Chapter 962 Bipolar Dao Inheritance Collision

Outside the Divine City of Zhongzhou, where the ancient battlefield is located.

At this moment, following Ji Haoyue's words, there was silence all around, and the surrounding monks all held their breaths.

Including Wang Teng, who was majestic and mighty like the emperor of heaven, everyone looked straight at Ji Haoyue who stood proudly in the ancient battlefield.

I saw that his temperament changed in an instant, and the breath of the void avenue that permeated it gradually dissipated.

At the same time, a brilliant aura appeared behind Ji Haoyue's head.

Among them, it seems that there are thousands of star seas up and down, and there are immeasurable divine powers, shining brightly in the world.

But bathed in that dreamy and blurred light, Ji Haoyue's physical body became more and more crystal clear, as if a supreme god descended into the world, majestic and sacred to the extreme.

That kind of power made many monks present fearful, and couldn't help trembling.

Fortunately, among the cultivators who watched the battle between Wang Teng and Ji Haoyue here today, there are many strong ones who have the realm of the king of slashing the way, as well as those who are well-informed and knowledgeable, so they naturally recognized this uniqueness that belongs to the god-king body at a glance.

You must know that the Ji family of the wild ancient family in Beidou Donghuang is not only the descendant of Emperor Void, but also the inheritor of the blood of the god emperor.

The blood of the two supreme beings flows in the body of this family, and they naturally also master the supreme scriptures created by the two great emperors.

Although the bloodlines of most descendants of the Ji family are not pure, and they cannot practice the scriptures of the god emperor to a high level, but every once in a while, there will often be blood "returning to ancestors" among the descendants of the Ji family. "The phenomenon.

His divine blood is pure, so it is natural to practice the scriptures of the god emperor.

The Ji Haoyue in front of her was undoubtedly such a divine king who returned to her ancestors.

And Ji Haoyue's talent is really extraordinary, not only practicing the ancient scriptures with god emperors, but also comprehending the way of the void is not weak at all.

There is no doubt that he is a heavenly genius who has never appeared in the Ji family for tens of thousands of years, and he has naturally been fully cultivated by the family.

At this moment, Ji Haoyue put away the Dao of the Void, apparently preparing to use the God Emperor's Mystic Technique that is more suitable for his physique.

Come to think of it, Ji Haoyue's combat power might also improve.

Realizing this, Wang Teng's eyes were shining brightly, and he couldn't help but feel a surge of emotion.

He is revered as the Northern Emperor, and he has never failed in his practice for more than 20 years.

Now, it was also the first time that he felt such tremendous pressure from his peer, Tianjiao Yingjie.

However, regarding this, not only did Wang Teng not have the slightest worry in his heart, but a blazing and boundless fighting spirit erupted from his whole body.

The struggle between emperors and emperors has always been a sea of ​​corpses and blood.

Since he has already made up his mind to fight for the Supreme Dao Fruit, he will not be afraid, just fight all the way to the top!
Even though he was on the edge of the ancient battlefield, Ye Fan still felt Wang Teng's awe-inspiring fighting spirit, and he could not help but nodded as he could see the resolute expression on his face.

Immediately, Ye Fan said with emotion:

"This person's background is not considered prominent, and his family background is not profound. It is not easy to achieve the current achievements."

Hearing Ye Fan's words, the Holy Prince beside him also showed an expression of approval, and his pair of fiery eyes were shining brightly.

Seeing the appearance of the Holy Prince, Ye Fan knew it in his heart.

The Holy Prince is a natural battle madman, and he would be very itchy to watch the battle between Wang Teng and Ji Haoyue in front of him.

Ye Fan has no doubt that when the battle between Wang Teng and Ji Haoyue comes to an end, the Holy Ape fighting in front of him may be even more difficult to restrain, and he will not be able to resist.

While Ye Fan and the Holy Prince were full of thoughts, the battle between Wang Teng and Ji Haoyue in the ancient battlefield became more intense.


In the boundless void, countless crystal clear light rains fell, surrounding Ji Haoyue's side, reflecting him even more sacred and majestic.

