Covering the sky: At the beginning, the emperor invited me to become a fairy

Chapter 963 The Southern Demon Comes, the Fire Lin Princess

Chapter 963 The Southern Demon Comes, the Fire Lin Princess

Although, in the ancient battlefield, it was the chaotic fairy light that flooded everything, but among the monks present, there were many strong men who had the realm of the Dao Slayer King, and their eyes were like torches. At the same time, some people used strange treasures to see the real scene.

"Wang Teng's style is really amazing."

The eyes of a certain emperor in Zhongzhou flickered, he was quite surprised, and immediately said with emotion.

Hearing this, many kings at the front edge of the ancient battlefield nodded their heads in agreement with his judgment.

Among them, Wang Chengkun, the head of the Beiyuan Wang family and Wang Teng's father, had an even more complacent look on his face.

"My son Wang Teng—" was about to blurt out, but he seemed to have thought of something, so he held back abruptly and didn't speak.

This battle is not yet over. Although Wang Teng's performance is extraordinary, but the Ji family's god-royal body is also good, it is still a matter of choice.

Many strong men here had similar thoughts in their hearts, and then everyone turned their attention to the ancient battlefield again, waiting for the two to decide the outcome.

The secret book created by Daofa Tianzun is miraculous. It can not only cultivate the primordial spirit and make the consciousness immortal, but also tap the potential of the sea of ​​consciousness and unlock the most mysterious treasure of the human body in advance.

And once a monk has practiced the secret of the first word to a high level, he can also deduce his fate and predict the future, which really has many wonderful uses.

Of course, although Wang Teng has learned the secrets of the former characters, it can only be regarded as the first glimpse, and there is still a long way to go before the secrets of the former characters are truly mastered.

However, even so, Wang Teng can now use the former word secret to evolve a supreme field and kill the enemy to win.

This time, Wang Teng combined the secrets of the previous characters with the supreme secret technique of Emperor Chaos Gu, which obviously had the effect of one plus one far greater than two.

The secret of the former word deprives the primordial spirit, and the secret technique of the ancient emperor imprisoned the body and exiled it forever.

If Wang Teng was really allowed to fully display this supernatural power, let alone a genius of the same realm, even a great master of Xiantai with a cultivation base higher than him, if he didn't pay attention, he would probably be hated.

It's a pity that Ji Haoyue on the opposite side was equally stunning and talented, so naturally Wang Teng failed to succeed.

Not only does he carry the bloodline of the Void Emperor and the God Emperor, but what is even more commendable is that he is also proficient in the two emperor scriptures created by the two.

Today, in the face of the tremendous pressure brought by Wang Teng, Ji Haoyue also had a flash of inspiration, broke through herself, and miraculously merged the secret arts of the two great emperors together, bursting out with shocking power.

On the one hand, it is the combination of the ancient secret art and the former word secret; on the other hand, it is the collision of the Void Scripture and the God Emperor Scripture.

No matter what the final result of this battle is, everyone present was fortunate to be able to see these supreme martial arts, and this trip was worthwhile.


Only a moment later, a dreamy and crystal-clear figure shrouded in divine splendor was thrown out, smashing dozens of majestic and majestic peaks, and finally stopped.

There is no doubt that that person is Ji Haoyue.

Seeing this, the monks present couldn't help but tremble in their hearts:
Could it be that the Ji family's god-king body was defeated?

Just when such thoughts appeared in everyone's minds——


On the other side, a figure covered in golden light and surrounded by countless fairy shadows was also thrown into the air and crashed straight into the depths of the earth.

Obviously, Wang Teng's performance was not much better.

Only a moment later, Ji Haoyue and Wang Teng rushed out again, standing in the boundless void.

At this moment, the vast chaos and celestial light had already dissipated, and everyone could clearly see the figures of the two of them.

As expected, both of them were in a rather embarrassing figure, and their physical bodies were even more dilapidated, scarred and sluggish. Only a pair of eyes were still shining.

The two stood facing each other, accompanied by a blazing and high-spirited fighting spirit, awe-inspiring.

I never thought that Wang Teng and Ji Haoyue had fought to this point, and they still couldn't tell the winner. They were really evenly matched.

Seeing that the two of them were gearing up, and it seemed that they were about to have another collision——

"Hahaha! Fellow Daoists, please wait for a long time!"

From a long distance away, a thunderous sound came, which shocked everyone present, and immediately looked up subconsciously.

I saw that there was a boundless demonic aura, and in the front were several majestic and majestic figures lined up side by side. They were obviously a few demon kings with unpredictable cultivation bases.

And behind the big monsters, there are two phantoms of ancient palaces, both of which are majestic and majestic.

"That's... the Heavenly Demon Palace!"

"And the Demon Emperor's Palace in Nanling!"

The monks present were from the Big Dipper Five Realms, and naturally some people recognized these two sacred places of the monster clan at a glance.

At the same time, on the edge of the ancient battlefield, the emperor of Zhongzhou, the holy master of the Ji family, and others seemed not surprised by the arrival of the Demon Emperor's Palace and the Heavenly Demon Palace.

"If you want to explore that secret place, you need to wait for the right time. Fellow Daoists came at the right time."

"Simply have nothing to do, I just let the two juniors compete for a while."

Seeing the arrival of several demon kings, both Ji Haoyue and Wang Teng knew in their hearts that today's battle might only end here.Now, both of them have returned behind their respective Patriarchs.

Hearing this, the leader of the big monster glanced across Ji Haoyue and Wang Teng, and immediately smiled and said:

"Unfortunately, the state of the two of you at the moment is not perfect, otherwise, Qi Lin must be taught."

As the voice of the big demon fell, everyone naturally noticed the young man of the demon clan behind him.

That demon clan genius named Qi Lin is heroic and majestic, with black hair like a waterfall, and extremely deep eyes. He really has the invincible spirit of an ancient demon god.

Maybe, it is really possible that there is another existence of Beidi and Shenwang series.

Just as the thoughts in everyone's minds were ups and downs, from the direction of the Eastern Desolation, a blue-purple fairy light burst out, covering the sky and covering the earth.


It seems that a real fairy wakes up and is about to come here, and the world is shaken.

After a while, when the celestial light and mist dissipated, several figures with powerful auras appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

Among them, a young woman's appearance is peerless, with long water-blue hair flying, she can be called peerless.

Although all the monks present were aware of the extraordinaryness of the people who came, it was surprising that no one could recognize their origins for a while.

On the edge of the ancient battlefield, Ye Fan was also full of doubts.

And his eyes kept falling on the mysterious blue-haired beauty.

Ye Fan intuitively felt that the terror of this woman was probably higher than that of Wang Teng and Ji Haoyue.

Immediately, the voice of the Holy Prince sounded from the bottom of his heart at the right time:

"That's what I mentioned to you before, the princess of Huolin Cave."

Hearing this, Ye Fan couldn't help but startled.

The ancient royal family!

Although Ye Fan had already learned from the Holy Prince that the Immemorial Ten Thousand Clans would reappear, he did not expect to meet a real princess so soon.

At the same time, Ye Fan is also keenly aware that the presence of the Ji family, the Zhongzhou Dynasty, the Beiyuan Family, the Ancient Royal Family, and the Demon Emperor's Palace is not just for the sake of watching the war of the younger generation.

 The two changes are over.

  Tomorrow there will still be a change around 20:30 and 23:50.

  Finally, thank you all for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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