Chapter 968 The Immortal Road Opened by the Emperor
Outside the Divine City of Zhongzhou, where the ancient battlefield is located.

At this moment, all the monks present held their breaths, their eyes were burning, and they looked straight at the golden bridge on the other side, which was filled with the majesty of the Supreme God.

Accompanied by the ancient sage who crossed the divine way, and the former word secret, one of the nine secrets of mythology, many visions manifested in this world.

In the dark, it seems to have touched the illusory avenue, and the countless ghosts and gods are phantoms, making everyone tremble.

At the same time, more hazy white mist transpired, covering the place.


I saw that at an infinite height, a hole seemed to be broken in the sky, and countless nine-color fairy lights poured down, intertwined with chaos and thunder.

That kind of breath is truly terrifying, even for an ancient sage, it is far beyond what he can bear.

Obviously, his deduction this time undoubtedly touched some taboo areas.From this, one can also imagine the extraordinaryness of that ancient secret place.

Maybe it really has something to do with becoming a fairy?

Realizing that there might be such a possibility, all the monks present couldn't help being shocked, and their hearts were even more turbulent.

And just when the crowd of onlookers thought that the powerhouses of Primordial Lake and God Crossing would take action to resolve the disaster for the Old Sage——

Behind the ancient sage of crossing the divine way, there are a man and a woman, and the figures of two Taoist boys manifest.

Previously, the eyes of the monks around the ancient battlefield were all focused on the ancient sage who crossed the Shinto way, and the parents and children of the Immortal Emperor, but they did ignore others.

Now, when I look closely, I can see that the two Taoist boys have red lips and white teeth, and their temperament is ethereal. Although their cultivation is not worth mentioning in the eyes of the holy masters, there is a certain mysterious and mysterious aura about them, which is not like that in the mortal world. people.


As the brows of the two Taoist boys glowed, the inexplicable Dao power circulated, intertwined with chaotic energy, and resonated with the golden bridge on the other side below them, shining golden light.


Countless celestial lights and thunders descended from the sky, however, before they could approach the real body of the Old Sage, they had already annihilated nothingness.

Seeing this, the powerhouses of various religions showed expressions of astonishment.

Taking a panoramic view of the situation in front of him, a certain Supreme Elder of Du Shendao showed worry on his face, and asked for instructions:

"Teacher, although the brothers and sisters Gu Lin and Gu Fei are miraculous, their cultivation is still relatively shallow. Is this really not dangerous?"

Hearing this, the eyes of Headmaster Du Shinto shone brightly, and he immediately calmed down and said with relief:

"Don't worry, the psychics of the Taoist soldiers left by the Patriarch Tianzun will definitely protect them well."

Speaking of this, the head teacher of Du Shendao paused, and then continued:

"This time, the reason why the two of them are asked to come forward is mainly to allow them to observe the deduction of the ancestors, and at the same time communicate with the golden bridge on the other side. This will be of great benefit to their practice of "Fa Dao Tian Gong" and the secret of the previous word. .”

At the same time, among the surrounding monks, some people naturally saw the miraculousness of these two Taoist boys, and couldn't help but whisper:
"As expected of God Crossing, I found such a pair of soul boys who were born to be close to immortals!"

"Needless to mention the natural talents of the two, it is even more suitable to practice the Heavenly Art and the secret of the former word that should be taught."

Of course, everyone believed that even if there was no such a pair of soul boys, the powerhouses who crossed the Shinto and the Primordial Lake would definitely have a way to resolve the disaster.

After a while, from above the golden bridge on the other side, where the emperor and the ancient sage of crossing the gods sat cross-legged, the aura of the avenue became more and more magnificent, as if a supreme god had descended into the world.


Immediately, the white-haired ancient sage suddenly opened his eyes, and two blazing eyes shot out, piercing through the void.

In the body of the Emperor of Heaven, there was a grand sacrificial sound, and in a trance, it seemed that he had seen the scene of ancestors of all races in ancient times worshiping.

"Could it be that the legend is actually true?"

Seeing this situation, beside Ye Fan, Elder Zong looked dignified and couldn't help muttering to himself:
"That ancient road to immortality was opened up by the Immortal Emperor in the past, wanting to fly immortals in the world of mortals?"

Hearing this, Ye Fan beside him couldn't help but frown.

In fact, his people are not so surprised by this.

After all, the Immortal Emperor is the supreme god who started the prosperous age of the ancient times. Except for the Immortal Emperor and Yuan Emperor, no one in the ancient times can surpass him, and now he has already become a fairy in the world of mortals.

This time, the Primordial Lake and Crossing Shinto made great fanfare and invited out the parents and children of the Immortal Emperor. The hearts of many powerhouses present had already given birth to guesses.


Just as thoughts were running wild in everyone's minds, the deduction of the ancient sage of crossing the gods finally came to an end.

I saw that the whole body of the emperor was full of five-color fairy lights, and a series of golden runes rushed out, illuminating the world.

And the aura emanating from those avenue runes is really terrifying.

Not only that, but the rune seemed to be alive, and it was about to break free from its shackles and escape into the boundless void.

Even if the ancient sage who crossed the divine way personally made a move and displayed great supernatural powers, it would be difficult to stop it.

In the end, it turned into an avenue of immortal light, cutting through the sky and sinking into a certain place in the land of Zhongzhou.

Seeing the rune fleeing, the emperor, head teacher, and holy masters present did not panic at all, but looked confident.

"Let's go, I'm waiting and it's time to leave."

The ancient sage who crossed the divine way opened his mouth, and took the lead, using the golden bridge on the other side, leading the people who crossed the divine way and the primitive lake, and chased after them.

As for the other major forces, as well as the powerhouses of casual cultivators, they immediately showed their magical powers and were unwilling to lag behind.

Among the people present, there are many strong people who are in the realm of Dao Slayer King, and most of them have used strange treasures. Naturally, the world is so close, and they quickly arrived at the destination.

What caught their eyes was a majestic and continuous ancient mountain range, with thousands of dragons steaming and auspicious colors surging, it was really the creation of heaven and earth, it was extraordinary and magnificent.

However, seeing this scene, most casual cultivators couldn't help but feel a sinking heart.

Because, this place has long been blocked by the major inheritances, and more than one saint is sitting here, and the majesty is here.

Originally, they were lucky and wanted to fish in troubled waters and enter the ancient secret land by taking advantage of the chaos, and maybe they could get a share of the pie.

Looking at it now, I am afraid that the religions have already locked the location of the ancient secret place, but they are suffering from being unable to open the entrance of the secret place.

And the dreams of many casual cultivators are obviously about to come to nothing.

I saw that the avenue of immortal light transformed by the golden rune did not stop at all, and crashed into the ancient mountain in front of me.


Accompanied by a huge bang that opened up the world, the vast chaos and fairy light scattered.

The saint present shot to disperse the mist, making the scene in it manifest.

The many avenue runes disappeared, replaced by a pair of pure fairy light, as if the door to another world emerged.

 The second update will still be updated around 23:50.

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(End of this chapter)

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