Chapter 958
Hearing the words of the Holy Prince, even Ye Fan couldn't help but widen his eyes.

His gaze towards Dou Zhan Sheng Yuan was filled with a slightly weird expression.

After fighting for a long time, it turned out to be a family drama, right?
Although Ye Fan only twitched the corner of his mouth and didn't comment too much on this, but he couldn't help complaining in his heart:
A daughter-in-law who has never been married, a fiancé who has become a monk...

Even if such a thing happened in the world of mortals, it would undoubtedly become an anecdote in the market.

What's more, now, the two sides facing each other are still the highest holy place of Buddhism - Mount Sumeru, and the ancient empress who is in charge of the imperial soldiers.

"It's actually Shencan Ridge!"

Thinking of this, in Ye Fan's mind, the voice of the evil spirit came again, his tone was quite surprised, as if he was no stranger to this force.

Immediately, he naturally dutifully played the role of an "encyclopedia":
"The emperor of Shencanling is the legendary god emperor who shocked the ancient times."

"The god emperor's life is long, and he once lived in nine heavens and ten places for a long period of time."

"Although his reputation is relatively unknown compared to the Immortal Emperor and the Immortal Emperor, he is undoubtedly a ruthless person, and he may have reached the realm of the Emperor of Heaven."

In this regard, Ye Fan also nodded solemnly.

Today's him is no longer the stunned young man he was before, and he has also dabbled in the realm above the ultimate supreme.

The so-called Heavenly Emperors are the existences that are obviously beyond the ordinary emperors, such as the Ruthless Emperor, the Primal Chaos Emperor, the Beginless Emperor, and the Demon Emperor.

Thinking about it, even if the God Emperor of the past could not be compared with these legendary figures, he was definitely the leader among the many emperors.

The inheritance it left behind is naturally no small matter.Shencanling is a big royal family in itself, and it is really shocking to be married to the Holy Emperor Douzhan.

In fact, the emperor is far more respectable than Ye Fan imagined.

You must know that the Nirvana method left behind by Emperor Yuan in the Heavenly Palace on the other shore at the end of the only ancient road is the method of transformation from the silkworm.

He not only observed the transformation of the emperor, but also discussed the Tao with the latter, and gained a lot, which is why he created this kind of supreme magic method.

Emperor Yuan announced this law and engraved it in the Heavenly Palace on the other side. I don't know how many emperors and great emperors, as well as heroes of heaven, have been engraved by Ze.Among them, there is naturally the indelible contribution of the God Emperor.

Especially in today's forbidden zone of life, there are many supreme beings who have transformed into another life according to this method.

Therefore, all the venerables are sincerely in awe of the God Emperor.

In the eyes of many Supreme Beings, the God Emperor himself may not have passed away, and it is very likely that he is undergoing some amazing transformation.

Of course, about this point, the current Ye Fan is naturally completely ignorant.

At the same time, after being reminded by the evil ghost, Ye Fan seemed to remember something again, and immediately raised his head, looked at the Holy Prince opposite, and asked curiously:
"I don't know, Holy Prince, your aunt, uh... Princess Shencan, what state is she in now?"

In this regard, the Holy Prince did not hesitate at all:

"She's a Patriarch."

Speaking of this, the Holy Prince thought for a while and explained to Ye Fan:

"The so-called ancestral king is the respectful name given to the strong by the creatures of all races in the ancient times, which is equivalent to the saint king of today."

"As for the princess, she has amazing talent and profound cultivation, and she is not far from the realm of the saint king."

Hearing this, Ye Fan's expression also became solemn.

An ancient empress close to the realm of a saint king, in charge of the imperial soldiers left by her ancestors.

Today, the top combat power of the major supernatural forces of Beidou is nothing more than this.

What's more, he is not alone. Behind him is a supreme royal family sealed since the end of ancient times. There are many saints among them, even the great saints and quasi-emperors.

This is a powerful force capable of affecting the Beidou pattern.

