Chapter 961 Chaos Ancient Vs Void

In the past, when Ye Fan first arrived in Beidou, shortly after he fell from the restricted area of ​​the sky, he was locked by the major forces that had been waiting for a long time.

Among them, apart from the Supreme Elder of the Yaoguang Holy Land, Fairy Yaochi, the Holy Master of the Ji Family, and the lineage of the Holy Body also participated in the fight against Ye Fan.

At that time, Ji Haoyue and his younger sister were also on the spot, standing behind the Holy Master of the Ji family.

Therefore, today, Ye Fan naturally recognized at a glance that the person who fought against Wang Teng was Ji Haoyue.

Thinking of this, Ye Fan's eyes were shining brightly, and he looked at the imposing figure in the void of the ancient battlefield.

You know, the reason why the Ji family was not so eager to compete for Ye Fan in the past was because they already had Ji Haoyue who was a god-king body.

Although, among them, Ji Haoyue is a direct descendant of the Ji family, and they must be more willing to devote their efforts to Ji Haoyue, but his extraordinaryness must not be underestimated.

Including the Holy Master of the Ji family, I am afraid that many strong people think that Ji Haoyue's future achievements will not be weaker than the ancient holy body.

Just as the thoughts in Ye Fan's mind were fluctuating, the battle on the field was naturally still going on fiercely.


In the ancient battlefield, under the radiance of the divine splendor, Wang Teng, who looks like a heavenly emperor, swung his divine sword, and cut out a golden sword glow hundreds of feet long.

This sword radiated a terrific power, as if it wanted to cut off all the karma of the primordial spirit in the world, which made many monks in the Xiantai realm present terrified.

As for the kings of the Immortal Three Dao Slashing Realm, they all nodded appreciatively.

However, in the face of Wang Teng's menacing attack, Ji Haoyue's expression on the opposite side remained unchanged, with a slight smile at the corner of his mouth, showing his calmness and composure.


Immediately, with the spread of some strange fluctuations in the void, the world in this area dimmed in an instant, and the original blue sky and white sun were replaced by night.


Behind Ji Haoyue, a boundless blue sea manifested, with rough waves and unsteady waves.

At the same time, an extraordinarily bright moon rose slowly, and finally hung high above the blue sea, shedding endless holy brilliance.


I saw that Ji Haoyue in the blue sea didn't move at all, she stood with her hands behind her back, only the bright moon above her head flickered, easily annihilating the severed golden sword light into nothingness.

"The moon rises from the sea!"

"He actually cultivated such a vision!"

Among the onlookers, there were many well-informed and knowledgeable people, so they naturally recognized him quickly.

This is an ancient and powerful vision. Throughout the ages, there are very few people who have cultivated it, which is really rare in the world.

Seeing this, at the front of the crowd, a middle-aged man could not help showing a rather complicated expression in his eyes.

The man was the head of the Wang family in Beiyuan, the father of Wang Teng——Wang Chengkun.

The previous "My son Wang Teng, has the appearance of a great emperor—" came from his mouth.

Although Wang Chengkun's realm cultivation is not outstanding among the many Dao Slashing Kings present, he is undoubtedly one of the focal points of this place.

In fact, with his talent and strength, he was able to become the head of the Wang family because of Wang Teng's amazing performance.

Taking a panoramic view of the battle in the field, Wang Chengkun immediately looked at another middle-aged man with extraordinary martial arts beside him, and said with sincere emotion:
"The Divine King Body of the Ji family is truly indistinct. It has grown to such an extent that I am really in awe."

Hearing this, the Patriarch of the Ji family could not help but smile, and said politely:

"Patriarch Wang praised you absurdly. You have a son like this, so you really envy how many fellow Taoists."

The words of the Patriarch of the Ji family are not entirely commercial bragging.

You must know that the Ji family is the inheritance of the extreme way, and the accumulation is profound, and it has more than one Godless scripture.

And Ji Haoyue is a god-king body, a leader of the Ji family's generation, and naturally has been fully cultivated by the family.

In contrast, although the Wang family is quite prestigious in Beiyuan, it cannot be compared with the top transcendent forces of Beidou after all.

