Chapter 965

Sensing that familiar breath, Ye Fan smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, and immediately raised his head.


I saw that from the direction of Donghuang, there was a surge of immeasurable holy light, accompanied by the fall of a crystal bright bridge, directly reaching the core of the ancient battlefield.

Anyone with a discerning eye around can see that this must be another top power in Donghuang, otherwise they would never dare to act like this.

Although, among the monks present, there are many Dao Slayer Kings from ordinary sects, or simply casual cultivators, they seem to be not inferior to the powerhouses of the major holy places and dynasties. , but the hearts of these people are like a bright mirror.

This time, the major inheritances of Beidou are really powerful. Even the saints who may have come in the dark are enough to suppress everything in terms of these powerhouses on paper.

What's more, all the sects brought all their most potential successors together, which shows that their plans are very big, and they will definitely not let others get involved easily.

Realizing this, many monks present were quite moved, and they looked at those strong men from dynasties, aristocratic families, and holy places in the field with sincere envy.

Just as the emotions of the surrounding audience were ups and downs, the bright holy light in midair dissipated, and several figures on the divine bridge appeared.

The leader is a handsome, majestic middle-aged man, who is Li Daoqing, the Lord of Light.

And behind him, naturally there are all the elders of the fluttering light.

As the top forces in the Eastern Wilderness and Southern Territories, the relationship between the Ji family and Yaoguang is quite harmonious, so the Holy Master of the Ji family nodded, and took the initiative to say:

"Fellow Taoists from Yaoguang are here too."

Facing the head of a great ancient family, Li Daoqing naturally did not neglect in the slightest, and bowed his hands politely.

After a brief greeting with the emperors and demon kings, Li Daoqing turned his attention to the edge of the ancient battlefield.

The person locked onto Ye Fan almost instantly, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Seeing this, Ye Fan made a statement with the Holy Prince next to him, and then took him into the core circle of this place.

"I have seen the Holy Master, all elders."

Although Li Daoqing was a master of shaking light, he never had any bias towards Ye Fan.

What's more, at present, it is obvious that only the top forces have the opportunity to participate in the follow-up so-called "exploring the ancient secret land", so Ye Fan also brought the Holy Prince along with him.

After all, although the latter has a noble status and is the son of the Immemorial Sage Emperor, but no one from the lineage of the Holy Ape and Shencanling has come to fight at the moment, so he is really weak.

Li Daoqing glanced across Ye Fan and landed on the Holy Prince. His eyes lit up, and he didn't say much, but solemnly said:

"Ye Fan, you will go with us later, don't miss this fortune."

Hearing this, Ye Fan couldn't help but feel moved. He was about to ask him what kind of good fortune he was, but was interrupted by a person behind Li Daoqing:

"You boy! I have been looking for you for a long time before, but I have searched all over the southern region but I can't find it. If it wasn't for the deduction of the ancient sage, I don't know that you have already arrived here!"

The man's beard and hair were all white, but he was full of energy and looked radiant. He was the elder Zong who was quite familiar with Ye Fan.

Facing his teasing and questioning, Ye Fan couldn't help showing a bitter expression on his face, and sighed:

"It's really a long story."

Immediately afterwards, Ye Fan gave a brief account of his experience after leaving Fluctuation, only omitting the details about the identity of the Holy Prince and the battle with him, emphasizing the fact that he was plotted against.

For Ye Fan's short period of time, but it can be called a wonderful experience, even if he shakes the light, he still listens to it with gusto.

At the same time, Ye Fan's arrival also set off a big disturbance here.

"It was him!"

"An ancient sacred body cultivated by Yaoguang—Ye Fan!"

Whether it was the kings of the top forces present, or Wang Teng, Qi Lin, Huo Lin'er, Void Emperor and others, they all cast curious eyes on Ye Fan.

I have to say that it is really the name of a person, the shadow of a tree.

Previously, Ye Fan defeated the Son of Light who was not far from Sendai with his cultivation base of just entering the Dragon Transformation Realm, and he had already established quite a reputation.

In addition, his person is still a genuine ancient sacred body, and the legend of the indestructible golden body is definitely no stranger to the ancient royal family who was born just now.