What if Princess Shencan, together with the imperial soldiers and several other saints of the clan, went to Mount Sumeru together.

At that time, if the emperor soldiers of Amitabha Buddha and Dou Victory Buddha do not come out, Mount Sumeru may be really difficult to parry.

Thinking that there might be such a possibility, Ye Fan couldn't help feeling overwhelmed.

He believed that the other transcendent forces of Beidou were also looking forward to this picture.

However, thinking about this, Ye Fan immediately realized another more important thing.

I saw that Ye Fan suddenly raised his head, his eyes were burning, he looked straight at the Holy Prince opposite, and asked in a deep voice:
"Dare to ask the Holy Prince, apart from the lineage of Dou Zhan Sheng Yuan and Shen Canling, are there other ancient royal families born?"

The Holy Prince is not a mediocre person, he can guess a thing or two about what Ye Fan is thinking, and then he said solemnly:
"Fellow daoists, in the past, the reason why we and other ancient clans proclaimed ourselves was to avoid the catastrophe of the end of the ancient times; as for the second, it was naturally to preserve our strength and wait for the deduction of the ancient emperors. The Golden World."

Speaking of this, the Holy Prince paused, as if he remembered something from the past, and couldn't help feeling sad.

Fortunately, he was not very human after all, so he quickly calmed down and continued:

"Now, the road to immortality is about to open, and we and other races will naturally lift their seals and be born again."

"Among them, not only our royal family, but also many royal families are all powerful."

As the voice of the Holy Prince fell, Ye Fan's expression naturally became more dignified.

In fact, the monks in the present world are not ignorant of the ancient myriad races.

Because, some strong ancient clans, such as Yuanhu Lake, chose to unblock them in advance after passing through the end of the ancient times, and they have survived forever in the world.

Although the remaining royal families and royal families are definitely not comparable to the original lake, according to what the Holy Prince said, almost all of these races have saint-level ancestors sitting in town.

Such a huge force will definitely have an impact on Beidou's current structure.I just hope that it will not be a waste of life, and it will be good to bring disaster to all living beings...

On the other hand, the Holy Prince, seeing Ye Fan was silent, with a thoughtful look on his face, a smile appeared on his face, and he patted Ye Fan's shoulder more relievedly:

"Brother Ye, you don't need to be so worried. We have waited for the various tribes in the ancient times to seal them up to now. All we do is to witness the opening of the Immortal Road."

"As for the opportunity to become an immortal...under extreme conditions, I'm afraid I don't even have the qualifications to participate in the competition."

Having said that, the Holy Prince just shook his head helplessly.

Ye Fan also deeply agrees with this.

Although the ancient clans are indeed powerful, the major inheritances of Beidou are not incompetent people. They are in charge of the emperor's soldiers of the extreme way, and there are saints in charge, so there is no fear at all.

Furthermore, in today's major restricted areas of life, there are Supreme Beings dormant and in a perfect state.

As for the current world, there are even the human race Emperor Jiuyou and others covering the world of mortals, and it is not up to others to be presumptuous.

If the various ethnic groups in the ancient times really wanted to start a turmoil, there might be only one end waiting for them.

Seeing Ye Fan's expression returned to normal, the Holy Prince smiled and said:

"Besides, all the ancient emperors in the past, including my father, recognized the harmonious coexistence of all races. Thinking about it, it should be the same in this life."

Putting aside the worries about the birth of the ancient ten thousand races for the time being, Ye Fan's mind became active again, his eyes were even more blazing, and he looked at the Holy Prince opposite:

"Since all the ancient clans are going to reappear, then the relatives and children of the ancient emperors should also be born..."

Although Ye Fan's tone was still calm and calm, how could the holy prince, who was also a fighting madman, not feel the surging fighting spirit in it.

 Sorry, the author will have to eat first, so Chapter 3 may only be updated later.

  It will be updated at 21:30, sorry again.

(End of this chapter)

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