Wang Teng does not have a special physique, and he does not have the advantage of family inheritance, but he can achieve such achievements today, and he is on par with Ji Haoyue, which is enough to show his amazing talent and great luck.

The words of the Patriarch of the Ji family were quite useful to Wang Chengkun. Although he waved his hands repeatedly, his face was full of irrefutable smiles.

At the same time, in the ancient battlefield, Wang Teng was not discouraged at all when he saw that the sword he slashed was easily dispelled by the opponent, but became more and more fighting.


I saw, from Wang Teng's dark and deep pupils, two beams of golden dragon-like light burst out, falling straight on to Ji Haoyue who was opposite.

"Martial Eyes!"

Among the surrounding audience, there were exclamations one after another.Even the Dao Slashing Kings couldn't help but change their colors.

They never expected that not only Ji Haoyue, but Wang Teng also had hidden moves, and he had already cultivated the martial arts sky eye.

There is no doubt about the horror of the Martial Dao Heavenly Eye. It can not only see through all illusions, but also capture all the flaws of the opponent in battle. It can be called a sharp weapon in battle.

Compared with the vision of the bright moon in the sea, it is really difficult to distinguish the advantages and disadvantages from the martial arts eye.

The only thing that is certain is that both of them are the top talents in the world, and it is difficult to find someone who can match them.

"When it comes to the younger generation of Beidou, it is rumored that the holy body cultivated in the Holy Land of Donghuang Yaoguang has achieved a little success, and even defeated the son of Yaoguang. Perhaps, it is not certain that he can fight these two people. "

The monks present were discussing the heroes of the world, and naturally many people mentioned Ye Fan.

The name of the ancient Eucharist is like thunder.

The Holy Master of the Ji family in front heard these discussions, and glanced not far away without any trace.

As the king of Dao Slayer, Ye Fan recognized him the moment Ye Fan appeared.

However, since Ye Fan didn't take the initiative to reveal his identity, he naturally wouldn't say anything more.


The void avenue roared, and the law of heaven and earth wailed.

Just as the audience was surprised and moved, Wang Teng and Ji Haoyue had fought dozens of times, and it still ended in a draw, unable to do anything to each other.

Wang Teng's martial arts sky eyes were blazing, and a shocking divine light burst out, accompanied by him shouting:
"Chaotic Sky Secret Technique!"

Seeing this, all the monks present couldn't help being startled, their eyes showed anticipation, and some even whispered:

"The godless law of the ancient emperor."

In the past, Wang Teng relied on this method to defeat several kings in Zhongzhou and became famous in one battle.


Wang Teng's hands went straight into the void in front of him, drawing mysterious traces, distorting the space of this world, and destroying all magic.

A series of terrifying and boundless cracks emerged, interweaving into a skynet, as if they were going to swallow Ji Haoyue on the opposite side and drag them into an unknown abyss.

Wang Teng played the supreme secret technique that belonged to the emperor of chaos, even Ji Haoyue had to treat it seriously.


Facing the overwhelming void and abyss, Ji Haoyue also slapped out with a palm, and a big hand as black as ink emerged, colliding with the sky net formed by the chaotic sky secret technique.

Both are immediately annihilated, returning to nothingness.

"It is said that before Emperor Chaos Gu attained enlightenment, he received part of the inheritance from Emperor Void. Now it seems that the rumors are true."

A certain emperor from Zhongzhou said with emotion, which was recognized by many monks present.

The collision of secret arts between Emperor Chaos Ancient and Emperor Void is still equally divided.

Suddenly, Ji Haoyue, who was standing in the blue sea, suddenly raised her head and said indifferently:

"Come and don't come, it's indecent."

As the voice fell, Ji Haoyue's aura that belonged to the Void Emperor gradually faded away from her body, replaced by immortal divine brilliance, and a round of crystal clear and dreamy divine ring emerged behind her head.

 The two changes are over.

  Tomorrow there will still be a change around 20:30 and 23:50.

  Finally, thank you very much for your monthly support!
(End of this chapter)

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