Chapter 966 Immortal Prince


Just as Ye Fan was thinking, the scarlet and flawless fairy light had already descended on the ancient battlefield.

It was really like a blazing sun falling to the extreme, and several phoenix shadows appeared in the dust, and the divine power swept across the world, making all the monks present tremble with fear.


Accompanied by a burst of strange fluctuations, as if everything returned to ruins, the surrounding fairy lights and mist, as well as many visions, all submerged into the center.

Naturally, the figures of the strong members of the Jiang family also appeared immediately.

As expected by the monks present, there was also a handsome young man from the Jiang family who came here.

However, everyone's eyes only stayed on the young man for a moment, and soon they were attracted by the white-haired old man in the lead.

There is no doubt that this is a strong man who has ascended to the realm of a saint. The fluctuation of the Dao is not concealed at all, and the holy power is surging.

Of course, what is more eye-catching is the thing in the ancient holy palm.

It was a crimson, glittering and translucent sacred furnace made of the legendary phoenix blood red gold.

At this moment, it seemed as if a real sun god bird was bred in the sacred furnace, shining brightly, illuminating the world.

It is the ultimate weapon of the supreme emperor in the past——

Hengyu Furnace!
Such a Taoist soldier is extremely miraculous. To a certain extent, it can be regarded as another continuation of Emperor Hengyu's life, able to protect his descendants.

This can also be seen from the profound heritage of the Jidao Desolate Ancient Family.

Thinking of this, the eyes of many monks present revealed expressions of sincere awe and envy.

What I have to say is that the Jiang family's behavior seems to be quite high-profile.

Although, in other extreme inheritances, there may also be saints descending secretly, and carrying emperor soldiers, but no one is as public as the Jiang family.

I don't know if there is another hidden story behind it...


The old sage of the Jiang family let out a cold snort, followed by his piercing eyes, making the person who was watching from the secret stand upside down, and immediately dared not look any more.

Just kidding, this is a genuine ancient sage who is in charge of the emperor's soldiers left by his ancestors.

Not to mention the ordinary monks present, even the emperors and holy masters are far behind the ancient sage in terms of status and realm.

Fortunately, the ancient sage of the Jiang family didn't really want to overwhelm others with power, so he quickly put away the Eternal Universe Furnace.

As the supreme majesty of the extreme path receded, everyone present couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Of course, their hearts are still heavy.

Especially those inheritance and powerhouses who don't have saints and extreme weapons, they can't think of competing with them at all.

"Everyone, when will I be able to go to that ancient fairy land?"

After a while, the ancient sage of the Jiang family took the initiative to speak, like the thunder of the Nine Heavens God, which shocked all the monks present.

At the same time, naturally, there are many interested people who are keenly aware that everyone in the Jiang family looks a little anxious, as if they are quite eager to explore the so-called immemorial land.

The voice of the ancient sage fell, and before the holy master and demon king present had time to speak, there was an equally old, majestic and vast voice in the boundless void:
"Fellow Daoist, don't worry, if you want to open that ancient secret place, you still need to wait for the Primordial Lake and the Daoists who cross the Shinto Path."


The arrival of people from various sects is by no means as simple as these on the surface. There have been saints who have been secretly here long ago, but they have not shown up before.

Hearing this, the ancient sage nodded, and immediately said nothing more, just sat cross-legged, closed his eyes and rested.

Although the saints of the Jiang family are indeed awesome, it is clear that they cannot despise all other forces.

The rest of the strong members of the Jiang family naturally also took the initiative to come forward and greet each other with people from various religions.

Fortunately, the monks present were not made to wait for too long, and another change came from the direction of the Eastern Wilderness.


Between the heaven and the earth here, there are thousands of auspicious colors transpiring, the divine glow is gorgeous, and there is even more immeasurable celestial light surging forward.

Among them, there is a majestic and majestic golden bridge, which spans an unknown number of miles and descends directly to this place.

The whole body of the golden bridge is bright, surrounded by chaotic energy, as if it has gone through ten thousand calamities and is immortal.

On the bridge body, there are many ancient and complicated Dao patterns, and the fairy light is shining, showing the supreme majesty.

"The Golden Bridge on the other side!"

"Fight Tianzun's Taoist soldiers!"

"It's the Crossing Shinto!"

For this polar weapon, which can be said to be the longest-surviving polar weapon in the Big Dipper, even in the human world, everyone present was naturally in awe.

The end of the world is so close, the visitor arrived at the ancient battlefield almost instantly.

I saw that on the golden bridge on the other side, besides those who had crossed the divine way, there were actually many strong people from the primitive lake.

Although ordinary monks may be quite surprised by this, the emperor of Zhongzhou, the holy master of the Ji family and others are not surprised at all.

The relationship between Du Shendao and Primordial Lake, or in other words, the relationship between Dao Fa Tianzun and Yuan Emperor, is not a big secret for many extreme inheritances.

It's just that, out of awe of Yuanhuang and Xianhuang, most people keep this secret.

Although both belong to the extreme inheritance, in fact, all the forces present may not be able to compare with these two.

Especially Yuanhu Lake, where the two children of the Yuan Emperor testified, it is only tens of thousands of years ago, so it is likely that the two are still in the world.

What's more, if everyone wanted to enter the ancient secret place this time, they had to rely on the primitive lake and crossing the gods to do it.

"I waited for a visit to an ancient land, and I was delayed for a while, but I kept you fellow daoists waiting for a long time."

The old patriarch of Yuanhu Lake took the initiative to speak up and apologized.

The top Beidou forces headed by Huolin Cave, Ji Family, and Zhongzhou Dynasty naturally expressed that they were fine.

"Now that everyone has arrived, I beg fellow daoists to act quickly."

As expected, among the people present, the Old Sage of the Jiang family was the most eager, and said hastily.

Of course, the powerhouses of the other major inheritances also cast excited eyes on them.

Hearing this, the old patriarch of Yuanyuan Lake and the headmaster of Du Shendao nodded, then looked at each other, turned around in unison, and solemnly clasped their hands and said:

"It's time for the emperor to work."

After the words of the two fell, the monks present noticed that on the other side of the golden bridge, behind Yuanhu Lake and the people who crossed the Shinto, there was a young man.

I saw that the man's appearance was impeccable and handsome, making even the most beautiful women in the world jealous.

He just stood there, and he naturally matched with the Dao of Heaven and Earth.

At the same time, his body is crystal clear, his hair is bright, and there is faint celestial light flowing, and his whole body is shrouded in five-color celestial light, really like a supreme god descending from the realm.

"Son of the Immortal Emperor!"

Where the people in Huolin Cave were, there was such an exclamation, and immediately the place was completely silent.

 The second update will still be updated around 23:50.

  Thanks again for all your support!I also wish you all a happy Saturday!

(End of this chapter)

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