Chapter 959 My Son Wang Teng——

Not long ago, Ye Fan and the Holy Prince had a hearty battle, and they didn't know each other.

At the same time, Ye Fan also truly realized the extraordinaryness of the ancient emperor's parents and children, far beyond his previous imagination.

If it weren't for his practice of the source of heaven, and his ability to use the dragon energy of the earth veins for his own use, he might really lose to the holy prince.

Although there are many reasons why Ye Fan missed the opponent's four small realms, the strength of the ancient emperor's parents and sons can also be seen.

For example, taking Fluctlight as an example, the other party is regarded as a once-in-a-lifetime genius in the Holy Land, who was established as the Son of God early on, and was even given the name of "Valvelight".

But if he were to fight fairly with the Holy Prince in front of him, there would definitely be no suspense, the only outcome would be defeat.

It's not that they are unbearable, but that the ancient emperor's parents and sons are so powerful, which is really unimaginable.

Under normal circumstances, the descendants of the emperor, the most powerful blood in their bodies will gradually become thinner with the inheritance of successive generations.

Therefore, the blood power of the supreme parent and child is often the strongest.

And the blood of the supreme being of the extreme path endowed them with potentials and talents far beyond ordinary people.

Judging from Ye Fan's personal experience in fighting the Holy Prince, the physical strength of the ancient emperor's parents and children is no less than that of the ancient holy body in the current state.

Not to mention, they are practicing the supreme scriptures that are most suitable for them, and the Supreme One has washed their tendons and marrow for them to create the most solid Dao foundation.

The father and son of the ancient emperor in the same realm are by no means weaker than the enlightened ones of the past, and may even be stronger!

Under normal circumstances, except for those amazing talents who are astonishing and brilliant, only those possessing the strongest physique like Ye Fan can compete with them.

On the other hand, if Ye Fan really wants to sharpen himself with a big battle, being an emperor is indeed his best choice.

Thinking of this, Ye Fan couldn't help feeling overwhelmed, and his whole body was filled with a blazing and boundless fighting spirit.

If the Holy Prince hadn't fought him just now, he might have been unable to resist.

Shaking his head and temporarily suppressing the complicated thoughts in his mind, the Holy Prince immediately said with a rather embarrassed expression on his face:

"Eh... Before that, I left in a hurry, and the rest of the ancient royal family has not been completely released, but it is true that I haven't had time to visit them."

Hearing this, Ye Fan couldn't help showing a slightly regretful look on his face, but the Holy Prince changed the subject:
"However, it is said that the prince of Blood Phoenix Mountain and the princess of Huolin Cave have all been born and are walking in the world."

"If you think about it, it won't be long before you become famous."

Although he had never met, the Holy Prince had no doubts about their strength.Even he himself is quite looking forward to fighting them in the future.

Seeing the excited expression on the face of the Holy Prince, Ye Fan couldn't help but joked:

"So many of you ancient princes and princesses have proclaimed themselves in this life, you really want to make the arrogance and heroes of this life despair."

As Ye Fan said this, he couldn't help shaking his head, as if he was quite emotional about it.

Hearing this, the Holy Prince smiled and shook his head:

"Fellow Daoist's words are wrong. Although the existences that can be sealed by the ancient emperor are almost all the strongest among their heirs, whether they can ascend to the highest place in the end is not determined by blood."

"And the more you practice to a higher level, the role that blood and physique can play will often only become smaller and smaller."

"Not only that, but at that time, the Dao of our fathers will become a shackle that restricts us, making it more difficult for us to take that step than other people who will become enlightened."

As the parent and son of the Holy Emperor Dou Zhan, he naturally has the most say in this matter.

On the other hand, Ye Fan couldn't help thinking of the legendary Emperor Wu Shi, the Demon Emperor, and the descendants of Emperor Yuan.

They all broke the shackles of the Dao of their parents, and finally proved the Supreme Dao Fruit.

Ye Fan, as an ancient sacred body, was born with the curse of enlightenment, but he has "the same method but the same effect" with the ancient emperor's parents and children.

His Dao heart is firm and resolute, so he naturally regards the Great Emperor Wushi as a role model, and in the future, he will break the shackles and prove himself as the emperor like the ancient saint emperor!
It's a pity that even the Holy Prince didn't know the whereabouts of the other princes and daughters, which made Ye Fan's plan to "practice" with them in vain.

