Chapter 967

Immortal Emperor!

These four words seemed to carry some kind of magical power, which caused awe in the hearts of all the monks present.

Although millions of years have passed, the distant ancient times are no longer testable, but the honorable name of the person who opened the ancient prosperous age is still passed down in the world.

The Immortal Emperor, revered as the supreme god by all races in the ancient times, reigns in the nine heavens and ten earths, and has always been ranked alongside the mythical emperor, second only to the Immortal Emperor and Yuan Emperor.

Now, like Emperor Zun, he is an immortal in the world of mortals, standing high above, overlooking the ages.

Of course, in addition to this, what makes the world respect him even more is that the Immortal Emperor was born in the ancient times more than [-] years ago, reappeared in the world, and quelled the most terrifying dark turmoil in the past and present. This is undoubtedly a great thing merit.

Because of this, even today, the name of the Emperor is still praised by the world, even better than before.

It is such a supreme god full of legends, whose parents and children appear in the world and appear in front of everyone, which naturally makes people sincerely excited.

However, there are naturally some people who have doubts about this, but they are rejected by themselves.

After all, it was just now that people heard clearly that it was the old patriarch of Yuanhu Lake and the head teacher of Du Shinto who took the initiative to call that handsome and unparalleled young man "Emperor Son".

With the prestige of these two supernatural forces, they have no reason to fabricate a false "Emperor".

In addition, the Huolin Cave on the side is suspected to be a certain royal family who proclaimed themselves from the ancient times.

And their understanding of the Immortal Emperor is naturally deeper.

At this moment, no matter whether it was the princess of Huolin Cave, the emperor of the void, or Ji Haoyue, Wang Teng and others, they all looked at that person.

Without exception, there was a particularly solemn look in their eyes.

At the same time, Ye Fan also asked the evil ghost in his mind:
"Old man, what do you think? Is that guy really the son of the Immortal Emperor?"

Ye Fan's sense of spirit is keen, and he has cultivated Yuantian God's eyes, so he can truly feel the strength of that handsome young man, but as for whether he is the "Prince of Heaven", he dare not jump to conclusions.

Hearing Ye Fan's question, the evil ghost rarely confronted him, but after a moment of silence, said in a very serious tone:
"The power of this son's bloodline is astonishing. It is far above the son of the Holy Emperor Dou Zhan and the princess of Huolin Cave. I have only seen it in my life."

There is still one thing that the evil ghost didn't say, that in terms of physique alone, the "Emperor" in front of him is still higher than the immortal Gutuo he has seen before.

On the other side, Ye Fan couldn't help complaining in his heart when he heard the words:
You are still alive, old man, you have been dead for many years.

However, this is obviously not the point of this sentence.

Ye Fan has always trusted the evil spirit's judgment.In this way, it is almost certain that what is in front of him is the real son of the Immortal Emperor.

And when there were many thoughts in everyone's minds, on the other side of the golden bridge, the prince also slowly raised his head and looked around.

His eyes are deep, and it seems that there is a long river rushing in time, all worlds ups and downs, and the profound meaning of the supreme immortal way flows, even a monk whose cultivation level is far above him can't help but bow his head.

The emperor's eyes were indifferent, and they flicked across everyone's body. Even if he caught a glimpse of the emperor's daughter and the emperor of the Ji family in Huolin Cave, he didn't stop at all, as if he didn't regard them as enemies.

And as the emperor looked towards the people in the Holy Land of Shaking Light, suddenly, a radiant celestial light burst out from his eyes.

However, his target was not Ye Fan, but the Holy Prince beside him.Immediately, the emperor's indifferent voice came:

"In the past, my father fought with your father, but there was no result. I hope you will not let me down."

The emperor's son stands on the other side of the golden bridge, the treasure is solemn, and there is a trace of the immortal emperor's peerless demeanor.

As for the Holy Prince, even in the face of the heirs of the supreme gods of the ancient ten thousand races, he is still domineering, his whole body shines with golden light, and the celestial splendor flows, accompanied by high fighting spirit and fighting spirit, he proudly said:
"I am always with you!"

Although Ye Fan on the side was slightly surprised by this, he was not very worried.

After all, as the fighting holy ape, the holy prince is a born fighting madman.

Even if he really lost to the Emperor, his Dao heart should not be shaken.It is even possible for him to become more courageous in the battle of life and death.

What's more, Ye Fan heard from the Holy Prince that the fighting Buddha of Mount Sumeru had already come here in secret.

As long as the old man is around, even if the old holy ape really sees through the world of mortals and escapes into Buddhism, he probably won't let his nephew die.

At the same time, since the emperor and the holy prince did not hide anything, the monks present naturally listened to the conversation between the two.

"Ever fought the Emperor!?"

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help being terrified and trembling.

You know, the Immortal Emperor is now an immortal in the world of mortals. Needless to say, his talent is amazing, and he can fight against the former Emperor...

"Could it be the legendary Holy Emperor?"

Among the people present, there are many well-informed and knowledgeable people, and coupled with the holy prince's miraculous appearance, it is naturally easy for people to associate it.

I never thought that the heirs of the Holy Emperor and the Immortal Emperor would face off against each other, to continue the unfinished battle in the last years of the ancient times.

Thinking of this, many monks present showed sincerely excited expressions on their faces, and their hearts were surging.

Fortunately, both the emperor and the emperor remained rational and did not fight on the spot.

As for the emperor, he did not forget the main purpose of his trip, which was to lock and open the ancient immortal burial site in conjunction with the original lake and crossing the gods.

Thinking of this, the emperor's eyes flashed with many strange expressions, and he immediately raised his eyes to signal the Yuanhu Patriarch and Du Shinto Headmaster beside him.

Seeing this, the two couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

One must know that the emperor in front of him has a noble status, and it is said that he was educated by the emperor himself for a period of time before being sent back to the human world to practice.

If this little ancestor really wants to make trouble, few people in the world would dare to take care of it.

Of course, what the world doesn't know is that because Emperor Yuan didn't want this son to repeat the same mistakes, he taught him carefully, and his disposition is quite different now.


Accompanied by a burst of strange fluctuations, the void undulates, and the light and shadows are colorful. An old man wearing an ancient Taoist robe, with white beard and hair, and immortal demeanor manifests.

The powerhouses who crossed the Shinto immediately saluted the man respectfully:

"Meet the ancestors."

Seeing this, everyone present couldn't help being shocked.

To their surprise, this time it was actually the ancient sage who crossed the divine way who wanted to do it himself.

However, it is not an exaggeration to think that the ancient and mysterious place is suspected to be related to the road to immortality.

I saw that the ancient sage who crossed the divine way sat down cross-legged, without using any divination fetishes to assist him, and directly activated the supreme heavenly skills of the sect.

At the same time, the immortal platform between the eyebrows of the ancient sage glowed, and hundreds of millions of brilliant rays of light fell down, accompanied by the flow of mysterious and mysterious aura, as if connecting the past, the present, and the future in the dark.

Among the surrounding audience, Wang Teng's eyes froze, and he naturally sensed the aura of Qian Zimi.

However, compared with the Old Sage in front of him, he really can only be regarded as superficial.

I saw that there were mysterious runes arranged in the void, and then under the guidance of the ancient sage, the Emperor of Heaven was wrapped in it.


 The two changes are over.

  Tomorrow there will still be a change around 20:30 and 23:50.

  Sorry, because the author has a lot of things recently, so I haven't had time to make up the two chapters I owed before.

  However, please rest assured that the author will definitely not forget, and will make up for it later.

  Finally, thank you again for your subscriptions, rewards and votes!

(End of this chapter)

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