Covering the sky: At the beginning, the emperor invited me to become a fairy

Chapter 964 The emperor's son was born, and all religions gathered

Chapter 964 The emperor's son was born, and all religions gathered

Standing on the edge of the ancient battlefield, Ye Fan's mind is full of thoughts.

At the same time, his gaze was still wandering on the princess of Huolin Cave, with a thoughtful expression on his face.

It has to be said that the Goddess of the ancient emperor had a keen sense of spirit, and soon she had a sense. She suddenly raised her head and looked directly at the direction where Ye Fan and the two were located.

Since neither Ye Fan nor the Holy Prince concealed their appearance and aura, the princess of Huolin Cave could naturally be seen clearly.

I saw that on his beautiful and beautiful face, a slightly surprised expression flashed past, and then a touching smile appeared, his bright eyes and teeth were shining brightly, and then he bowed his head slightly, and nodded. nod.

The princess of Huolin Cave seemed quite easy-going.

Such thoughts flashed through Ye Fan's mind.

Since the other party treated each other with courtesy, Ye Fan and the Holy Prince would naturally not be rude, and bowed their hands politely in return.

Immediately, Ye Fan withdrew his gaze, and at the same time communicated with the holy prince beside him with his spiritual thoughts:
"I don't know, how much does the Holy Prince know about this Huolin Cave?"

Hearing Ye Fan's question, the Holy Prince only thought for a while, and then transmitted the sound with his spiritual thoughts.

However, instead of directly answering Ye Fan's doubts, he asked a seemingly irrelevant question:

"More than [-] years ago, during the ancient times, the most terrifying dark turmoil broke out in the history of the human world. Ye Fan, do you know?"

"of course."

Ye Fan didn't hesitate at all.

It was an ancient era, and it was also the biggest turmoil in the ancient history of human world practice. In addition, it was not too long ago, so it was recorded in detail in the major holy places and inheritance classics.

In fact, Ye Fan must know more details than the Holy Prince.After all, the reason why the Ancient Saint Physique got its name is because of the heroism of the Immortal Golden Body in that battle, so he knows a lot about it.

At that time, the Holy Prince should have been sealed in the source of the gods, and he knew nothing about it. Presumably, he should have only learned about it after he was born recently.

"In the end, it was the birth of the Immortal Emperor, who was only one step away from becoming a fairy in the world of mortals, and put down the darkness and turmoil."

Speaking of the Immortal Emperor, the Holy Prince's eyes flickered with a strange expression, but soon returned to normal, and continued:
"In addition to the Immortal Emperor, at that time there were also supreme beings who were born in the forbidden areas to quell the chaos, and several of them, because of their great achievements in quelling the turmoil, were later taken into the Immortal Realm by the Immortal Emperor."

Ye Fan is not a mediocre person, so he naturally heard the implication of the Holy Prince, and couldn't help but said with a look of surprise:

"Fellow Daoist means—"

"That's right, this Huolin Cave is exactly the descendant of the Qilin Emperor who was escorted by the Immortal Emperor and ascended into the Immortal Realm at that time."

She is actually a daughter of the ancient emperor who has become a fairy!
Ye Fan's eyes were shining brightly.And in his mind, the evil ghost also let out a silent sigh.

Although, like the Qilin Emperor, because of various merits, the existence of being introduced into the Immortal Realm by the Immortal Emperor and the Yuan Emperor is not comparable to the emperors who are immortals in the world of mortals, but they can be regarded as ascended to immortality, making the world's strong They are in awe.

"The other ancient emperors often only left their most outstanding children to practice in this life, but the Qilin Emperor sealed the brother and sister Huo Qizi and Huo Lin'er. The strength of the two can be seen."

The Holy Prince's reminder made Ye Fan solemnly nod his head.

In fact, although Ye Fan has a firm heart and invincible belief, this does not mean that he must be blindly arrogant.

He is well aware of the horror of people like the father and son of the ancient emperor, at least at present, he is still unable to suppress the other party.

At the same time, due to the menace and mysterious origin of the Huolin Cave group, there are many interested people present who are paying close attention to the every move of this group of mysterious strong men.

Therefore, they naturally had a panoramic view of the exchange between the fairy and Ye Fan.

It seems that these two juniors seem to know the origin of this group of people.

It's just that almost no one here is familiar with the two, and the two used holy soldiers to clear the way before, showing their identities, so no one made a strong move.

On the other side, the holy master of the Ji family, who knew Ye Fan's heels clearly, didn't look for him, but went straight forward, bowed his hands politely to everyone in Huolin Cave, and said in a deep voice:

"I don't know, where are you fellow daoists from?"

After the words of the Holy Master of the Ji family fell, all the monks present, including the emperor of Zhongzhou, the demon king of Nanling, etc., couldn't help casting curious glances.