"In the future, if I want to discuss with the ancient prince, I'm afraid I will have to trouble you, the holy prince, to contact me."

Ye Fan patted the Holy Prince's shoulder with a smile, and said so.

The Holy Prince on the opposite side did not hesitate at all, and immediately assured:
"I will handle it."

"If they can fight Ye Fan, they should be very happy."

The words of the Holy Prince were indeed not exaggerated.

Today's ancient sacred body was called the Immortal Golden Body in the ancient times.

The saying that the golden body can be achieved by fighting to achieve Taoism has existed since ancient times, and it is by no means a lie.

Even before the holy emperors of the ancient times broke the spell and successfully proclaimed the Tao, if a great indestructible golden body appeared in a certain life, it was often an uncrowned emperor, second only to the real extreme powerhouse.

In fact, under normal circumstances, the vast majority of ancient princes may not be able to reach the realm of Dacheng Holy Body.

It's just that these heirs who can be recognized by the ancient emperor and sealed to future generations still have that kind of potential.

Now that things are over, the Holy Prince will continue his journey to the West Desert.

At the same time, he naturally invited Ye Fan to accompany him.

After the latter thought for a while, he agreed.

First of all, Ye Fan has long been curious about the Buddhist kingdom on the land of Ximo, and he doesn't want to miss the possible big event of the Princess Shencan rushing into Mount Sumeru;

Secondly, Ximo was actually one of the destinations he wanted to visit this time around.

You must know that Jin Chanzi, who took the Kowloon coffin and came to Beidou together in the past, and several classmates disappeared in this area.

Ye Fan has always attached great importance to love and righteousness. Now that he has achieved success in cultivation, he naturally wants to go to the West Desert to find out their whereabouts.

The two hit it off and set off immediately.

And their first stop was to rush to the territory of Zhongzhou, which is the nearest city of God.

Afterwards, they "transferred" through a Daoyu gate, and finally crossed the entire Zhongzhou, heading towards Mount Sumeru, the westernmost point of Beidou.

Fortunately, the two of them were monks in the realm of transforming dragons, and they also practiced profound secret techniques. They really shrank into an inch, and the world was so close, they soon approached their destination.

As Yuan Tianshi, Ye Fan can clearly sense the activity of the underground dragon since he stepped into the Zhongzhou area, the dragon's energy is transpiring, and the atmosphere is myriad.

And this is not the real ancestral Longting in Zhongzhou, but just a few offshoots.

When Ye Fan came to Zhongzhou, he was like a fish in water, and his combat power had been greatly improved. If he stood on top of a real dragon, he could even fight against the monks of Sendai.

In addition, along the way, he and the Holy Prince unexpectedly met many monks.

I saw that the rainbows of celestial lights, resplendent and gorgeous, shuttled across the sky, really densely packed, really amazing.

Among them, there are old people who have practiced for many years, and young monks who can barely be called Tianjiao Yingjie, all of them are in a hurry, and go in the same direction.

The two were naturally quite curious about this, and immediately stopped one of them at will.

After questioning, they suddenly realized.

It turned out that there were two Gai Dai Tianjiao who wanted to fight outside the divine city of their destination.

And these two arrogances, even Ye Fan, who had been living in the Holy Land of Shaking Light before, had heard of them.

"Holy Prince, how are you?"

Ye Fan looked at the Holy Prince beside him with a teasing expression.

The latter is a natural fighting maniac. After hearing about the brilliant achievements of those two people from Ye Fan, he couldn't hold back anymore and his blood boiled.

"I'll stop by and have a look, it's okay!"

After making up their minds, the two set up Shenhong and headed towards the ancient battlefield.


Before the two of them really got close to the core of the great battle, they saw the divine splendor flickering all over the sky, the void avenue roared, and the law wailed.

Accompanied by the real dragon, divine phoenix, white tiger, basalt and other fairy phantoms, they are all lifelike and majestic.

At the same time, there was a triumphant voice from the front of the crowd:

"My son, Wang Teng, has the appearance of a great emperor—"

 Three changes completed.

  The update of this chapter is a little later than the author expected, I am very sorry.

  Tomorrow Monday, two shifts will resume, one at 20:30 and one at 23:50.

  Finally, near the end of the month, I have received a lot of support from everyone, thank you very much!The author will do his best to write the follow-up plot well!
(End of this chapter)

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