Chapter 957

Ye Fan was born on the earth. In his hometown, although Buddhism is still prosperous, it can't stand out from the crowd.

However, the earth has already entered the so-called Dharma-ending era, and practice is withered. Whether it is Buddhism or Taoism, at least there are no monks on the surface.

But in the depths of the universe where the Heaven and Earth Dao is popular and the Law of Myriad Dao is flourishing, the situation is quite different.

Buddhism is undoubtedly one of the top supernatural forces of Beidou.

If only in terms of scale and the number of believers, it is not an exaggeration to call it Beidou, or even the largest religion in the human world.

Although Buddhism is a major sect, its interior is not completely monolithic. There are many ancient temples, Buddhist temples, and temples, each of which practice different scriptures. Almost all respect Sumeru from afar and recite Amitabha together.

You must know that Beidou is known as the Emperor Burying Star, and it is the place where almost all the extreme powerhouses in the ancient history of human world practice unanimously believe that they will become immortals.

From ancient times to the present, countless emperors have left their footprints in Beidou, and created many dynasties, families, holy places, royal families, etc.

In addition, for millions of years, from the depths of the starry sky, countless strong men and inheritances have come, descending on Beidou like one after another.And Buddhism is one of them.

As a major sect, Buddhism has a long history and can even be traced back to the age of mythology, so it is really ancient.

It's a pity that although Buddhism has always been relatively prosperous, for a long period of time, there has not been the existence of the ultimate series.

It was not until about 30 years ago that Emperor Amitabha became enlightened and overwhelmed the nine heavens and ten earths, which made the power of Buddhism reach another peak.

Legend has it that Emperor Amitabha came to Beidou, visited many extreme inheritances, and even visited the restricted area of ​​life, but finally stopped in the vast and desolate western desert.

Amitabha Buddha preached the teachings in person, saved all sentient beings, and finally established an immortal inheritance.

And the majestic and majestic Mount Sumeru came from outside the territory at that time.

In Ye Fan's mind, many histories about Beidou Buddhism and Mount Sumeru flashed across, and then he took the initiative to say:

"The Five Regions of the Big Dipper, there are many orthodox traditions, but there is only the huge Western Desert. For nearly 30 years, only the Buddhist gate has stood. The power of Mount Sumeru can be seen from this."

Ye Fan sighed like this, and at the same time, he was naturally persuading the fighting holy ape on the opposite side.

Although he is the son of the ancient holy emperor, Mount Sumeru is also the inheritance of Emperor Amitabha Buddha. Not only the emperor's army suppressed it, but also many ancient Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and Vajras sat on it.

If it is said that the old holy ape voluntarily converted to Buddhism and practiced Buddhism, then everything is fine.

The holy prince's visit this time is nothing more than to visit his uncle who has become a monk.

But if it is true that the old holy ape was forcibly converted by the Buddhist sect as he speculated, then the holy prince's trip this time would be like a sheep falling into a tiger's mouth, which is more ominous than good.

Just when Ye Fan's thoughts were ups and downs, the evil ghost in his mind naturally sensed what he was thinking, and couldn't help saying angrily:

"Hmph! This old bald donkey's benevolent mouth may be full of black hearts. Even if he does such a thing of forcibly saving people into slavery, I will not be surprised!"

Obviously, what the evil ghost said were all personal grievances, without any objectivity.

He was suppressed and seduced by the quasi-divine Buddha Sakyamuni for more than two thousand years, and his heart was full of resentment, and he could not understand all Buddhists.

Of course, Ye Fan had heard of this before and would not believe it.

Although Buddhism has always had the practice of suppressing the strong and accepting them as Dharma protectors, and the major forces in Beidou are quite afraid of Mount Sumeru, but when it comes to Amitabha, everyone respects and praises it.

According to legend, Amitabha Buddha never killed anything in his life.

This is really unimaginable for a supreme being who has proved himself as the emperor.

Ye Fan is willing to believe that he should be a truly merciful person.

Of course, Amitabha Buddha is like this, but it does not mean that his successors will not "degenerate".

Hearing Ye Fan's words, the Holy Prince shook his head, with a rather emotional expression on his face:
"My uncle, he is a hero of heaven. It is hard to imagine that a character like him would choose to escape into Buddhism."

After a pause, the man pondered for a moment, then continued:
"Besides, when I woke up, my father's imperial soldiers were nowhere to be seen. Presumably, my uncle took them away. Therefore, it is imperative for me to do this Mount Sumeru!"

As the Holy Prince's voice fell, Ye Fan's heart was naturally filled with many thoughts.

Before Ye Fan could speak, the evil spirit in his mind spoke again.

Compared to just now, this time, the evil ghost's tone is much calmer:
"There is one thing to say, if it's just a holy fighting holy ape, relying on Buddhist secret techniques, as well as the supernatural powers of Mount Sumeru and Amitabha Buddha's soldiers, it's not too difficult."

"But if it is true what the little monkey said, he is not only the younger brother of the Holy Emperor, but also in charge of his elder brother's imperial soldiers. At the critical moment, he will surely be able to fully revive the emperor's soldiers with ease."

"At that time, as long as it is not a powerhouse of the Supreme Series, it will be difficult to force him to stay."

Although the evil ghost has a lot of prejudice and hostility towards all the Buddhist powerhouses, he has also managed to discuss the matter on this issue, and analyzed it to Ye Fan truthfully.

From this point of view, according to the speculation of the evil spirit, the possibility of Nadou defeating the Buddha to join Sumeru on his own initiative has greatly increased.

Realizing this, Ye Fan's mind was full of thoughts, and he fell into deep thought for a while.

On the other side, seeing that Ye Fan still had a serious expression on his face, the Holy Prince thought that the other party was still thinking of persuading him to give up the idea of ​​going to Mount Sumeru for the time being.

A smile appeared on the corner of the Holy Prince's mouth, he thought for a while, and then he took the initiative to say:

"Ye Fan, you really don't need to worry about me. I'm not alone in the West Desert this time."

Hearing this, Ye Fan immediately raised his head and looked curiously at the Holy Prince opposite.

Fortunately, the person wasn't planning to show off, he just smiled and whispered mysteriously:
"To be honest, in the past, when my father was around, he arranged a marriage for my uncle. The other party was the princess of Shencanling."

"If it weren't for the great changes in the world at the end of the ancient times, when everyone was in danger, and the various tribes were busy with self-proclaiming, the two should have been married long ago."

Speaking of this, the Holy Prince couldn't help showing a reminiscing look on his face, obviously quite regretful about it.

"Now, Shencanling is born again, and my aunt who hasn't passed the door has also awakened."

"This time, when I went to Xumi, Princess Shencan once said that if I don't even see my uncle, she will come to ask for an explanation with the imperial soldiers."

 There will be two more updates after 19:30 p.m.

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(End of this chapter)

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