Invisibly, several Gai Dai Tianjiao listed Ye Fan as one of the most important opponents.

Ye Fan, who was the focus of this place, naturally didn't pay attention to the people's discussions. He just looked at Elder Zong calmly and asked curiously:

"Elder, do you know why all the sects gathered together this time?"

Hearing Ye Fan's question, the elder Zong looked around, and then used a secret method to isolate outsiders from prying eyes. Then he opened his mouth and said in amazement:
"You kid, you stumbled into the place by mistake and arrived here ahead of time. Maybe you are really a destined person."

After some joking, Elder Zong's expression became extraordinarily serious:
"Do you know that not long ago, someone accidentally discovered a fairy burial place?"

Regarding this, Ye Fan had an expression of "Immortal burial place? Isn't it just under our holy land?"

Seeing this, Elder Zong was naturally full of black lines, and said helplessly:
"Don't play dumb, kid! The fairy burial place I'm talking about is naturally not in the Southern Region, but in Zhongzhou."

Hearing this, Ye Fan immediately put away his joking expression, and said thoughtfully:

"Could it be that there is really a fairy corpse buried in it?"

Elder Zong shook his head, and said in a mysterious tone:
"Although there may not be immortal corpses, according to the major inheritances and the textual research of many ancient sages, there may be a road to immortality hidden among them."

Road to immortality!
Not only Ye Fan's heart trembled, but even the evil ghost in his mind couldn't help trembling.

Fortunately, Ye Fan was not an ordinary person after all, he soon came back to his senses and said doubtfully:

"Chengxian Road, isn't it said that it is in our Eastern Wasteland? How could it appear in Zhongzhou?"

"Hmph!" Elder Zong said angrily:
"Of course this can't be the road to immortality that the emperors unanimously deduced. Otherwise, do you think it's our turn to explore?"

While saying this, Elder Zong hinted at the direction of Donghuang with his eyes, and Ye Fan knew it in his heart.

If the fairy road in the legend really opened, the supreme beings in the forbidden areas would have been unable to sit still, how could the world be so peaceful.

"It is said that it is probably a fairy road opened up in the ancient times, but I don't know if it has reached the fairyland."

Elder Zong said with emotion like this, it seems that he is full of longing and yearning for the mysterious Immemorial Immortal Road.

At the same time, Ye Fan naturally also asked the evil ghost about the ancient fairy road in his mind.

"From the age of mythology to the present, there have always been many emperors who tried to fly immortals in the world of mortals. Such situations were indeed not uncommon in the ancient times."

It's a pity, because the time when the evil ghost was active in his previous life was quite far away from the ancient times, so even he couldn't be sure about the real situation of becoming an immortal.

But after the Shaking Light Holy Land, there are still big forces coming.

"My uncle is here too."

Following the arrival of the old monks of the King Realm on Mount Sumeru, suddenly, the voice of the holy prince sounded in Ye Fan's heart, making him shiver.

You know, this is a supreme being who seems to have reached the realm of the great sage, and on the premise that the current supreme being does not appear, he is almost invincible.

Moreover, not only can he represent Mount Sumeru, but he is also the younger brother of the Holy Emperor Dou Zhan, so he is absolutely qualified to use extreme weapons.

Just when Ye Fan's mind was full of thoughts——


I saw that in the far east, a streak of scarlet and flawless immortal light shot into the sky, accompanied by the long cry of the immortal phoenix, resounding through the heaven and earth, and even more extremely powerful emperor came here.

That kind of power changed the color of many strong people present, and even those with low cultivation bases trembled and kowtowed to the ground.

Of course, this is not the birth of the real Supreme, but someone came with extreme weapons.

Relatively speaking, the expressions of the Holy Master of the Ji Family, the Emperor of Zhongzhou, Huolindong and others were quite calm.

"Boy, there are quite a few emperor soldiers and saints here, remember to follow the people who shake the light."

The voice of the evil spirit also sounded at the right time.

As Ye Fan expected, all the sects spent a lot of money this time in order to explore the ancient immortal road.

 The two changes are over.

  Tomorrow there will still be a change around 20:30 and 23:50.

  Finally, thank you again for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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