and enthusiastically introduced each other.

Seeing that the Holy Prince still had an expression of obvious guilt, the corner of Ye Fan's mouth smiled:
"Speaking of which, I have something to ask the Holy Prince."

Hearing this, the Dou Zhan Sheng Yuan on the opposite side naturally didn't hesitate at all, and said straightforwardly:

"Fellow Daoist, it's okay to say!"

Immediately, perhaps realizing that it was not appropriate to say this, the Holy Prince added:

"As long as it is within my ability, I will try my best to achieve it for my fellow daoists."

"Don't worry, this matter is nothing more than a little effort for the Holy Prince."

Ye Fan wasn't going to show off, so he cupped his hands and said:

"As for the details of our battle, please keep the Holy Prince secret!"

After Ye Fan's words fell, the Holy Prince was slightly stunned for a moment, and a strange expression flickered in his eyes, which were deep.

Although the holy prince has a straightforward personality and is upright and open-minded, it does not mean that he is careless. In fact, he is quite careful.

Just now, in the world-shaking battle between the two, Ye Fan not only used the Nine Secrets of Myth, but also several other heavenly skills and divine arts that surprised him.

Of course, the most shocking thing among them is the great cauldron that is made of the legendary mother spirit and source root of all things, spraying out the chaos and immortal light.

This is definitely the supreme fairy material that even the Supreme Series will be excited...

Thinking of this, the Holy Prince understood clearly, and immediately nodded solemnly:
"Fellow Daoist, please rest assured that I will not disclose the details of this battle."

Although they just got acquainted, the two hit it off, and Ye Fan naturally did not have any doubts about his promise to the Holy Prince.

When this matter came to an end, Ye Fan remembered another matter, and couldn't help asking curiously:
"Dare to ask the Holy Prince, where is your uncle named 'Sun Wukong' now?"

Hearing about "Journey to the West" from Ye Fanna, the Holy Prince naturally understood what the other party was thinking, with a slightly weird expression on his face, and then he sighed:
"To tell you the truth, my uncle has indeed entered the Buddhist sect, and now he lives in the West Desert, claiming to fight against the Buddha."


Earlier, when he heard the name of Dou Zhan Sheng Yuan, Ye Fan had guessed in his heart.

Now, it has finally been confirmed from the mouth of the Holy Prince.

Ximo is the Buddhist land measured by Emperor Amitabha himself in the past.

Mount Sumeru is also the star field of the heavens, the highest holy place of Buddhism.

In this life, Mount Sumeru has a mysterious statue of the Fighting Conqueror Buddha sitting on it. Under the premise that the Supreme One does not make a move, it faintly has the demeanor of the strongest in the world.

I never thought that his background is so big, but he is actually the younger brother of the Immemorial Sage Emperor, which is really scary.

"My uncle was born thousands of years ahead of schedule, yet he somehow entered Buddhism."

Having said that, the holy prince's eyes are shining brightly:
"After I was born this time, I will definitely go to Mount Sumeru. At least I must make sure that my uncle is safe and not forcibly converted by Buddhism."

Hearing his words, Ye Fan frowned slightly.

 Three changes completed.

  Tomorrow there will still be one change at 14:30, and two changes after 19:30.

  Finally, thank you all for your subscriptions, rewards and votes!The author will do his best to write the follow-up plot well.

(End of this chapter)

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