Covering the sky: At the beginning, the emperor invited me to become a fairy

Chapter 960 Northern Emperor Teng, Eastern Desolate God King

Chapter 960 Northern Emperor Teng, Eastern Desolate God King

Zhongzhou, outside a certain divine city on the border with Donghuang.

At this very moment, among the younger generation of Beidou, the two legendary heroes of the Five Realms are engaged in a world-shattering battle in the ancient battlefield in front of them.

And around the ancient battlefield, no matter in the clouds or on the ground, there are powerful figures standing one after another. Not only Zhongzhou and Donghuang, but also Beiyuan, Nanling, and Ximo have masters coming here to watch the duel between the two .

Among them, there are many strong men who have the realm of Dao Slashing King.Even, many people believe that there must be a saint in person secretly.

Ye Fan and the Holy Prince came hand in hand, and what caught his eyes was such a crowd of people.

Since the two got the news relatively late, and they did not make a big fuss or reveal their identities, they can only stand in a relatively distant area and cannot see the real scene of the war.

However, in this densely packed crowd, although there was a lot of noise, there was such a voice, like the roar of divine thunder, which kept echoing here, and it was particularly ear-piercing:
"My son, Wang Teng, has the appearance of a great emperor—"

Hearing this, the corner of Ye Fan's mouth could not help but twitch slightly, while the Holy Prince beside him frowned.

Immediately, the Holy Prince said with disdain on his face:
"Hmph! Don't say Zhan Dao, Saint Realm, but now he is just a guy who hasn't even opened up the secret realm of Xiantai yet, and he dares to boast that he has the appearance of a great emperor. He is really boastful!"

As the parent and son of the Holy Emperor Dou Zhan, he naturally knows how difficult it is to achieve the Supreme Being, and he is even more sincerely awed by the existence of this series.

Among the emperors in the ancient history of cultivation in the human world, which one is not amazingly talented, and even more unimaginable by ordinary people, the grandeur is beyond imagination.

Therefore, even though the Holy Prince learned from Ye Fan that the man's performance was indeed not bad, he still dismissed it.

Since the Holy Prince didn't hide anything and was open and frank, the monks around the two of them naturally and completely heard what he said, and they all widened their eyes, looking curiously, as if they wanted to see who it was that dared to despise a generation like this Tianjiao.

Immediately, more enthusiastic people stepped forward and explained to them:

"The two fellow Taoists may not know that this Northern Emperor Wang Teng is definitely not in vain. Many years ago, he defeated all the strong men of the younger generation in Beiyuan. .”

The man's voice fell, and someone spoke again, sincerely saying:
"Wang Teng's growth trajectory is really extraordinary, and it is similar to the experience of many great emperors when they were young."

"Some people say that Wang Teng is the reincarnation of the ancient emperor, and he is destined to be glorious in his life. Others say that he has obtained all the inheritance of a certain great emperor."

"But no matter what the truth of the matter is, there is no doubt that Wang Teng is powerful, and he is regarded as a strong contender for the leader of the younger generation of Beidou!"

Speaking of this, the young monk's eyes could not help showing envy and awe.Most of the other monks present were also like this.

In contrast, Ye Fan still looked calm and calm, looked at the Holy Prince aside, and said in a casual tone:
"Even if he is really the reincarnation of the ancient emperor? In this life, he may not be able to be the champion."

The two looked at each other and smiled, saying nothing.

Seeing this, the monks around shook their heads helplessly, thinking that the two people in front of them were really arrogant, and they didn't take Bei Di seriously.

In fact, what Ye Fan said was not an exaggeration.

After all, he really knew that many ancient emperors in the ancient times sealed their most outstanding children into this life, and it seems that the emperors should do the same.

Even regardless of the geniuses who will rise in this world, these characters alone are not much weaker than the ancient emperors when they were young.

Moreover, Ye Fan didn't really believe Wang Teng's so-called reincarnation of the ancient emperor.

Just when Ye Fan's thoughts were ups and downs, the evil spirit in his mind also spoke out, and said with the same disdain:
"Hmph! If it really was a certain ancient emperor who had Nirvana and rebuilt his first life, even if the opponent was a chaotic body, in the current state, it would be impossible to fight to such an anxious point."

As the god Nian who was the most powerful person in the past, the evil ghost has a deep understanding of the power of the Supreme Being, far above other monks.

This kind of character, even if his cultivation base is cut off, relying on his own experience and understanding of the Dao, at a low level, he should undoubtedly reduce the dimension and attack it.

But no matter what, since Ye Fan and the Holy Prince have come here, it would be a pity if they couldn't watch the battle.

Having made up their minds, the two looked at each other, and immediately stepped forward.

However, the two people's cultivation in the Dragon Transformation Secret Realm is not outstanding here, and the best "observation platform" in front of them has already been occupied by monks above the realm of Xiantai.

Fortunately, Ye Fan's body was sealed with a sacred weapon handed down from Fluctlight.

Although, under normal circumstances, he would not take the initiative to use this thing, but now, it happens to come in handy.


Accompanied by the calmness like the sea, the faint majesty of the saint pervaded, many monks present couldn't help shivering, and looked at Ye Fan and the holy prince in awe.

One must know that even the most outstanding disciples of many Beidou dynasties, great religions, holy places, and aristocratic families often cannot carry holy soldiers with them when they travel.

In their opinion, if the two people in front of them were not amazingly talented, they must have great backgrounds.

And no matter what the situation is, it is definitely not something that ordinary monks can provoke.

Therefore, Ye Fan and the Holy Prince naturally went straight to the front of the audience without hindrance.

Sensing the aura of the Holy Soldiers, many Dao Slashing Kings present cast curious glances at them.

The eyes of Ye Fan and the Holy Prince only stayed on the people around them for a moment, and then they fell on the ancient battlefield.


I saw that the sky was full of bright and gorgeous clouds, and a heroic and majestic figure stood in the midst of it.

The man's black hair was thick and scattered around his chest and back, his knife-sharpened face was extremely firm, his skin was bronze-colored, his whole body was shrouded in golden light, and surrounded by many fairy shadows, he really looked like a heavenly emperor in the dust.

Northern Emperor Teng!

At this moment, his hand is holding a golden sword, majestic and vast.

Wang Teng's eyes were blazing, and there was a high-spirited fighting spirit in them, which was so breathtaking that many monks present did not dare to look directly at him.

Seeing this, even Ye Fan and the Holy Prince couldn't help but nodded.

It has to be said that this Wang Teng claims to have "the appearance of a great emperor", but he does have two brushes.

But at this moment, the person who was confronting Wang Teng was naturally equally extraordinary, even more extraordinary.

I saw that opposite Wang Teng, in the boundless void, was a young man in purple standing proudly on the spot.

The man had a handsome appearance, a majestic aura, and a pair of deep-set eyes, as bright as stars.

Not only that, but there is a faint divine light all over his body, exuberant as a vast ocean of divine energy and surging blood, like the lower realm of the gods above the nine heavens.

Ji Family God King Body, Ji Haoyue!
 The second update will still be updated around 23:50.

  Thanks again for all your support!
(End of this chapter)

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