To everyone's surprise, none of those powerful kings were the ones talking about it, and they all respected that young woman.

I saw that the latter's beauty flashed, as if he was going to fascinate all living beings, accompanied by his voice like Kunshan jade fragments:

"We were invited by Yuanhu Lake to explore that ancient secret place."

Yuanyuan Lake, located in the northern region of the Eastern Desolation, is the supreme royal family inherited from the ancient times.

Not to mention Beidou, even if you look at the entire human world, I am afraid there is no power that can match it.

Not to mention, there have been several ancient emperors in Yuanhu Lake, and its founder, Yuanhuang, has already proved the Supreme Immortal King Daoguo.Even looking at the past, present and future, it is difficult to find a few comparable ones.

Hearing this, the hearts of the kings of the major holy places, aristocratic families, and dynasties present are enlightened.

Since they came here at the invitation of Yuanhu Lake, it is likely that they are some ancient royal family who have never been born before.

Apart from those powerful people who came from transcendent forces, there were many people present who keenly noticed the "immemorial secret place" that the fairy said.

The vast majority of monks were attracted by the battle between the two Gai Dai Tianjiao. Now it seems that there is a secret behind it...

Just when everyone's thoughts were ups and downs, more powerful men came one after another, and all of them came from those powerful forces that shocked Beidou.

Needless to say about the inheritance of the extreme way, the rest are at least the top forces that have once produced Emperor Zhun.

"The Kunlun Sect is here too!"

After a ray of fairy light fell and the figure in it manifested, exclamations came from the crowd around the ancient battlefield.

Even Ye Fan's eyes flickered with a strange expression.

Kunlun Sect, revered as the mother religion of the Beidou people, has been passed down for more than 200 million years and has never been cut off.

And although this sect has never produced a supreme being of the ultimate way, it also has emperor soldiers just like Yaoguang.

Of course, what concerned Ye Fan the most was the origin of the Kunlun Sect.

On the earth, there is the Kunlun Mountains, which has been known as the source of the ancestors of the Wanshan Mountains since ancient times.

In addition, it is said that the original human race of Beidou descended from outside the territory, and Kunlun was established by that group of people in the past.

Therefore, Ye Fan has always been quite curious about Kunlun, and his original trip to Zhongzhou included a visit to Kunlun.

I never thought that by chance, I would meet here.

At the same time, everyone present also noticed that behind the several kings of the Kunlun Sect, there was also a young man with a majestic appearance and a breath as calm as a mountain, with a faint appearance of an emperor.

Seeing this, although everyone didn't say much, they couldn't help complaining in their hearts:
Ma De, you are hiding quite deep?
It was said before that Wang Teng is the leader of the younger generation of Beidou, why are they all popping up one by one today?

Even Ye Fan couldn't help but nodded when he saw this.

As worthy of being the mother teacher of the Beidou Human Race, it is not surprising that there is such a Gaidai Tianjiao.

In addition to the Kunlun Sect, there are many other powerful forces that will come later, which is really dizzying.

"Purple Moon!"

I saw that Ji Haoyue, who had just gone through a big battle, now glared fiercely at the person coming with an angry and helpless expression.

And the Holy Master of the Ji family beside Ji Haoyue couldn't help but said in a deep voice:
"Little ancestor."

Ahead, a pretty girl in purple looked around like a lively elf.

Faced with her elder brother's "horrifying" expression that seemed to be eating people, Ji Ziyue pretended to shrink back, and hid behind the young man beside her with a face of fear, and then made a grimace at Ji Haoyue, obviously Have nothing to fear.

On the edge of the ancient battlefield, Ye Fan was no stranger to this eccentric woman, and had met once before.

However, his eyes stayed on her for a moment, and then fell on the man beside her, his eyes couldn't help but tremble.

I saw that the young man who was guarded by several kings of the Ji family, although he didn't look very tall, his appearance was ordinary, and his body was even more devoid of power, but Ye Fan had an intuition that the other party might not be weaker than the holy prince and the prince. Fire Lin'er.

At the same time, in Ye Fan's mind, the voice of the evil spirit also sounded at the right time, and said solemnly:

"It looks like it was carved out of the same mold as the Void Emperor of the past."

Hearing this, Ye Fan couldn't help but startled.

Naturally, the hint of the evil spirit couldn't be more obvious.

Unexpectedly, even the son of Emperor Void appeared this time.

Just when Ye Fan was full of anticipation, wondering if he could see more emperor-level figures, he suddenly had a certain feeling.

 Sorry, the author has been busy recently, and the update of this chapter is a little later than expected.

  Chapter 2 will still be updated around 23:50.

  Thank you again for your subscriptions, rewards and votes!

(End of this chapter)

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