At the same time, his four great secret realms all glowed, accompanied by the bang of the supreme scriptures, and wisps of divine marks were imprinted in the void.

Ji Haoyue is clearly in the ancient battlefield in front of her, but it feels like she is in another big universe.

"It actually evolved into its own God's Domain!"

Seeing this situation, the Dao Slashing Kings present couldn't help being shocked.

They never imagined that Ji Haoyue had already taken this step before opening up Xiantai.

Although it looks a little immature, it can be called extraordinary.

Even the evil ghost in Ye Fan's mind couldn't help but say:
"Worthy of being the descendant of the Void Emperor and the God Emperor, the concentration of the god blood in this kid's body, even if it is not as good as the real God King of the God Race, I am afraid it is about the same."

Ji Haoyue stands proudly in the void, her heroic posture is tall and straight, and her eyes are deep and shining like stars.

I saw that he slowly swung his fists, drawing a mysterious and mysterious trace.


Accompanied by the aura of opening up the world, the stars of the heavens manifested, ups and downs in Ji Haoyue's divine domain.

And within that star, there is immeasurable divine energy, and under Ji Haoyue's impetus, it slammed into the enemy on the opposite side.

Wang Teng waved the golden divine sword, and easily cut through all the big stars.

However, the starry sky was just an appearance, and billions of rays of divine light erupted from it, and then turned into unparalleled sharp sword lights, criss-crossing, trying to submerge Wang Teng.

Faced with the overwhelming slaughter, Wang Teng naturally did not dare to take it lightly, and immediately displayed another supreme secret technique that belonged to the Emperor Chaos Ancient.


In an instant, the Heaven and Earth Avenue shook violently, and everything fell into chaos, both in time and in space, including Ji Haoyue's Myriad Dao Divine Light.It was like being swallowed by an abyss monster, annihilating nothingness.

After dismantling the attack from Ji Haoyue, Wang Teng did not choose to continue to be beaten passively, but took the initiative to attack again.


Where Wang Teng's eyebrows are located, it seems that there is a round of blazing sun, and the myriad of gods are falling down, accompanied by the mysterious and inexplicable supreme rhyme.

Sensing that breath, even Ye Fan couldn't help shaking.

Nine secrets!

Not long ago, he obtained the Xingzi secret among the nine secrets from the burial place of the ruthless immortals, the old Zhun Emperor of Heaven.

And there is a special connection between the nine secrets of mythology, so Ye Fan can recognize it immediately.

Immediately afterwards, there was an exclamation from the evil spirit in his mind:
"The secret of the former word!"

Hearing this, Ye Fan's heart skipped a beat.

The founder of the former word secret is Dao Fa Tianzun in the age of mythology.This secret specialize in primordial spirit, and it should belong to another great sect in the Eastern Desolation and Southern Territory - Du Shendao.But I don't know where Wang Teng learned it from.

For the desolate ancient holy body whose body is strong, the importance of the former word secret is needless to say.

Because of this, what the evil spirit most hoped for Ye Fan to join was to cross the Shinto.

It's a pity that I missed it after all.

Now, the two of them could sense the aura of Qianzimi from Wang Teng, so they were naturally surprised.

Northern Emperor Wang Teng actually possesses nine secrets, which no one has ever heard of before.

From this, it can be seen how much pressure Ji Haoyue put on him, and he had to do everything in his power.


Wang Teng combined the secret technique of the former word with the secret technique of Emperor Chaos Ancient, and unleashed a power beyond imagination.

This shocking blow caused many monks in the first layer of Xiantai to change their colors in shock and felt irresistible among the audience.

Ji Haoyue, who was on the spot, could naturally feel the power of this style more clearly, and he didn't hesitate any longer.

Around Ji Haoyue, the aura of the Grand Dao of the Void emerged again, intertwined with the Taoism created by the God Emperor.It is also a combination of two supreme secret techniques to counter Wang Teng's ultimate move.


The two collided with each other, and the void universe was completely shattered. I saw thousands of chaos surging out, and the fairy light was vast.

 The second update will still be updated around 23:50.

  Thank you again for your support!The author will do his best to write the follow-up plot well!
(End of this chapter)

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